Stopping the motor of the world

Posted by $ jbrenner 9 years, 1 month ago to The Gulch: General
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The link above includes fellow Gulcher David Kelley's interpretation intermixed with AS2.

Over the last couple of days on a different thread, I was in disagreement over whether or not John Galt ever committed sabotage. The failure of the interlocker just prior to "switching via lanterns" is an example of one case that I think, but cannot prove, was an act of sabotage.

Today I started looking at my AS2 DVD and saw the following:

Jeff Allen, recounting John Galt's walkout:

'I will put an end to this, once and for all,' he said. His voice was clear and without feeling. That was all he said and started to walk out. He walked down the length of the place, in the white light, not hurrying and not noticing any of us. Nobody moved to stop him. Gerald Starnes cried suddenly after him, 'How?' He turned and answered, 'I will stop the motor of the world.' Then he walked out.

Now I ask myself, and all of you, how could someone stop the motor of the world by only passively waiting for failure after failure? Many of them, such as the Amtrak debacle or the Taggart Tunnel, were caused by the errors of men. Some were due to lack of maintenance. The cause of some failures is intentionally left vague by Rand, however. The failing of multiple Cu wires in multiple places is an example.

D'Anconia blew up his own mines.
Rearden said he would blow up his own mills (but didn't) near the end of AS2.
Danneskjold resorted to piracy.

Why do people have a hard time accepting the possibility that Galt could have been "the destroyer". After all, he said he would stop the motor of the world. That is not passive.

Jeff Allen: "Maybe that's him, doing what he said. Stopping the motor of the world."

I don't think that lessens Galt at all in my mind.

I look forward to your insights.

SOURCE URL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m8IckAsGh1I

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  • Posted by $ Thoritsu 9 years ago
    I never thought about it until now, but Galt's assembled Gulchers seem like a loose, 100% endorsed union strike.

    Neither is sabotage.

    I am struggling to shed this union analogy from my mind...makes me shiver.
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  • Posted by Pyawakit 9 years ago
    I was under the impression that Galt and the other strikers were not comfortable with what Danneskjold was doing. They accepted and understood his thinking and objective but no more. Galt does not have to sabotage. Leftist policies and over regulation do that without help from us.
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    • Posted by $ 9 years ago
      They were uncomfortable with Danneskjold's methods. Yet D'Anconia described this as a battle in his first discussion with Rearden. If this is a war, as first brought up by Khalling, then is all fair in love and war?

      If the strike is to be considered successful, then the strikers must return to the world in a short enough time that they can still be productive and have the world accept their terms. The looters won't accept the terms ever. When has a looter ever admitted permanent defeat? Even if he/she did admit defeat, other looters would be crawling over the defeated looter's carcass to assume power.
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  • Posted by $ Radio_Randy 9 years, 1 month ago
    At no time did any of the "Strikers" cause ANY damage which could have resulted in death or injury to innocents. Even Ragnar was opposed to killing, unless he was being attacked. Dagny's shooting of the guard at the Institute occurred only because the guard did not "care" whether he lived or died, by his own inaction.

    Saying that, I don't believe that John Galt would have personally committed any of the sabotages suggested.
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  • Posted by nln1219 9 years, 1 month ago
    My dad always wondered why I came home so angry from AT&T. Now he knows...their CEO is a Jim Taggart. And people just followed the union so blindly. I am SO glad I am out of there!
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  • Posted by ObjectiveAnalyst 9 years, 1 month ago
    I just see Galt's part as passive. The world was already on its path to ultimate suicide. He just helped it along. his contribution/"offense" if any, was one of omission not commission.
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  • Posted by wiggys 9 years, 1 month ago
    by the way the usa is the economic engine of the world so as we decline as we are we will or are taking the rest of the world down with us.
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  • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 9 years, 1 month ago
    I strayed one time from not living my life for the benefit of others since. It suited me to do so. I don't make a habit of it. The sole exception was getting two serious students through school. The one's who keep asking for a copy of AS in Spanish.

    I found it necessary to read the book carefully many times and apply lessons learned from my own life to lessons taught in it's pages. Full understanding was not and still is not an accomplished goal.

    I don't feel at all bad about those two students. JG himself went back to save Daisy.
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    • Posted by Zero 9 years, 1 month ago
      You did not stray in those acts. They meant a great deal to you. Only if you had SACRIFICED a greater value to a lesser one would you have betrayed yourself.

      One can easily be SELFISH while helping others - there is no inherent contradiction.
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  • Posted by $ Stormi 9 years, 1 month ago
    I do not think that Galt committed physical sabotage. When he removed himself from the enablers of the moochers and looters, he knew it would lead to stopping the motor of the world. In "Fountainhead", however, Roark did physically do so. He did so on the grounds that his ideas had been stolen and compromised. The physical damage was not entirely of his own property, but justified. To walk off a job, when you know no one else there is qualified, you know will lead to chaos, yet to stay and compromise your own beliefs and values for the profit of someone else, has to happen. Reason and fair trade must dictate. If the small motors of the company stop, so they must. Some might call that sabotage, but is it really?
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  • Posted by gcarl615 9 years, 1 month ago
    Each of the " Galtites" play a different mindset that end up converging to Galts oath. Each did what they saw fit to stop the motor of the world and take possession of their own ability to produce and think. They removed the ability of the looters to claim those abilities as the property of the collective. JG did nothing except help each one realize the truth, which is not sabotage. Just as AR is helping each one of us understand the evil of the looters.
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  • Posted by samrigel 9 years, 1 month ago
    Any of the opinions below could be the correct scenario. Mr. Galt was not a sabotuer; he was a man who understood the workings of his current world and knew what was needed for change. He understood that everything had to fail, totally, on the path the world was following. He only needed patience. He also knew that the change needed a seed to grow anew -- Galt's Gulch was that seed which he stocked with those that had the knowledge and drive to grow the new world after the old crumbled.

    In today's world the same can be accomplished but in a much more dramatic and quicker pace. All one needs to do is invent a motor like that of Galt's 20th Century Motorworks motor and give it to society. The economy will take care of its own demise. I am not big on giving anything without fair and just compensation but if someone were to attempt to patent and sell such a devise their bleached bones would be, someday perhaps, found in the desert with several fair size holes in the forehead.
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