Walmart a Follow Up

Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 9 years, 3 months ago to Economics
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Found the old comment to the right of the screen on the Ayn Rand Heartland Institute. So...

Following the original comment which listed anti Walmart people as hating anyone who is successful without government involvement, their massive ability to provide low cost goods and cheap prices to those who can't shop with the likes of second term Congressionals and Presidents or like me in the Post and Base Exchanges as a retired veteran, They don't like WalMart becoming the world's largest retailer and employer by selling at market prices and paying market wages. And they are not unionized which would drive them out of business.

Add this to why you shop WalMart. They employ the very young with no experience and the elderly who are unemployable anywhere else. Those he need a start and those who find they can't make it on their government program of devaluing the buying power of their retirement fund.

Same people that hate WalMart hate successful people, old people, and young people. They hate anyone who can think, can reason and are independent. They hate anyone who does not need handouts or government involvement.

Besides the other choice Tarjay (Target) - who are not a target but are French owned which supported the other side in the war and that boosted the California whine industry. So maybe just maybe those who hate WalMart just hate America and Americans.

Note the youngest son of that family now deceased was a Sergeant in US Army Special Forces. I think the left also took that as a reason to be anti-Walmart. Sum the whole thing up as jealous of those who can in favor of those who won't

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