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  • Posted by khalling 8 years, 11 months ago
    freedom, the video is highly emotive and is riddled with inaccurate information and highly biased. The banning of DDT lead by the lies and falsehoods of people such as Rachel Carsen is responsible for the deaths of millions of people due to malaria and other insect transmitted diseases.

    The narrator in the video, states that Monsanto began genetically modifying foods when they realized some important patents would run out. He then suggested that was why they began this research in the 90s. The truth is much more complicated. For instance, Genetech and other biological DNA modifying research companies had scientific breakthroughs in the late 70s. Monsanto was interested from the start presenting its first research paper in 83. They had a very strong patent portfolio at the time and as any successful company will do-look at scientific and technological breakthroughs which dovetail with their existing business model. Those are two arguments in the video that I strongly disagree with. There has been no peer reviewed studies showing an adverse health component to the ingestion of GM foods. Most of this research that began the technology came out of universities such as Kansas State, not some evil big corporation, in the first place.
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