What the Gulch is... and what it isn't.

Posted by sdesapio 9 years, 1 month ago to The Gulch: General
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We have a few members leaving the Gulch today. Their reasons are theirs, but suffice it to say the Gulch is no longer meeting their needs. They arrived of their own freewill. They stayed of their own freewill. And now, they will leave of their own freewill. With 20,000+ members, the Gulch continues to grow daily and, as with any growing community, we will suffer growing pains from time to time.

We thank them for their significant contributions to the Gulch.

For those of you remaining in the Gulch, we want you to know that we are listening to you, you are a priority, and we will continue to take strides daily to make your Gulch experience the very best it can be.

Who we are... and who we're not:
1. We are advocates of Ayn Rand's ideas.
2. Our mission is to propagate those ideas.
3. Although Politics is a hot topic in the Gulch, we are not a political organization. The Gulch supports no particular political party.

What the Gulch is... and what it isn't:
1. The Gulch is a "net" which looks to catch the curious, the familiar, the like-minded, and even... the occasional enemy (of reason).
2. Once snared in the net, the goal is to start a conversation, to prod, to push, and to educate - all in the hopes of illuminating.
3. The Gulch is not an "Objectivists Only" forum.

As you'll see in the attached Venn diagram, there are different sections of the Gulch:
1. The Public Gulch forum ( http://www.GaltsGulchOnline.com ) - This is where all the intense debate happens. Everything from religion, to politics, to ethics and morality, are discussed and debated vigorously.
2. The Producer's Lounge ( http://www.GaltsGulchOnline.com/g/produc... ) - This is where we (advocates of Ayn Rand's ideas) go to seek refuge. This is a private section of the Gulch intended to be a place with little debate - a place for the like-minded to relax and enjoy each other's company.

Again, it is our sincere hope that your experience in the Gulch is an enjoyable one and we will continue to work every day to make the Gulch great. It's going to be intense. People are going to disagree... vehemently. People are going to argue... passionately. People are going to contradict themselves... with certainty. And, we're going to propagate Ayn Rand's ideas.

Oh... and Zombies. Look out for the Zombies.

Thank you for being part of Galt's Gulch Online,
Scott DeSapio
Associate Producer, Atlas Shrugged Part 3
CIO, Atlas Distribution Company
Chief Admin, Galt's Gulch Online

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"Speak on any scale open to you, large or small— to your friends, your associates, your professional organizations, or any legitimate public forum. You can never tell when your words will reach the right mind at the right time. You will see no immediate results—but it is of such activities that public opinion is made."

- Ayn Rand
Philosophy: Who needs it? "What can one do?"

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P.S. Those members that will be leaving the Gulch may join in the resulting conversation on this post. Please be patient and give them the latitude they deserve. Their concerns are valid and should be heard - regardless of how they choose to deliver their message. If they choose to return, they will always be welcome in the Gulch.

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