Why is there traffic on a toll road?

Posted by deleted 8 years, 10 months ago to Business
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Like many of us, I work a 9 to 5. Or a 7 to 4, to be precise. Most mornings, I get to work keeping to the posted speed limit. OK, I tend to go a little bit over... and it seems to seal the driving time in at about 40 to 42 minutes. On the drive home, it's closer to 75 minutes. Of course, the time of day and the demand for roads peaks in the afternoon when most people want to head home and turn on Netflix or CNN. Paying for the drive is expensive enough, with gasoline prices driven some percentage higher here than elsewhere due to the state's prestigious environmental minutiae.

But that's not the main point of this post. Follow me down a free road that connects to a toll road and also, it's reverse. As I said, the drive in the morning is acceptable. Traffic moves and while there are numerous dangers, this is typical driving. On the drive home in the afternoon, well, there is a significant and awful physical danger. The toll road I use flows freely from both directions, the drive is pleasant with the exception of idiot drivers. But then, close to its end, it essentially stops, but only in the right two lanes. This leads to a speed delta between the second and third lanes that basically destroys all confidence in safe driving in that third lane. And let us go with the typical response. The toll roads didn't design properly, didn't account for traffic volume, toll roads and free enterprise are a danger, blah blah blah.

Consider this. The toll road only stops at the entrance to the FREEway (non-toll) or about a mile before. We have all experienced such congestion or at least seen it somewhere. Now, which design is responsible for this serious infraction to safety? Well, logic dictates that if the bottleneck is moving at the same speed as the downstream FREEway, and that the bottleneck is not due to the demand for space on the actual ramp (i.e. speed on the ramp is less than the speed on the FREEway) then the cause of the creeping speed is the downstream FREEway. Don't believe me, empiricist? Then can you explain why a previous interchange (all toll) experiences zero traffic?

My point is not just to argue for toll roads - a legitimate argument itself - though perhaps a tired one for those who heard about them before reading Atlas Shrugged. But my point is more of an allegory as to what transpires in the interaction between economics (toll road) and government (FREEway). At any interchange between the two, it is the slow, the inefficient, the creeping that takes over. And THAT is dangerous. Look at any exchange between the two. Its simple, one produces, the other restricts, regulates, taxes, and loots.

So many people believe in cooperation between government and economics, as if the government's checks and balances system was devised somehow to protect customers ("consumers") from faulty products, whether drugs, or airbags, or roads - rather than to protect individual rights such as, well, freedom to choose a service over a competing "service". These people seem to believe that the government somehow gets those lazy incompetent workers, engineers, and businessmen off their asses to contribute a "fair" product or service. Really? Is that why I have to deal with 0 mph next to 65? Or is it the other way around?

Of course, it is government that slows progress, and progressives who stop it.

To wrap up my drive, I take lane 4, the fast lane, to get home when I am done putting in an honest day's work. Not because I am a speed demon, not because I want to cruise oblivious to those behind me, and not because I think I am better than those stuck in the miserable abyss 50 feet over, but because I know objectively it is the fastest, safest, most efficient way to travel. Objectivism is like that. So when anyone tells me that the cronies take advantage of government, I say yes, that is what a crony is. But when someone tells me that capitalism doesn't improve lives equally, that the government should regulate to achieve a desired effect, that it should tell others to follow their personal whim, please stay clear. Because I, as an Objectivist, am in the fast lane, and all the others who want to be equals, who want to suffer the consequences of enforcing their whim on others, well, they can all go slow together. And when they curse each other and the sky as minutes and hours of their lives pass by, the lights going dim "spark by irreplaceable spark", I can laugh openly. Because I know where I am going and why.

All Comments

  • Posted by CircuitGuy 8 years, 10 months ago
    This is interesting. I think there should be a free market for time on the roads that would fluctuate by the minute with demand and eventually lead to construction of new roads when the market price justified it

    People don't consider the value of time. Sometimes people are travelling to projects that pay $200/hr or more. Some unskilled stuff pays $10. Either way, time travelling take away from time that could be used creating value. It also takes away from things you just want to be doing, like a attending a child's birthday party.

    By making the roads public, we treat all trips equally: a midnight run to get a snack when few want use of the road and a rush-hour trip to a valuable project or cherished event.

    It may feel unfair that it makes economic sense for a high-paid worker to use the road during peak times, while a low-paid worker who struggles more in life gets relegated to using the roads when the rich don't want them. Yes, but what we're doing now is a back-door subsidy of peak times, resulting in clogged roads. If we want to give the poor equal access, admit it aloud by taking money from the rich to pay for their tolls.
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  • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 8 years, 10 months ago in reply to this comment.
    I find most people in my area park on the sidewalk or use it as a convenient place to set out,permanently, trash cans. But to your point or fail to signal turns or ignore a turn signal when I'm in the fast lane and wish to start moving over for an exit. It's the ultimate herd experience coupled with a me first attitude.The only safe way to drive freeways is don't. If you choose to do so it's an admission of a death wish. To add one more element. I've been pulled over for doing 70 in a 60 for impeding the flow of traffic, Opted for a court date and the judge upheld the police officers action due to average flow of traffic nullifying the speed limit or some such not in the law books excuse - but he did nullify the fine. Now that I'm, older than most, I find the safest thing to do is enjoy retirement and take the bus or if it's thrill ride a taxi with a new immigrant driving! Amazing what you can do when your major employer isn't a car.
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  • Posted by khalling 8 years, 10 months ago
    that was a particularly satisfying essay. :) when I visit my daughter in LA, we take advantage of the fast lane because it is the commuter lane (at least two people in the car). the most dangerous thing I encounter on those highways, besides bottle-necking are motorcycles. The refusal to obey the rules of the road by weaving in and out between cars could not be more dangerous to motorists, let alone the motorcyclist. but I never see police pull them over! Police would rather pull over motorists all travelling above the posted speed but in tandem with the speed rate of traffic. safe as houses driving 80 as long as everyone else is, but at stop and go-chaos with motorcyclists
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