IT'S HAPPENING: Atlas Shrugged Television Series

Posted by sdesapio 9 years, 2 months ago to Entertainment
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At the start of the year, Atlas Shrugged Producer John Aglialoro hinted at the potential for an Atlas Shrugged mini-series ( http://www.galtsgulchonline.com/posts... ). Last week, John made a trip to Hollywood and met with... some very interested MAJOR players.

How does a full blown television series sound!?

Yep. It's really happening. We can't say too much just yet, but suffice it to say, John's meetings in Hollywood were VERY productive and the groups we're talking to are incredibly enthusiastic and ready to move mountains to make it happen. We should hopefully have something official to announce within the next few weeks so stay tuned.

As the project progresses, we're going to be reaching out to you for your opinion from time to time.

This would be one of those times.

Keep in mind, certain people who are not active in the Gulch, but very interested in your opinion, will be reading your comments on this post.

Got it? Good. Here we go...

Should the Atlas Shrugged television series be a period piece set in the 1950s or should it take place, as Ayn Rand alluded to, "the day after tomorrow?"

P.S. Because it worked so well for us with the trilogy, of course we have every intention of changing the entire cast every episode. No. No, we won't.

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  • Posted by CircuitGuy 9 years, 2 months ago
    Atlas Shrugged is about a) people living their lives/dreams and getting things done and b) people making misguided efforts to stop them.

    There are a lot of story possibilities in that, a lot of opportunities for villains who aren't just bad guys who need to be blown away but complex villains who think they're doing good and are trying to control people because of their own hubris or insecurities.

    It's also a "brand" most everyone has heard of. The book is a fictional universe that's begging for a series of stories set there.
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  • Posted by mdk2608 9 years, 2 months ago
    This could be historic in changing public opinion in fundamentally changing our country back to the geatness we once had and help promote the values of our founding fathers. Liberals will hate this as they get exposed as the moocherd and looters we all know them to be.
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    • Posted by term2 9 years, 2 months ago
      The founding fathers were an interesting group of people. Very intelligent, but not really into the philosophical basis of a country. As a result, there were a lot of inconsistencies in their thinking processes- basically the belief in "their god", but not the "kings god", or the "mormon god" for that matter. Freedom for all, EXCEPT the Indians and the settlers from Mexico and England. Some of their "values" were great from a practical standpoint, but the flaws came back to bite us all in the butt after 200 years. I dont think the decline can be stopped until the economy collapses like in Venezuela and people realize why it happened. Only THEN can it be rebuilt with a new group of founding fathers as in AS.
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      • Posted by mdk2608 9 years, 2 months ago
        One of the mistakes I believe the founding fathers made was basing written documents like the constitution on the honor system, assuming that most people would act in the best interests of the country and that man would act to place the interests of the country before their own ambitions. Electing George Washington the first President set the standard for others to follow. Unfortunately many have forgotten the struggle it took to get us here. As we can see now Obama is using the constitution against us in a similar way as the terrorists have our own laws against us. The fathers overall had very good vision based and in my opinion had many ideas covered. They could not have envisioned the type of globalization we experience today or the impact of the internet. The group certainly had their flaws but considering their varying personalities they gave us the greatest form of government the world has ever known. Their belief in God in my opinion helped shape a moral character for our country and the laws that govern us.
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        • Posted by term2 9 years, 2 months ago
          I watched a documentary awhile ago that compared civilizations and how long they lasted. Their point was that in history, 250 years seems to be the point at which each of the big and powerful civilizations in the past have collapsed, mostly due to the fact the citizens forgot what made them big and powerful in the first place. It seems that has happened here too. Basing our system on some belief in their version of a "god" (whatever that means) wasnt great, but some of the ideas they used in the consititution were quite revolutionary and good. Even the founding fathers talked about how some people would eventually use the government to further their own agendas, and thats whats happened.
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          • Posted by mdk2608 9 years, 2 months ago
            You know, I believe what you are saying. We are nearing a breaking point. The rate in which the world is changing is making it difficult for governments to adapt and adjust making that breaking point happen much quicker than most anticipate. My own belief along with the point you make, it that as a society we have gotten so far outside the lines of how a society should function (work ethic, integrity just to name 2) that in order to get back to some sense of normalcy something big has to happen that gets the public to a turning point where they are forced to change course. Unfortunately that big event usually means a lot of suffering and death.
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          • Posted by plusaf 9 years, 2 months ago
            ... from my collection of "quotations" that were on my home page...

