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  • Posted by ObjectiveAnalyst 9 years ago
    The Media are no better than the Islamist extremists. How can the moderate Muslims stand by and do nothing while their "religion of peace" is taken over by murderers? If what Pam Geller did was provocative and could incite retaliation then what was the Boston tea party? Who is the provocateur and who is reacting to provocation? It is an unfortunate side affect that moderate Muslims may be offended by the cartoons, but in this country you do not have a right to not be offended. They need to develop some tolerance for things which do not involve force if they are to assimilate here. I believe we should advertise these types of events all over the country and don't bother drawing a single cartoon. Just fill the halls with armed plain clothes law enforcement agents and wait for the extremists to come out of the woodwork. Sting! The FBI claim they do not have the resources to track every known terrorist threat in the country, yet the NSA can gather info on everyone?!?! If the police can attract/catch criminals by using bait and switch like mailing them a notice that they won a new big screen TV... problem largely solved.
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  • Posted by Technocracy 9 years ago
    They have already started that process.....

    For years they have been "trying people in the court of public opinion". This allows them to punish anyone that disagrees without the difficulty imposed by actually facing them in court under the law.

    Hate Speech is a concept that should be a legal impossibility to prove.
    Hate Speech assumes proof of intent.
    And while they think they can read minds, in fact they cannot.
    Since they cannot directly perceive actual intent, that should not be a provable legal threshold.

    That is the fact view of course. Touchy feelie meddlers have a different view and want to make it a legal threshold regardless of facts and reality.
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