New McDonald's In Phoenix Run Entirely By Robots

Posted by $ AJAshinoff 9 years ago to Economics
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Moochers want $15 min. wage...they now get nothing. Anyone could see this coming. Already in this article one person is saying "burn it down"

I'm curious where in Phoenix this will be built. Haven't been to McDonald's in years
SOURCE URL: http://newsexaminer.net/food/mcdonalds-to-open-restaurant-run-by-robots/

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  • Posted by LibertyBelle 9 years ago
    Just like in Atlas Shrugged. I called in to a local
    talk show in Richmond, Va., and the screener
    took my comment, but wouldn't put me on the
    air; he never does. (Just once, he did).
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  • Posted by radicalbill 9 years ago
    They are working on making cahierless lines for fast food, and they already have apps that allow you to place orders and pay and just pick up, but what you are going to see is a terminal that is turned to face the customer.and you are going to punch in your own order and pay, and the workers will fill the order, but getting rid of even one employee is good for profit and you see this at grocery stores, and Walmart, it is coming to fast food very soon, but no robots. I wish they could that.
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  • Posted by Eyecu2 9 years ago
    I find it fitting that the trash have brought this on themselves.
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    • Posted by $ jdg 9 years ago
      I don't see it that way. A few union bosses and their dupes are paying off politicians to bring this on all young people.

      I wish I could publish their names and addresses. Wanna bet the Occupy folks could do some good by picketing there?
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  • Posted by khalling 9 years ago
    The article is so weird. It almost reads like a parody. Interviewed unemployed fast food worker:

    “The McDonald’s had my resume, I already completed two job interviews there and they said I was scheduled to work once the new store opened but they never called,” Waddams said. “I need a job I said, and I was told by Betty in HR they have my resume on file, but they never called, and Sandra told me to talk to Bill, and then I hear of the robots instead of regular humans and that’s not what I asked for. And I need the job I told them, but there’s robots, so now I’m going to have to find another place of employment. And they were big giant robots, and I said no, no robots at McDonald’s. I could set the building on fire.”
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  • Posted by term2 9 years ago
    This is great !!! I love it. I am tired of dictating my order to some clerk who isnt listening anyway and just tells me "welcome to.......". Give me a kiosk right now and let me order the right way. Let a robot Put my food on a tray with a number and let me come up and get it. $15 an hour is just the impetus this new technology needs, and the idiot workers pushing for it are going to rue the day they marched in the streets !!!
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  • Posted by Madst3215 9 years ago
    I think this is an onion like story. Those quotes are from the movie Office space. It probably will be true later just not yet. I didn't see anything about it in the Mc Donald's Corp website. I didn't see a reputable source. Check me please, I know Gulcher's aren't gullible.
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  • Posted by khalling 9 years ago
    so, AJ, as a futurist through your novels, how do you see robots coming into our culture and in a good way and in a bad way?
    I found "Shadows Live Under Seashells" to be eerily spot on. http://www.amazon.com/Shadows-Under-Seas...
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    • Posted by $ 9 years ago
      As long as they are in ancillary roles I think we'll benefit from them. If they are placed in positions where judgments are made, we're in deep trouble.

      Automated stores, like McD's, will add to the welfare rolls in the short term. Hopefully, this long overdue automation will cause young people to position themselves to take advantage of (capitalize on) the opportunities it presents.

      Thanks for the plug. :)
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      • Posted by radicalbill 9 years ago
        Why does no one talk about population control. Companies will continue to cut employees, leaving less jobs, so the answer is to have less people, since there will be no jobs for them. Why are people on welfare having so many kids and why does the govt allow it ?
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        • Posted by $ jdg 9 years ago
          radicalbill, you're displaying exactly the kind of ignorance of economics that enables the lefties to get away with this crud.

          Robotizing a place like McDonalds, assuming the machines do the job well, is a huge productivity increase -- instead of each employee producing a few tens of burgers an hour, each employee (who now have to be robot technicians) indirectly produces millions.

          But meanwhile, the displaced cooks have not disappeared from the market. They just have to retrain and find a job they can do. Of course, the new minimum wage may have made them not worth hiring -- in which case, they will either have to go into business for themselves (thus legally avoiding the law by not being anyone's employees) or find someone who will hire them under the table. Most likely the latter.

          This is how countries become banana republics. Go to any country in Latin America, and you'll find that every kind of business is so over-regulated and over-taxed (including bribes that must be paid to cops and bureaucrats galore, to get permits to operate legally) that none of them operate legally. They're all black-market. Which means that the state mostly can't collect taxes, so government funds itself by printing money, and inflation is hundreds of percent per year.

          As for your last question, people on welfare have so many kids because the government is making you and me pay them to have them. The cycle of welfare dependence will only stop when government stops paying them to breed and starts taking the kids away instead. Put them in foster care somewhere, so they'll have a future.
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      • Posted by khalling 9 years ago
        I think our culture is still stuck in manufacture-ville. We are a first world, 1st tech country. Our citizens need to get that. You don't need to go to college to take advantage of the information tech age we are in-as a matter of fact, maybe put that off for a bit. BUt, I know, AJ, you and I disagree on this. I want to see more posts from you, if you have time, letting us in on your futurist visions. They are very important and help gulchers look outside boxes. LOVE this post-lol even though I was "Had"
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