            "All great democracies have committed financial suicide somewhere between 200 and 250 years after being founded. The reason? The voters figured out they could vote themselves money from the treasury by electing people who promised to give them money from the treasury in exchange for electing them.

            "The United States officially became a Republic in 1776, nearly 239 years ago. The number of people now getting free stuff outnumbers the people paying for the free stuff.

            --- Can you see this, or are you just blind or stupid?"
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            • Posted by term2 9 years, 2 months ago
              I read the same thing. Also 1/7th are getting food stamps or bet. That means out of 7 people you randomly run into- one of them is getting fed off the work of the other 6
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  • Posted by c12andtnt 8 years, 3 months ago
    Day after tomorrow, hands down, for the very important reason that it IS happening, right out there TODAY! Look at what is going on right now. This country is literally fighting over a fascist and a socialist, and no one under the age of 40 is seeing the problem there. (Ironically, I am under 40, but you know what I mean by "no one"....) All of my generation and the younger generations seem to think the past is ancient history which doesn't need studied and will never have any relevance to their lives, so a period piece would be completely useless in that respect. Young people need to know the true cost of their decisions, not just in their pocketbooks but in their lives and their futures, before it really is too late for everyone and we end up living Anthem instead of Atlas Shrugged.

    As for the struggle of the train setting the future, I did think movie 1 did an amazing job of compensating for that, so I would just go with the same basic premise. After all, as society erodes (which is an integral part of the books anyway, so not something that will really require many hoops to be jumped through), technology does erode with it. Air traffic becoming unviable again isn't that far away, especially with the threat of terrorism in the air these days. People deciding to go by land is actually happening right now. Why take the risk of a depressed pilot deciding to crash into a mountain, killing all of his passengers because they were unlucky enough to tag along while he committed suicide? (Still can't believe that actually happened!) Why risk any of the other things going on up there, or the absurd and inept measures being taken by governments to prevent terrorism by removing every single ounce of personal freedom involved in travelling? It's just plain easier to drive or take the train. If trains were "just as fast", who would choose to fly?

    Go steampunk if you must, by all means, but whatever you do, keep it relevant! Please, I'm begging here: do something to wake these zombies up!
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  • Posted by decageycage 9 years, 2 months ago
    I really liked the trilogy, and am looking forward to a regular series. I like the idea of it being set about 20 years in the future, because I believe everyone can project that far ahead and see the potential for both system failure and system success!
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  • Posted by $ KSilver3 9 years, 2 months ago
    I think it's crucial to set it in "the day after tomorrow". If it's set in the 50's, it becomes an entertaining period piece. If it's set in modern times, it's a truly educational piece which shows Ayn's brilliance, and how far we've come towards what she predicted.
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  • Posted by edweaver 9 years, 2 months ago
    This is awesome.

    IMHO it should be done in the current time period in hopes that is can show people what is really happening. I'm not certain many people can translate a past time period to today. They have to think for that to happen and so many do not.
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  • Posted by jabuttrick 9 years, 2 months ago
    I think the day after tomorrow is the way to go. Rand was writing a predictive novel warning of the consequences of the culture's errors. She set it in her time in a dominant industry, railroads, to illustrate her ideas. If the story is now set in the 50's it is no longer predictive. Instead it is nostalgic (not Rand's intent at all) or an alternative history. An alternative history is, by definition, not predictive and does not serve well as a warning. The day after tomorrow can be predictive and a warning and have greater impact as a result. The problem with day after tomorrow is that the industry must be changed. Railroads are no longer the dominant industry. The industry must be changed to airlines or high tech. This requires substantial re-writing. You need great screenwriters to take up that task. It is worth the risk, however.
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  • Posted by Marty_Swinney 9 years, 2 months ago
    A television series is probably the very BEST way to present the story of Atlas Shrugged, for several reasons:

