Deadly Aesthetics and Anti-gun Addicts

Posted by RobMorse 9 years, 7 months ago to Politics
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My take on self-defense and those who want to disarm honorable citizens.
Anti-gun advocates offer an emotional appeal to an idealized pre-rational fantasy they call gun control. The ideology of disarmament has many aspects that make it an easily marketable idea. It offers a vision of moral superiority and is easily sold.

I think the gun grabbers are crazy. It is time to stop talking about logic and facts with crazy people. The anti-rights ideologues believe that weapons and violence are not the answer, but they have no answers to the real evils in this world. That leaves those of us who live in this world with a few unanswered questions.
SOURCE URL: https://slowfacts.wordpress.com/2015/06/25/deadly-aesthetics-and-anti-gun-addicts/

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  • Posted by Herb7734 9 years, 7 months ago
    To borrow a phrase from Rush, gun grabbers have "heads full of mush." Trying to have a conversation with them is like trying to wade through quicksand while carrying an anvil.
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  • Posted by Zenphamy 9 years, 7 months ago
    I fear that we're dealing with more magic and superstition. If we take away weapons, if we outlaw hate, if we outlaw mean speech, if we make everyone be nice, if..., if...--then even those that fear confrontation and taking the responsibility for pride in themselves and their own defense of person and property will be safe. It's just more religion. Facts and reality don't mean anything. It's not guns they fear, it's having to take a stand or deal with the bad man.

    And they call themselves evolved. They are fools.
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  • Posted by AmericanGreatness 9 years, 7 months ago
    The only thing that will stop a crazy, evil person with a gun is a sane person with a gun.

    The idiocy of the left on this never ceases to amaze... that pesky Second Amendment keeps getting in their way.
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  • Posted by woodlema 9 years, 7 months ago
    Disarmament is fine provided 100% of the population become passive.

    Once you have changed Human nature on a global scale, and 100% of everyone subscribes to the "Do No Harm" then their arguments "might" hold some water, except that would also eliminate hunting and protection from wild animals, so even if human nature were completely resolved, you still have animals to content with.
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    • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 9 years, 7 months ago
      referring back to the only study I've found worth reading which began as an excessive police force and ended up quite differently Johnpe's figures coincide nicely with the Cato Institutes findings as follows. One Percent of police per police population engage in criminal acts of all types the percentage is the same across the range of criminal acts except in one area dealing with underage minors where it is slightly above one percent.

      One percent of the General Population engage in criminal activities as a percentage of the population across the entire range of criminal acts.

      100 percent of the media which diverts attention from the root problem with propaganda is not charged much less convicted of a criminal act.

      To repeat an earlier post. Since police are one of the two main functions of government that one percent in perspective may be likened to one driver out of a hundred who has a defective vehicle, is drunk, under the influence of drugs or or road rage or a combination.

      The congress passed a law demanding these statistics be passed into a central collection ipoint in 1993. Clinton signed it and ignored it. Bush ignored it. Obama is ignoring it though thre are claims to a two year collection. Cato Institute goes back to the nineties.

      One percent does not count outside the country, Not correcting a fault with one percent of the police and excusing the faults of one percent of the population for whatever reason is the fault of the country.

      going back to the percentage provided by woodlema WHY of all societies are we at 99% and holding?

      WTF Up! as in Wake the... and think about who you are voting for? Good choice or just an enabler.
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  • Posted by DrZarkov99 9 years, 7 months ago
    What's scary is that the anti-gun crowd will with one breath say the cops are nothing but homicidal maniacs, and with the next say that only cops should have guns! They live in a world of magical thinking, where the very existence of a law will somehow prevent the criminal act.

    In the Charleston shootings, Roof had the time to reload five times because there was no one else armed who could stop him, and yet the antigunners are horrified at the idea of any law-abiding church member having a gun, because it would have resulted in a shootout.
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  • Posted by $ winterwind 9 years, 7 months ago
    I often say "You can't be argued out of something you weren't argued into.", meaning that if you arrived at your position through your feelings and your wants and your hopes, there's very little chance of getting you back.

    The problem then becomes, how do we stop the gun grabbers who will NOT live in the real world? Many of them are in favor of the police dragging us out of our houses and shooting us down in the streets if we refuse to give up our weaponry. One of them is my brother. He is so frightened that he grasps at anything that might make him feel better - even if it means my death.

