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  • Posted by $ Abaco 9 years, 3 months ago
    Our local UC university, with their Mind Institute actually studies this subject. I was even in the study. The "CHARGE Study". In that study it was found that of the children who were vaccinated per the CDC schedule there were consistently high levels of mercury in the blood. Of the children who weren't vaccinated per the schedule - little to no mercury in the blood. I did not hear of any unvax children with autism. All children with autism had vax and mercury in the blood.

    Get put on your thinking caps. Since not all children with vax and mercury had autism they put out a paper stating that, therefore, mercury cannot be linked with autism. The AP picked it up and ran with that headline. The news media is not helping you learn...

    Science is dead. From Atlas Shrugged..."At times like these, when their fat little comforts are threatened you can be sure that science is the first thing men abandon." (that's from my memory, and probably very close)

    I don't get sucked into online debates on this because I know more that I'll divulge online. I have, however, been in contact with my Assembly Member on this because I know that forced vaccination cannot be allowed until there is at least one or two double-blind studies of the ENTIRE CDC CHILDHOOD VACCINE SCHEDULE, done by neutral parties. Hasn't been done anybody.

    Want more? Look up William Thompson of the CDC. I have spoken with the person he sang to...
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  • Posted by iroseland 9 years, 3 months ago
    An Italian Court, Really? Their Judaical system is at best a basket case. While yes, parents should be the final decision makers. Their right to that choice still ends with their kids. When you take a kid with measles out into the public you are endangering folks who might be immune compromised. The Amish are pretty well known for not getting immunizations. They also do not send their kids to public schools or go to Disney Land, or the Mall or Concerts. You will not see one boarding your flight to Cleveland. So, they keep the problem pretty well to themselves..
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