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  • Posted by ObjectiveAnalyst 11 years, 1 month ago
    I am sick and tired of not being able to speak plainly/ directly to these idiots. Melissa Harris-Perry who the %$&* do you think you are? You can kiss my ---! You may sell your sovereignty and that of your children to the slavers, but I will keep mine and defend it for others.
    I suppose she would like to put them all in a camp and dress them in brown... happy little brown-shirts they would be... Presumptuous pretentious professor of propaganda...

    Agenda 21, anybody?

    Instead of sensible people trying to find a gultch to relocate to, the dystopians should just move to a country already suited to their ideals. China comes to mind… It is when hearing a postulate like Melissa’s that one’s dedication to non-initiation of force is tested most severely.

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    • Posted by Non_mooching_artist 11 years, 1 month ago
      I concur 100% that those "people" who think this way should get the f out of MY country, which was NOT founded on socialist principles, but as a Republic. I bore both of my children from my own body, they "belong" to no one but themselves. I as their mother, am charged with raising them to be responsible, rational adults. To not follow the blind path of the sheeple who wish to trample to dust any idea that a person belongs to themselves.

      Keep your f ing communist hands off of my family, or suffer the wrath of a mother!!!
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  • Posted by Ben_C 11 years, 1 month ago
    As stated before, this is exactly why my child is in private school.. Like hell she belongs to the "community." She may not embrace my ideals when an adult, but she will be well informed and able to make an intelligent decision.
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  • Posted by iroseland 11 years, 1 month ago
    wow.. I mean really? Wow...

    The thing is people have been trying to make better investments. But, there are still too many folks who would prefer to blow their children's future on teachers who cannot even be bothered enough to teach them to read.
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  • Posted by MrSelfish 11 years, 1 month ago
    This fascist isn't referring to neighborhood associations like the PTA, the Lions Club and the Chamber of Commerce, when she talks about surrendering our children to the 'community'. She's using the safer and less provocative substitute term, that until recently was known as the 'collective'. And, that term itself, is a safer and less provocative substitute for what was known just a bit less recently as the 'state'.

    We're not misled a bit by the tactical semantics of dialectical Communism.

    This gal, like her proletariat predecessors is a threat to the very concept of the preeminence of the individual in our society and of the values our Founders incorporated into the US Constitution.

    There is a not so subliminal hatred of our Republic oozing out of this woman's every pore. She despises individual freedom of action because it is the unpredictable, messy, mistake prone, trial and error kind of existence that behavioral totalitarians fear most.

    Treasonous prattle pure and simple. And, of course, the irony they refuse or are incapable of comprehending, is that they will be among the very first to be picked up in the middle of the night by some acronym for a police agency, when the 'state' they aspire to becomes a reality.

    Our children belong to the community? I wouldn't permit most of the members of my own middle class neighborhood to babysit my dogs, let alone surrender responsibility to some commune committee for my children's values and mores.

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