Department of the Internet

Posted by dbhalling 9 years, 3 months ago to Legislation
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Net Neutrality is Obama Care for the Internet.
SOURCE URL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m2mzMcRPO2I

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  • Posted by terrycan 9 years, 3 months ago
    How do we stop this?
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    • Posted by $ jdg 9 years, 3 months ago
      Wait for it to be challenged in court, then donate to the plaintiff. The political decision has already been made. Hollywood insists the Net be made a monopoly so they can own it, and of course, the Left wants to be able to enforce the "Fairness Doctrine" on it.
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    • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 9 years, 3 months ago
      Who controls the system and how do they control it? The Chinese are asking the same question. Of course they are moving from a form of left wing fascist socialism to a system of combining the best of capitalism an economic system with the best of shall we say having some measure of social conscience. The difficulty is in finding a center and deciding how far i,n any direction is permisable.

      The USA on the other hand is moving in the other direction having left the center, the sacred ground as St. James of Carville put it to the Democrats one time, and become not an information but a communications based economy with no base other than the ability to print or create money and devalue even the most outlandish spendthrift debts. Devalue is a good as paying the debt in the financial scheme of things.

      Last time I was in China the streets were full of people all with cell radio phones and most with laptops.To some it was still a very strange notion. A Pandora's box. But they didn't mind discussing it and were curious how about us and our bankrupt every ten years system.

      No problem so was I and still am.

      Control however is an almost mechanical thing if you, for example, have access to the wiring, the transmitter receivers, and the control systems. Question is do they want control of the system and will they control the system or use it as a way of being able to apprehend anybody at anytime given there are so many laws one cannot wake up and breathe without having committed a felony.

      Second objective is a clandestine system of communication. Remember in one movie Air Force One I think they used the old morse code frequencies to defeat the aliens. --. ....he ..-. -. --- - and I may be rusty. or have friends in the right places that can hook you into a present system in the manner of the WWII OSS teams and their counterparts in the resistance movements. Without doubt the idea of private in homes and papers is a dead duck, yet another casualty of 911 and the terrorists who won that round. On the other hand some of us are old enough to really not give a damn except to never support the Government Party in either of it's two forms.

      None of that group have earned the right to claim my allegiance which still goes to the Constitution.

      I suppose it goes to how much importance is attached on attracting votes for their sham candidates in an effort to flim flam most of the people one more time. They are insecure enough to begin building a protective echelon but arrogant enough to still goad their present security forces.

      Hard to say.

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  • Posted by Herb7734 9 years, 3 months ago
    Another Obama snake in the grass. It's name sounds beneficial, but if it's implemented, it will restrict the internet worse than the FCC.
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  • Posted by maxsilver 9 years, 3 months ago
    OK, Looks like it's time to get the innovation going on the next version of the internet. Here are a couple of web sites. The basic idea is to create a mesh topology that has no "central" means of control but is distributed by its constituents.


    No where near ready for world wide deployment but the idea is very powerful.

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    • Posted by 9 years, 3 months ago
      That's great, but this is ultimately not a technology issue, it's a moral issue. The same is true of the NSA issue. I appreciate those people looking for a technological solution, but the real answer is philosophical.
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      • Posted by maxsilver 9 years, 3 months ago
        The internet started out as something that no one thought would amount to much until some enterprising people figured out there was money to be made. That is when it became a philosophical issue which is the same issue as any governmental control. As long as we allow government the access mechanisms by which it can control, it will. The further you push the envelope outside of what government can control, that philosophical issue becomes mute. Until it subverts their ability to collect a tax or maintain their veil of secrecy you can be sure it will be free and unobstructed. What happens next is the philosophical issue.
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      • Posted by Zenphamy 9 years, 3 months ago
        As you say, technology has no right or wrong, no politics, and no biases. It's all up to the humans that control or use the technology. Whatever can be invented by the good can always be invented by the bad or coopted to use or misuse. The question is totally philosophical. But those without solid philosophical and technological bases will never grasp that.
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    • Posted by $ blarman 9 years, 3 months ago
      We already have that in the current Internet except for the DNS servers, which really have to be authoritative and central for the whole thing to work. That being said, they were created and have been run for decades PRIVATELY. The most insidious part of this whole Net Neutrality charge is that the US Federal Government wants to take over control of these root DNS servers and thereby control the Internet. There has even been talk about the US turning it over to the UN because they're jealous it runs the world and isn't under their control.

      And if you don't know what the DNS servers do, think of them like the Post Office of the Internet for


      Without DNS, you don't get to Google. Or EPSN. Or Galt's Gulch. Without DNS, the Internet shuts down.
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  • Posted by Owlsrayne 9 years, 3 months ago
    If you go back to You Tube, Mark Cuban put out a tweet referring Net Neutrality that it is right from Atlas Shrugged. I'm sorry to say he is right.
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  • Posted by NealS 9 years, 3 months ago
    Yah but you can keep your username. And you can keep your password. And will it be billed monthly or will you need your credit card on file so they can just take what they want when they want it? Just more jobs we can create that produce absolutely nothing.
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