U.S. employee data breach tied to Chinese intelligence

Posted by $ nickursis 8 years, 11 months ago to Government
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The terms used in this are really disturbing, when compared with some of the one AR used in AS. The fact they can say "hacking is against the law, there for we didn't do it" as well as the infamous "Ministry for State Security" ring alarm bells. As well as being an Anthem Blue Cross member (so i get 2 years credit monitoring from my employer, whoopee). This has just become a rampant mess with no way to control who steals what. I just got a notice from Capital One (who actually were right on top of things) when someone scanned my use of a credit card MOnday 15 June, and they bought (or tried to) over 300 of Verizon wireless prepaid cards with it. Even more fun was only because of this, I found out that CapOne had sent me a "high tech" replacement card a month ago I never received...Luckily I only use a 500 limit card for anything that swipes, unless it is a local store.
SOURCE URL: http://news.yahoo.com/u-employee-data-breach-tied-chinese-intelligence-sources-162852749--finance.html#

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