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  • Posted by $ Abaco 9 years, 3 months ago
    The gov absolutely wants to get the kids. They really think those aren't your kids, but "the village's" kids.

    When I was 8 and my brother 7 we lived on an island up in the northwest. We would leave the house on a Saturday with a couple air rifles and fishing poles and be home for dinner, covered up to our knees in mud. What a blessing that was, to be able to experience that. TV sucked - all we had was Canadian stuff on the rabbit ears and the kiddie shows were horrible! So, we were outdoors a lot.
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    • Posted by $ Susanne 9 years, 3 months ago
      OH! The HORRORS of not adhering to the dotgov-mandated 6.4 hours of Televised Indoctrination and mental-social (de)conditioning...

      I have seen, firsthand, the (deleted) CPS agents use fear and intimidation against young moms (and young parents) into absolutely unreasonable and illegal actions, for no other reason than to boost their numbers to make them look good to their bosses.

      I was at my niece's home (at the time, she was 19 with 2 babies) talking about, of all things, this pair of agents who did an inspection 3 weeks before of her friend's place (2 sons), found nothing amiss, tossed the house "looking for further evidence", then declared the home "unfit for children" and confiscated the kids, having mom arrested. We heard a car coming up the gravel drive - and it was these same 2 agents.

      Imagine their surprise, while trying to bully their way inside, they came face to face with a 40-something year old tough, well-educated (and from my job, connected) woman rather than a fearful, cowering 19 year old young mother.

      Long story short - I wouldn't let them in, they called the sheriff to "enforce entry", and at the same time I was calling a friend who happened to be a superior court judge, and explained the situation. He asked to speak to the officer when he showed, so when the cop got there, I handed him the phone. The cop smiled, handed the phone back, asked to look around (the niece said "sure, as long as those thugs don't come in")... did the inspection, congratulated the girl on what a fine job she was doing, then told the thugs on the porch that unless they left immediately, he would ask the niece to file charges of (IIRC) "trespass with criminal intent of vandalism" against them. They left immediately - and never returned. (One had "transferred to another department", the other, her supervisor it turns out, was, um, "no longer employed by the county".)

      What sucked about this - was having to use a pull-peddler looter weapon against these thug looters. To this day, it still makes me feel queasy to have had to sink to their depths, but I'd do it again to do what was right.
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