    1) The book is neatly divided into three parts, each containing ten chapters; each chapter is further subdivided into asterisk-separated "sub-chapters", making it easy to tailor each episode into a one- or two-hour time slot;

    2) Television is the medium Ayn Rand enjoyed the most---and it is the medium able to reach the greatest number of viewers;

    3) Each of the book's three parts can easily be tailored to fit into a three-season format, the first two of which can be season-ending cliff-hangers;

    4) By stretching out the story over a period of three years, important sections of the book---such as the childhood scenes of Dagny, Francisco, and James growing up together and becoming adults and forming their values (or becoming a social metaphysician in James' case), the reasons (and full dialogue) behind Cherryl's suicide, etc.; and

    5) A narrative thread could be employed explaining, in her own words, the meanings behind the actions on-screen---how, e.g., Cherryl's suicide was not her abandonment of her life and values, not her giving up, but the only act of integrity and honoring of her values that she had left.

    Television is THE medium for presenting Atlas Shrugged!
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  • Posted by harneburd 9 years, 2 months ago
    "Day after tomorrow" with top rated acting in the same manner as some of previous outstanding television series such as "Shogun" or "Thorn Birds"
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  • Posted by Moi 9 years, 2 months ago
    Yes, yes, yes!!! I get so tired of idiotic liberal propaganda being inserted into even shows that I enjoy! I'd feel safe in an Atlas Shrugged series!
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  • Posted by nsnelson 9 years, 2 months ago
    That is great news! For a long time now I thought this was needed, but didn't know it was actually being considered until now.

    One thing I liked least about the recent trilogy was that it cut so much material. Not just the philosophy and its arguments, but also some really good juicy story lines were completely cut. I could easily see 30 one-hour (or 45-minute, or whatever) episodes being made, one for each chapter of the book. That would allow time to present even small details and develop them throughout the series. Maybe it could even include Galt's entire speech.

    I think we need a good series set in the period, but I also like the idea of making new modern versions every now and then. If it is really going to be taken seriously and done well, perhaps this is the best way to have a "definitive" version set in the 50s. I look forward to hearing more about this.
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  • Posted by GaryL 9 years, 2 months ago
    Outstanding news! I can't wait. I would prefer to see a dose of reality in the real time of today. It is the youth of today who will make the changes for tomorrow so their interest is most important to capture.
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  • Posted by gary29ct 9 years, 2 months ago
    FANTASTIC! I (and many others I'm sure) felt that while the "1-2-3" format works well for movies centered around one character (e.g. Rocky), it wasn't suitable for Atlas. The mini-series model is ABSOLUTELY the way to go. Congrats!
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  • Posted by CTYankee 9 years, 2 months ago
    Since the setting is critical to the definition of the story, it has to be chosen carefully. Unfortunately, the historical setting of the book would produce a comical (in the bad sense) parody of events.

    Fortunately (for the story tellers) the political climate of today is approaching Ayn's prediction asymptotically; giving the producers of the series ample material to capture from live TV almost unedited.
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  • Posted by radicalbill 9 years, 2 months ago
    It should be "the day after tomorrow" and should show the sharp contrast between the good life the people in the gulch have and the world going to hell outside the gulch.
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  • Posted by $ TomB666 9 years, 2 months ago
    When Atlas was written, it reflected contemporary society. Example: trains were still popular transport - commercial flight was not yet the common transport it is today.

    I'd start from a base line of the world as it is now and then project it just as she did - i.e. what is the current course we are on leading to?
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  • Posted by hyzerflip63 9 years, 2 months ago
    A TV series would be a great opportunity to reach a larger audience! But let me be honest...if the production quality isn't a significant step up from the movie trilogy, I think it would seriously undermine success, and possibly the Atlas message as well. Did you notice how those condemning the movie in the beginning fell ominously silent by the time Part 3 was released? They no longer needed to try to 'kill' the movie trilogy...it had already comitted suicide by then.
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  • Posted by Technocracy 9 years, 2 months ago
    I think Eudaimonia's period blending idea is awesome. If not that though, then definitely day after tomorrow.

    Its damned hard to get people interested in history or anything that APPEARS to be historical.

    +1 for you Eudaimonia
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