fighting back after arrest at school board meeting.

Posted by johnpe1 9 years, 3 months ago to Government
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like CC, this stuff is being shoved down kids' throats,
regardless of parental concern. . this father was
arrested for complaining. . now, he's hitting back. -- j


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  • Posted by Non_mooching_artist 9 years, 3 months ago
    I posted this story last May when it happened. I'm very pleased to see this was dismissed by the judge. But the police dept. is clearly the issue, as is the school board for having Mr. Baer removed in the first place.
    This is not the country I knew growing up. There are police with some strange ego trip ideas that it's them against us, that they are commandos. And the school boards wouldn't exist unless the people elected them. And if there weren't TAXPAYER FUNDED schools. The fact that there is this "threat" in the room of a public hearing, that if one doesn't toe some line that isn't congruent with the leanings of the board, and if speaking up could result in arrest, then people will stop speaking. Which is, in my mind, what this is all about.
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