Undermining the US Dollar

Posted by $ blarman 9 years, 2 months ago to Economics
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Short economics lesson: Right now, the world's reserve currency is the US Dollar, primarily because it is used so much in commodities transactions - like oil. When foreign nations start selling off their dollar holdings like this en masse, it undermines the status of the US Dollar as that reserve currency and puts downward pressure on the dollar. If the US Dollar were backed by real value instead of just paper and good will, it wouldn't matter because other nations would be quick to snap these up, but since our dollar is currently fueled by debt and paper, it is a serious problem for the long-term stability and value of the dollar. When the world ditches the US Dollar as its reserve currency, our debt problems will put us into an inflation-based hole we will never climb out of and our economy will crash, and it will take others with it. It will be worse than the Great Depression, with only those holding real value surviving.

I hope it doesn't come to this, but I fear the car is already tumbling off the cliff.
SOURCE URL: http://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2015-04-13/oil-rich-nations-burn-through-petrodollar-assets-at-record-pace?cmpid=BBD041415

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  • Posted by $ jbrenner 9 years, 2 months ago
    The collapse of the US dollar will be the ultimate triumph of George Soros' career of currency speculation. There is a chapter in G. Edward Griffin's The Creature of Jekyll Island in which he describes how people in the 1920's were "encouraged" to borrow more than they should by keeping interest rates artificially low. The Obama administration is repeating that at the behest of the same Federal Reserve that messed things up then. The analogy made was to a great duck dinner after the banksters got the ducks so fat on human-fed corn that they were "sitting ducks" when it came time to fly south for the winter. I do not want to be the roasted duck!
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  • Posted by richrobinson 9 years, 2 months ago
    I hate when the "experts" aren't sure what will happen. Some think it won't have a major impact and some do. It seems that any major change has to have repercussions.
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  • Posted by freedomforall 9 years, 2 months ago
    Hmmm, oil prices down, and we are supposed to worry because the oil producers are dipping into savings?
    American people and businesses are now getting the benefit of those lower prices. Instead of wasting the scarce resources on a consumable, oil/energy, the resources may go into better investments and hard goods. If those were made in the US that would stimulate employment. At least the spending will be on products that last longer than a tank of gas. Thats good, and in my estimation it more than makes up for the belt tightening by wealthy Arab sheiks. It strengthens the US economy and that will have a positive effect on the value of the USD. (Granted, the fedresbank's continued enriching banksters at taxpayer expense and stupid deficit spending for war materials at home and abroad (another consumable that destroys instead of producing) continues to destroy the USD.)
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  • Posted by iroseland 9 years, 2 months ago
    The problem with the experts is that they can find a crisis in anything... Back in the late 90's employment rates below 5% were supposed to destroy everything. High energy prices on the other hand were measurably bad.. Now, they want to claim that low energy prices are bad.. BS.. Leave the money in peoples pockets and they will find other uses for it instead of just spending it to prop up some very bad regimes..
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