How Important Is Philosophy?

Posted by geneligman 10 years, 6 months ago to Education
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I recently went back to college to earn a bachelor of science in mechanical engineering. While in school I learned a great many things that I had not already known, even though I had been up to my elbows in engineering fields all of my adult life. I learned the underlying principles for equations and work practices that I had used in nuclear power, in silicon manufacturing, in high vacuum equipment engineering, in automation and robotics. Needless to say, I got a great deal out of my degree. There were 20 some odd other people in my class of mech engineers (class of 2012 at Washington State University in Vancouver). Of all of the people in my class, there was only one other that I think got as much out of what he learned as I did.

What was the greatest of all the things I learned during that time? A hint, I did not learn this part in class. In fact, it was not taught at my school, or at any school that I know of. Yes, the greatest of what I learned was philosophy. Well, how can that be when I learned so much of the technical sciences and engineering principles? It is because the philosophy gave me clarity such as I have never had in my 40 something years of living. I learned the engineering principles because I now understood their value. I was able to focus on my studies with great ardor, because I knew that nothing comes for free. I was able to integrate the knowledge into my broad understanding of engineering applications because I had a new grasp on epistemology.

Most importantly, though, my study of Objectivism for the last five or six years helped me to FINALLY understand the secret to success. Now, I am empowered to work toward my success and be assured that it will come. How am I able to know the secret to success from studying Objectivism? There is no section on how to become successful in OPAR. I can tell you this. If you study the philosophy with an earnest desire to find a workable framework for life. If you decide to take this philosophy as a way of life, rather than an intellectual exercise, or a platform of party talk ideas. If you really apply this philosophy to your life, you will also discover the secret of success, which means you will discover the secret to happiness. Sure, I could tell you what it is that I discovered. You will only say, "Oh, I already know that." But I guarantee you likely DO NOT know that...not really. You don't understand it on a deep enough level to understand the way forward. I will give you a hint though. It is in the branch of philosophy that starts with A is A.

So yes, philosophy was the greatest of what I learned. I am now starting a business, and I know it will be successful. How do I know? ::grins::

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  • Posted by Wonky 10 years, 6 months ago in reply to this comment.
    Yes. I need to cast my runes again to see what they reveal (I jest). I hate to leave a good fire untended for too long. Consider this one stoked while I attend to other immediate concerns.
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  • Posted by 10 years, 6 months ago in reply to this comment.

    Some of your predictions are right on the money, some are in the general direction.

    Of course, I accept the axioms, in fact, it was my study of existence exists, A is A, and every cause has an effect and every effect has a cause, that propelled me to achieve a great deal more than my classmates. I use integration and differentiation, generally, but use an analogy of genus and species more often, and of course all knowledge is contextual. Those that separate knowledge from context are driving down the rationalist road. The concept of non-contradiction helped me to understand some very hard to grasp material. It seemed contradictory, but I knew it was likely not so. Thus, I re-evaluated my premises.

    Yes, I challenged every contradiction, and still do. There are a number of... let's call them idioms.. used in the sciences, such as "nature abhors a vacuum" and "entropy causes everything to move from order to chaos" and others that really bug me because they are patently false if you examine reality. Yet they are mindlessly repeated by intelligent people as if they are truth, simply because their professor told them so.

    I think the mathematics of quantuum physics is modeling true behavior, but that the explanation is obviously bunk. I absolutely do not think that observing an entity changes it, provided that the observation is passive.

    I have not spent time considering the right hand rule, thanks for the tip.

    I have a decent understanding of thermodynamics, enough to throw the bullshit flag when necessary, and well enough to predict outcomes of some processes before they occur, but definitely not well enough to predict processes like organic chemistry.

    I think the idea that the speed of light is the ultimate speed limit of the universe is a silly idea.

    I have no interest in perpetual motion machinery, but spend a great deal of time considering how to get another 5 percent efficiency out of a standard thermal cycle power generation facility.

    BUT...... epistemology alone does not provide happiness. There can be no separation between mind and body, between thought and action, between plan and execution. Epistemology is simply a tool that one uses to find errors, correct them, and move on. It is a tool that one uses to invent and create, to verify and reject falsehoods. But it does not stand alone, and though I know there are many who consider epistemology to be the most important of the branches, I disagree.

    My secret to success, Wonky, which I regret that anyone would consider to be a secret, though it might as well be for the lack of people who understand it, is rooted more firmly in metaphysics than in epistemology. I cannot separate one from the other, though, after all I understand metaphysics because of my epistemology. Of the two, though, my epistemology is weaker. It is still a branch that I need to work on.

    Does this help with your profile of me?
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  • Posted by 10 years, 6 months ago in reply to this comment.
    Nicely stated Mike. Indeed, metaphysics and epistemology are the two foundations that underlie every decision we make and every action we take. They support our ethics, and then, when we apply our ethics in a social context, our politics. Metaphysics and epistemology are the basis of my "secret to success", but only when they are not only fully integrated mentally, (which takes a great deal of time, study, and work) but also integrated physically, which means that the plans must be put into action, that the thoughts must be transformed from the conceptual to the physical. One must learn to shape their own reality to conform to their own values.

    Sadly, most people never take the time to even understand, or to discover, what their values are.
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  • Posted by 10 years, 6 months ago in reply to this comment.
    Persistence is one of the keys, yes. But not the crux of the matter. It is one effect that is gained from a cause that is very hard to initiate. However, it is an effect that becomes a key contributing cause of success. Dig deeper, much deeper into this subject, to integrate the concept that enables all of these things mentioned in the responses.
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  • Posted by 10 years, 6 months ago in reply to this comment.
    Definitely on the right track. But this is a very deep subject. It cannot be summarized in couple of sentences or a quick series of thoughts. Of course there is no magic formula. Anyone who says so is a mystic. But there is a secret, though it should not be secret at all, it should be obvious to all. Yet, most people who say they know how to succeed, do not. Is it then, that they choose to fail?
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  • Posted by 10 years, 6 months ago in reply to this comment.
    Maphesdus, I have read some of your other posts. I have nothing to say to you other than..I have nothing to say to you.
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  • Posted by Hiraghm 10 years, 6 months ago in reply to this comment.
    “Nothing in this world can take the place of persistence. Talent will not; nothing is more common than unsuccessful people with talent. Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education will not; the world is full of educated derelicts. Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent. The slogan ‘press on’ has solved and always will solve the problems of the human race”
    - Calvin Coolidge

    Also by one of the better Presidents:

    "Don't expect to build up the weak by pulling down the strong."
    Calvin Coolidge

    "Collecting more taxes than is absolutely necessary is legalized robbery."
    Calvin Coolidge

    "We need more of the Office Desk and less of the Show Window in politics. Let men in office substitute the midnight oil for the limelight."
    Calvin Coolidge

    "Perhaps one of the most important accomplishments of my administration has been minding my own business."
    Calvin Coolidge

    "Duty is not collective; it is personal."
    Calvin Coolidge
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  • Posted by $ MikeMarotta 10 years, 6 months ago in reply to this comment.
    No "secret" exists. You can work hard, be determined, and persevere every day and not achieve much. Reason and logic are also important, perhaps fundamental. In order to ACT you must THINK. Clear thinking gets you farther than hard work, all other things being equal - "ceteris parabus" as the economists say.

    But rationality alone is powerless without application. I agree that hard work matters.

    That said, no magic formula tells you when you need to persevere over all obstacles and when you need to change your path based on your experience. Wisdom cannot be reduced to a set of commandments.
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