The Mercedes-Benz F015

Posted by overmanwarrior 9 years, 4 months ago to Technology
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I want one!

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  • Posted by ObjectiveAnalyst 9 years, 4 months ago
    Hello overmanwarrior,
    I share your passion for driving and will likely always want a sports car for exhilarating fun, but for long trips like you and I take to Florida a car like this would allow you to relax and start your vacation sooner. I choose my vacations for rest and relaxation... an escape from the hustle and bustle. I prefer a hiatus. Work is too stressful and the more down time I get the better I like it!
    Happy trails to you!
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  • Posted by Zenphamy 9 years, 4 months ago
    I worked on a self steering and navigating auto project in the early 70's at university. Loved the research and trials, but began to deal with the individual freedom issues and my personal love of driving, and had to admit that I abhorred the concept. I resented the loss of personal control, decision making, and choice. I'm just not sure I'm ready to give that up, even for the supposed comfort and ease, and become a part of the collective at any level. I am a die hard individualist and am willing to accept the little discomforts required to maintain it.
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  • Posted by Crushmore 9 years, 4 months ago
    John Galt would get into his vehicle and say, "Take me to the Gulch", but instead the car would drive him to nearest People's Institute of Science jailhouse.
    I guess that is something to think about.
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  • Posted by freedomforall 9 years, 4 months ago
    "the 2020 will be the last car you buy that you can actually drive yourself"
    No thanks.
    I would rather depend on my reaction being capable of preserving my life and others in my vehicle than to trust my survival to any hackable system with an NSA backdoor.
    Have we learned nothing from Edward Snowden?
    Have we learned nothing from the banking cartel's manipulation of con-gress and the ongoing con of the voters by the DemRep Party?
    This is not the free market of the 19th century.
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