What's Your Excuse?

Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 8 years, 10 months ago to History
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Left and Right

With redefinitions corrected

I like to make things easy to understand. KISS principle where ever possible.

I had a hard time understanding the modern day antics of the Democrats and Republicans the so called Left and Right. What they said and what they did had no direct relationship to what they claimed to be. As for their platforms and reality fagiddabouti it! They were as useful as a Presidential Debate or trying to understand Marxist Leninest Economics. It took a while to puzzle it out with some likely and unlikely help along the way.

Lenin himself said one doesn't need to understand Marxist Economics. One doesn't teach it but preaches it as an article of faith - as religion does from a pulpit.

I wondered about left wing airheads like Madonna one of the 'don't you wish you were rich enough to be a liberal' set. Madonna an icon of the left certainly was not in the same class in their classless society and worse had portrayed Evita Peron -categorized as a right wing fascist - and turned her into some inexplicable sort of heroine. What was that all about except for a very large paycheck?' Was she just a script talker for hire or was there a deeper truth?

Along came Brother George Carlin with his Smiley Faced Left Wing Fascist and two related questions.

My military unit - home regiment- had a motto De Opresso Liber. Liberate The Oppressed. Sure did seem like we supported many a fascist dicatorship no matter which party was in power in Washington DC. Still we followed our oath of offie and did the job the American People had sent us to accomplish.

Until one day during the Carter years when military take over invoking our oath of office was being openly discussed in the barracks. Not only the morality but the best strategies. The leadership joined in some of the discussions and it became another in a never ending series of training sessions. International Politics - Revolutionary and Counter Revolutionary Governments - xxxxxxxxxx specific area redacted not that it mattered. It's called area studies. The sessions always led with someone giving their interpretation of our oath of office. In the end with no exception we agreed as long as the Constitution remained in force, preserved, supported and protected against all enemies foreign and domestic...we would honor that oath no matter how ugly the situation in Washington DC. And so we did but we still war gamed the situations and possibilities.

(The words of Janet Neapolitano years later reminded me of those days. "The greatest danger this government faces is former and present US Military." Many wondered why she would say such a thing. Were they not 'our military.' Silly comment. Treat your military with disdain they learn to despise you in return. A lesson lost on most of the public and all the politicians but learned fast and well by the sons and daughters of America who wore the uniform. As I read her words I thought of those long ago days and wondered about the mindset of the present day military. After all this was just past the time when both Democrats and Republicans had joined forces and passed the Patriot Act which contained the fatally flawed section that nullified the entire Bill of Rights.)
And I waited thorough three elections cycles to see if the military would uphold their oath of office. So too waited Neapolitano and her boss, so waited two Presidents and so waited the world for 14 years roughly. Why they didn't act as a legal counter revolution I don't know. I'm not 'in uniform' anymore. I did get some glimmers from present day serving members. "What makes you think those people are worth it?" One common comment. "Where's the leadership? I'm ready?" was another. My answer was always a neutral. Your oath isn't to the people, the country nor to the President and especially not to Congress. It's to the Constitution.

Are they still considered the greatest danger? After all and all it would take is a well constructed five paragraph field order.Who could stand against the US Military? All of law enforcement? Not a chance if they didn't just join in.

It certainly must have concerned the big political powers. We have a Directorate of Internal State Security in the making under the guise of a terrorist protection department. You all the rest of it. They call it protection of the country we call it a protective echelon for the benefit of a few. Translate those two words to German.

We have a President who has come out for building that organization into a greater power than the military.

We have a public that agreed and submitted and worse supported through three election cycles.

Kinda reminds you of of post World War I. DISS is an acronym i made up but when pronounced it's self eplanatory. Anyone whose gone through a TSA shakedown will udnerstand that.

The question remains. Will the military uphold it's oath of office or .......

Are you worth it? No. Is the Constitution worth it? Not according to the existing government.

what say you?

Whatever you say please do not say Thanks for serving your country or worse the smarmy paper or plastic have a nice day thanks for serving your country mumble. We never served the country nor the undeserving. We served the Constitution just as our oath of office demanded - without purposes of evasion.

What's your excuse Mr. President?

(what happened to Carlin and Madonna and company? Soon to be posted in the History section along with Benito M and his name sake Benita Pelosillyni.) Until then remember you treat your sons and daughters in unifor despicably? They learn to despise you in return. Of all people in government they deserve your support more than the rest for they do not come under and count on your to protect their rights under the Constitution while they are protecting your Constitution under the demands of a far less lenient set of documents.)

(Everything goes in the History Section)

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