And yet nobody has died

Posted by $ blarman 9 years, 3 months ago to Politics
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Panic! The government hasn't done it's job in a decade and no one is the worse for wear!

Seriously, though. If it ain't broke, DON'T FIX IT! If a lack of governmental oversight hasn't resulted in poisonings or deaths, isn't that just an indicator of how USELESS the program is in the first place?

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  • Posted by Ben_C 9 years, 3 months ago
    My anger comes from the fact that these bureaucracies are not responsible nor accountable for their mistakes or miscalculations if they are the cause of a resulting problem. But have a business or lesser government agency exceed the federal arbitrary boundries of their regulations and all are in great jeopardy.
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  • Posted by XenokRoy 9 years, 3 months ago
    Look at the fist acts of the EPA when it was formed and it about sums up every act since then.

    They decided the beach where the fish processing plants dumped the waste for seagulls to clean up was bad. The beach could be used by people if was just cleaned up and made beautiful.

    The lack of food caused tens of thousands of seagulls now dependent upon the feed they were given to clean up to die. This created a health risk that the EPA then "cleaned up" by hiring more people to clean up the dead seagulls.

    The waste which was no longer eaten by the Seagulls was dumped in land fills and homes built on top the areas. As the decay occurred it created sink holes that swallowed up homes, the EPA came to rescue again putting regulation around dumps and fill and how it had to be processed....

    Then US fishing companies decided not to renew leases from the government to fish in our north eastern waters. It was too expensive to do business. So the Federal government leased out much of our north eastern fisheries to Canadian businesses instead.

    The resulting job shortage in the fishing industry in the early seventies was the fault of the greedy businessmen who would not keep fishing because it was not profitable enough any longer.

    They killed the fishing industry, causes a mess with the seagulls which we then had to pay even more money to clean that up and caused sink holes with the waste the seagulls use to eat.

    That about sums up the usefulness of the EPA. If you want an organization that takes systems that have worked well for 100+ years and breaks them, then breaks them more, and more until there is no longer a need for the system I give you the EPA. Removes more jobs than any other agency.
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