Hi. My name is Andrew.

Posted by EvolvedSavage 9 years, 2 months ago to The Gulch: Introductions
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Hello everyone. I am a 32 year old father of two. Any Rand's writing changed the way I view the world and immediately made sense of everything I had felt and ideas that I had tried to clarify and integrate for my whole life. I am very concerned with the direction the country and the world is heading and what I am leaving to my children. I am passionate about being a good father and raising my children to be the best that they can be. Although it is not my career as of yet firearms are the thing that I love. Guns are my Taggart Transcontinental. I am interested in discussing Objectivism in relation to current events and modern life, and welcome ideas and information on how to live more authentically in a concrete sense. I know the values that I wish to encourage in my daughters, but how to implement this in the world we live in without making them outcasts can be difficult. I also would love to talk to anyone in the firearms field that would be willing to share advice on how best to approach a career in guns. I look forward to interacting with rational adults, which is a pleasure far more rare than it should be.

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  • Posted by Ibecame 9 years, 2 months ago
    Hello Andrew,
    Welcome!! There are a number of people in the Gulch that focus on firearms. I suggest you submit a post on the subject. Its the best way to get acquainted with people of the same interest.
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  • Posted by Non_mooching_artist 9 years, 2 months ago
    Welcome to the Gulch, ES.

    Don't worry about your daughters being outcasts. I have raised my son, now 17, and my daughter, 15 in one month, the think for themselves, to question why, and never be afraid to speak up. So far so good, and I am daily asked questions by them. They also point out where they see false premises, and can explain why.

    The firearms industry is booming right now. My husband is VP, General Counsel in one of the more well known manufacturers in the country. What do you do? Are you a machinist? A gunsmith? I don't give out the name of where he works, but can field any questions you may have. I just was in a gun shop today, and the guy who owns it has doubled his space in the course of 2 years. A young guy, too. I look forward to hearing back from you!


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  • Posted by edweaver 9 years, 2 months ago
    Welcome aboard Andrew. You sound like you have your work cut out for you but it's all doable if you apply reason & logic. Oh yah, that is Objectivism isn't it? You may learn much from this site if you choose to but at a minimum you will be around like minds. Let me know if there is something you specifically want to disguss. Be happy to hold an intelligent discussion, well at least as intelligent as I can accomplish. Lol
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