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  • Posted by $ sjatkins 9 years ago
    This was a very bare test of a minimal testable conceptual model. The test and its results do not remotely justify such as claim.

    However, we can get to Mars is 3 months or so anyway with a fission powered spacecraft. For some bizarre reason both the US and Russia have effectively stopped exploring this space. Using chemical rockets the travel time one way is nearly a year with all the attendant costs and dangers to the crew.
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  • Posted by Zenphamy 9 years, 1 month ago
    It's a very interesting set of results, so far. We need to see a test in space. But so far all the arguments seem to center on the basis that no one has yet figured out how it does what it does. But that's not much stranger to me than a photon with no mass still having momentum.
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  • Posted by Zero 9 years, 1 month ago
    Massless reaction propulsion? Poo poo'd by PHD's?

    But scientists have succeeded in first tests?

    I remain skeptical.
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    • Posted by Ibecame 9 years, 1 month ago
      As certainly do I. But, it exerts force in a vacuum chamber. There are a number of things that positively do not fit the approval of the Grant funded Physics community. Never ask them how radio waves propagate, how the Hall Effect works, why a signal can travel through a wire at faster than the speed of light (which was discovered by a technician hobbits). And several characteristics of super cold or superconducting materials. Just to mention a few. I like to think we still have more to learn and discover.
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      • Posted by Zero 9 years, 1 month ago
        Extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof.
        but reproducible empirical data will do just fine.

        You don't have to know HOW it works - you just have to show it DOES work.

        Science it filled with things known to be true but poorly understood.

        If it's real we'll know soon enough.

        If not, it'll drag on forever, kept alive by true believers and pseudo-scientists.
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  • Posted by Ibecame 9 years, 1 month ago
    Mars may be the tip of a very large iceberg.

    I have read up on quite a bit of this, including some of the extremely dry scientific reports. It appears to be a previously unknown real effect that has been verified by several independent sources. The Physicists are absolutely denouncing it, and it doesn't seem like anyone really knows how it works down to the quantum level. The truth seems to be that it works. As far as the PHD's that denounce its ability to work; The absolute answers in Physics have changed at least four times since I was born. I'm going to take a guess and suggest it is pushing against "Dark Matter".
    So, what if this new force was utilized to run a generator? or Motor?
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