    There is no argument possible there. I fear that we must allow them to make the first step in the "by force" discussion, and then respond in kind. They will lose, of course - what will we lose by winning?
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  • Posted by j_IR1776wg 9 years, 7 months ago
    +1 You've nailed it. The anti-gunners are a mish-mash of Platonic idealists- the world they imagine is more real than the one presented by their senses, the altruism and problem-solving skills of five year olds, and the control freaks of the world.
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  • Posted by strugatsky 9 years, 7 months ago
    The Second Amendment is under a fierce attack not because anyone is interested in "saving" anyone's lives, children or any other group. If they were, they would concentrate on serious killers and destroyers of life, both natural and un-natural, not on the miserably small amount of people that are killed through the use of a gun. The Second Amendment is the foundation of all Freedoms promised by the Bill of Rights. If exercised, the Second Amendment is the ONLY guarantor of those Rights. As we all know, that pesky Bill of Rights is a real thorn preventing the socialists from having the Party reign supreme – it must be destroyed by any and all means necessary. None of the other Amendments are worth the paper they are written on unless someone is willing to defend them. And none will be willing to defend them if they won’t have the means. The Party’s marching orders are to take the teeth out of the Bill of Rights and the Constitution and in true fashion of all previous despots and tyrants, to disarm the populace. “Saving children” and other nonsense work for the sheeple; it has nothing to do with reality. But “arguing” this with the pre-programmed idiots is futile – their programming is stronger than anything you can tell them.
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  • Posted by vendicator71953 9 years, 7 months ago
    When a drunk driver has a wreck and kills someone, they never blame the car. When someone is beaten to death with a hammer or bat, they never blame either one. When someone is stabbed to death with a knife, they don't blame the knife. Yet when someone is shot to death, the gun is always the culprit, not the shooter. Disarming law abiding citizens will never protect them from evil people intent on doing them harm.
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  • Posted by cjferraris 9 years, 7 months ago
    I just ask people who are anti-gun, so, if you ban all guns, and criminals refuse to give up their guns, are YOU willing to get their guns from them?
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  • Posted by $ TomB666 9 years, 7 months ago
    These anti-second amendment advocates are being allowed to steer the conversation away from the real point. The second amendment was included in the bill of rights to protect us from the government!

    It was clear that if the colonists had not been armed, they never could have overthrown King George. King Obama, King Bush, King Clinton, etc. all know this - and I think that is why they promote their anti-second amendment agenda.

    As far as self defense against other citizens is concerned, being armed is a great byproduct of the second amendment and where citizens are allowed to be armed, crime against people is lower then in places where that is not allowed. Remember when seconds count, the police are only minutes away.

    There is no logical argument against the second amendment and I want to see the discussion framed in that language rather then calling it gun control. In my mind gun control is hitting what you aim at.
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    • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 9 years, 7 months ago
      No one including those who advocate false interpretations of the second amendment are allowed or disallowed to write anything they please.

      One more time

      Second Amendment until it was disconnected in it's two phrases referred to the States being protected through their State militias. The federal government has no rights granted to deny citizens zippo. They do have a right (See section on Congress I think it's article 1 section 8) to regulate the State Militias among other things. Thee is no byproduct as the Feds have no rights granted and do not grant powers to the citizens it's the other way around.

      Haller vs Washington DC which separated the two phrases put the rest of the complaint back in the hands of the States only directing Washington DC to issue a firearms license to Haller valid in his own home and no further.

      Nowhere in the second amendment does it stipulate beyond the States because they have no right granted to do so and the Supreme Court recognizing that side stepped and made no comment on 9th and 10th Amendment thus affirming they had no rights granted.

      I fully support the position but not with urban legends. the more the second amendment argument is pressed versus the 9th and 10th amendment fact the more likely this goverenment will move to claim the right and then use it.

      Given the current President Obeyme's love of ignoring the Constitution and his lack of knowledge in that area let's not provide him any reasons to attempt another Executive Order.
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  • Posted by johnpe1 9 years, 7 months ago
    as long as there are criminals, they will have guns.
    when worse portable death devices arrive, they will
    have them. . what are the good folks to do? . I want
    a defensive gizmo which stops a bad guy, and his
    weapon, in his tracks. -- j
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  • Posted by GaryL 9 years, 7 months ago
    We just had two murderers on the loose, the first in over 150 years from the Maximum security Clinton Correctional facility. Both required bullets to end their run for freedom. NY has some of the strictest gun laws in this country but you can be sure we all had guns at the ready for the last 22 days. The Sheriff patrol could be over 60 miles away on the other side of my county when I call 911. Fortunately, my call will be to report that I just did their job and no need to rush!
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    • Posted by johnpe1 9 years, 7 months ago
      and 1200 people times 22 days times 24 hours
      equals 633,600 gun-hours during which there were
      NO accidents involving guns. . and BOTH of the
      bad guys were captured with guns. . go figure. -- j
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  • Posted by Owlsrayne 9 years, 7 months ago
    I hate to see what happens to the antigunners if there is an event like in Greece but world wide. I look around where I live and see that most of the people will de-evolve into roving bands of Australopthecines or maybe the Walking Dead. Not that I would like see that happen (the thought is there). Uptopia this isn't. Not one of these Antigun Newspeak people have any knowledge of the Constitution. There illiteracy is astounding!
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  • Posted by $ Olduglycarl 9 years, 7 months ago
    They fail to answer nor acknowledge the question of self defense when confronted with an emanate threat. They really think that you should just stand there and get shot or think you could do something with hurting someone that would surely kill you. Fits into all the non-reality new age thinklessing.
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