Glenn Beck suggests "all-out war"

Posted by johnpe1 9 years ago to News
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ok. . home-grown terrorists acting in multiple
cities simultaneously. . ok. . worse than 2001.
ok. . prepare. . guess that we must. -- j

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  • Posted by GaryL 9 years ago
    I will always believe that our greatest strength lies in the citizenry that is well armed. Gun and ammo sales over the last decade have been through the roof and more so in the last 6 years. Years ago I always kept a couple boxes of ammo for what ever guns I had but today people buy ammo in block of 1,000 rounds so they feel prepared for when TSHTF!
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    • Posted by scojohnson 9 years ago
      My challenge with stockpiling ammo is the fact I have around 100 firearms... Fortunately, if I keep a few thousand .308, .45, 9mm, and .223 on hand, I have most bases covered.
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    • Posted by scojohnson 9 years ago
      Funny how many liberals think that the right to keep & bear arms is to protect oneself from criminals... not exactly... its about defending our homeland (originally from the British), but ultimately, the armed citizenry is a very dissuading argument for any aggressor. Japan recognized that, and so did Hitler.
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      • Posted by GaryL 9 years ago
        We then must question when will this current government realize the tyranny it practices and come to understand that our freedoms are a great deal more important than their heads.
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        • Posted by scojohnson 9 years ago
          I'm rooting for someone of the Rand Paul way of thinking in the next cycle, he's nowhere near perfect either, but rolling back the Patriot Act and taking the fight to the enemy is a good starting point.
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      • Posted by ObjectiveAnalyst 9 years ago
        Hello scojohnson.
        It is when the criminals are government tyrants either foreign or DOMESTIC. :)
        Of course the Liberals think our government tyrants are just benevolent leaders since they support statist causes.
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  • Posted by $ blarman 9 years ago
    I always suggest listening to the entire program instead of taking soundbites from an article - especially where Beck is concerned. There is a reason why his shows are hours long, because he lays out why he thinks the way he does in detail; it can't really be condensed into soundbites without leaving out a lot of the crucial background.
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  • Posted by smichael9 9 years ago
    My father and my 5 uncles all believed that owning guns was part of the American heritage, a way of life to be able to protect oneself in the event of unforeseen circumstances. My father and all of my uncles served in various branches of the armed forces during WWII, four of them on the front lines. My brothers and I were taught that owning a gun and understanding the responsibility of gun ownership went hand in hand. We learned that our personal guns were not aggressive mechanisms, rather they were kept for defense in the event that it was required. We were also taught to value life, to respect the rights of others and to be willing to make sacrifices when called upon by our country.

    No one in his/her right mind would truly want to engage in war with another country unless by doing so we were protecting our way of life, our liberties and the freedoms that we have fought and died for over the past 200 years. In any negotiation between countries with dramatic ideological differences, war or its possibility must always be on or close to the table.
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  • Posted by scojohnson 9 years ago
    I do agree with his observation though, we 'rule out' things like boots-on-the ground in Iraq, why? Because Obama ended the war! Because Hillary needs to be elected! She ran an ad last time about getting the call at 3 am, but she hit her head on a sink while taking a crap after Benghazi and couldn't get out of the house for months... Active war with ISIL during the campaign doesn't fit that framework.

    We panic at the idea of 6 dead in a chopper crash or something, when we are probably going to see hundreds of thousands or millions die in the coming, inevitable conflict with extremists.

    We also need to recognize who that enemy is, even Saudi Arabia and Egypt are taking the fight to the enemy at this point, and I say hurray! we gave them all the weapons but they still wanted us to fight their fellow-arabs for them. But ultimately, this is going to be WW3 in the middle east, and none of this is going to end until all the accounts are settled.

    1.) The Palestinian "government" needs to be folded up, and pieces & parts redrawn to Jordan, Egypt, and Lebanon. I think that's the only security situation that Israel would agree to (and I don't blame them at all). Jerusalem needs to be 100% governed by Israel.

    2.) Saudi, the US, NATO, Iraq, Syria, Russia, and Israel need to push out ISIL on every front, all-out-war, tactical nukes, whatever is needed. This needs to end. No 'taking prisoners', they need to be eliminated and remainders imprisoned or executed for crimes against humanity. We can do this on our own without any real trouble if we take the gloves off, but the importance is that stakeholders in the region are a part of the solution. As ugly as Europe was after WWII, the pieces & parts model worked pretty well to root-out fascism.

    3.) Japan needs to re-enter the global military as a stabilizing force to the rise of China (and it is). We need to allow them to re-exert their military influence and it will rebuild their economy at the same time.

    4.) Honestly, we need to abolish the UN.
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  • Posted by $ Thoritsu 9 years ago
    We'll be needing some white blood cells among our population. Used to have a lot of them. Now many people want to run and hide from someone abusing others.

    This is why individual rights for protection are important. Maybe a few cases of individuals succeeding will turn around public opinion on gun control.
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  • Posted by Herb7734 9 years ago
    Beck is right. "Something wicked this way comes." Just what it is, I don't know at present, but it definitely will be here, in the homeland. No more looking at it from across the ocean. The question is, do we have the stomach for it? Can we come together as we did on 9/11 and stay together in order to oppose those who would destroy us? China is waiting in the wings. They have met us economically and are ready to take over militarily if we falter. Could you live under a totalitarian regime? Wait...that's the wrong question. Do you want to live under a totalitarian regime?
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    • Posted by $ jdg 9 years ago
      China won't be ready to take *us* over militarily until they build a serious navy, and probably not even then. But as MacArthur said, we don't ever want to fight them on their home ground unless we're prepared to take them down completely whatever it takes, and that *will* mean using nukes.

      But I could easily see China becoming the dominant power in poor parts of the world, especially if we have an economic crisis and they don't. Their troops are already in Iraq, Nigeria, and Sudan. And we should probably withdraw from those places anyway, because we don't need the oil anymore. Let the Europeans or Japan fight China for control of Arab countries if they need the oil. It's not our problem.

      Now if they moved into any place in the Americas, I might think differently. A Russian or Chinese base in Venezuela or Cuba could become a major threat to us.
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  • Posted by samrigel 9 years ago
    Folks can say whatever they like about Beck or this pundit or that pundit. But one doesn't need to be a brain surgeon to look at the world and see what may be coming. With Iran it is not if they get a nuke but when, no deal will change that. North Korea is off the charts psycho with the little pudgy twit in charge. Putin is flying bombers over the top of the planet rattling swords or bombs. The Middle East is currently in a nuke proliferation, no proof, but the same happened during the cold war. If they have nukes then we must have nukes. History is repeating. Now to "wiggys" point. If provoked I would have no problem turning most of the Middle East and Northern Africa into a couple of giant glass bowls. Yes I would certainly mourn for the innocent folks. But it is those very innocent folks who should be shutting down the radicals in their midst. So it is a catch 22!
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  • Posted by jimslag 9 years ago
    The big problem there is that if something does happen and it cannot be big enough to succeed, what is the government going to do to all the other organizations and preppers? It is going to come down even harder on guns and prepping hoarders and suppliers. There will outright confiscation of guns and supplies. There will be mass incarcerations of individuals because they had a stock of canned goods or more than 2 cans of soup or something. They will use any pretext to suppress any type of citizen uprising. Homeland Security will become even bigger than they already are and more obnoxious than ever. If you think airport security is bad, you haven't seen anything yet. I was in the military and traveled to many places that make our security look like Keystone Cops. Fly into Israel or Russia and see their security and they profile real well, in a way that we have never seen, because of terrorist's threats, especially Israel. Can you say travel bans? They would instituted within hours of anything happening. There are many security features that could go into effect almost immediately.
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  • Posted by wiggys 9 years ago
    an ounce of prevention is better than a pound of cure. beck may very well be more accurate than one thinks. I have an Isrealie friend who said they had to change with the variety of ways the arabs attacked them. i am sure that our government leaders(?) are to hardheaded to understand what we may very well face in the future because we are not taking any steps to shut the bad guys down, such as turning the desert to glass regardless of the collateral damage that would occur, which i think would not be tragic.
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  • Posted by $ Abaco 9 years ago
    I have trouble following his logic as it's written here. Vague. Who's the enemy, according to him? Everybody? Frankly...the American citizens need to be able to arm themselves as they see fit. --Problem solved.
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    • Posted by waytodude 9 years ago
      I used to watch Beck on Fox alot until he started the crying on his show. One day I was watching he started his crying they cut to commercial but he quit crying and was laughing before it was cut. Too much doom and gloom in a fake way. Is there a problem coming . Yup! Have I left the cities. Yup! Am I prepared for self protection for my family and I. Yup! Is Glenn Beck ready. Nope
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      • Posted by $ jdg 9 years ago
        Beck is tied to his city job, true, but at least he got out of New York. I doubt Texas will ever suffer from Ferguson style riots, and if they do, the good guys will win.
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        • Posted by waytodude 9 years ago
          We wouldn't had a problem in Ferguson if we didn't have a Democrat governor, Kansas City, and Saint Louis the rest of us got guns most cling too much to religion but they still got principles. Hope Texas handles Jade Helm 15 alright.
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    • Posted by 9 years ago
      I consider that our self-arming is a primary advantage
      in several ways -- this is one, but there also is the
      possibility of internal strife in several ways. . the
      politicians might change their attitude if their lives
      were threatened. . not by me, of course. -- j
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  • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 9 years ago
    and we aren't at the present time? Just because it's ballots not bullets makes it no less a war.the change comes when one side or the other decides it has no use for ballots and opts out then is brought back in forcibly.
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  • Posted by XenokRoy 9 years ago
    Might happen but I think its a bit over the top.
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    • Posted by gcarl615 9 years ago
      Beck is regularly over the top and that certainly attracts a certain type of listener. I have no doubt that ISIS wants to do as he says, But the sheer logistics are likely out of their reach.
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      • Posted by RobertFl 9 years ago
        They could do damage. They don't have to take over a city. Just rattle American confidence, which will ripple through the economy.
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        • Posted by starznbarz 9 years ago
          You are exactly right, it`s called terrorism for a very good reason - remember the DC sniper? Imagine one or two in every city on the same day, as well as just a few easily sabotaged electrical grid components attacks across the Nation. When the grocery stores don`t open for a week, or the sheeple are too scared to go to them - government gets a big `ol grin and steps in to "help secure" the Nation - we`re done.
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  • Posted by CircuitGuy 9 years ago
    Wow. On one hand he's eager to aggrandize a minor problem to get attention for himself. Then he says he concerned about people over reacting to the problem. i know people are this shameless, but the article makes it sounds like he made both points around the same time.
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  • Posted by $ sjatkins 9 years ago
    More fear laden horseshit. We live in the time of the most extraordinary opportunities in all of history and the majority of the people are pumping up on fearful imaginings. I really don't get it.
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    • Posted by $ jlc 9 years ago
      I do not like people who 'sell fear', but I do like to hedge my bets. While the chance that a terrorist will set off a nuclear device in downtown LA is very small, the chance that _something_ will happen that will damage our infrastructure for at least a week is pretty high.

      So prep for the latter and you will be in a better situation with respect to the former.

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