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  • Posted by Herb7734 9 years, 8 months ago
    Trying to be just a "regular guy" Biden has the unique ability to make himself look foolish. His good ol' buddy persona makes me want to say, "Just shut up and sit down."

    "a politician is an ass upon which everyone has sat except a man." -- e. e. cummings
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  • Posted by $ allosaur 9 years, 8 months ago
    So Biden points out a "butt-buddy" named Neal and everyone applauds.
    Those Dems must be conditioned by Obooboo publicly congratulating certain athletes for coming out of the closet.
    Of course this retired corrections officer instantly recalls a number of certain paired-up inmates at a state prison near Birmingham.
    They were called . . . "butt-buddies."
    Foremost comes the recollection one known as Spider. I forgot the name of his little squeeze. Two grown men.
    I'll never forget them standing closely together in an infirmary pill call line while making kissy faces at each other.
    Ah, I have memories only our current executive branch could Happy Valentine's Day cherish.
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    • Posted by 9 years, 8 months ago
      Thanks for sharing - NOT.
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      • Posted by $ allosaur 9 years, 8 months ago
        I've decided to share some more.
        I recall a prison inmate named Nathaniel who changed his name to Natalie who whored for cigarettes, which is used as currency in an Alabama state prison, since inmates are not allowed to have money.
        Natalie would use a high-pitched voice and call female officers "sister." Everything about Natalie was effeminate.
        Then one weekend Nantalie had visitors. It was his wife and a little boy--his son!
        I'm told that manly Nathaniel greeted his wife with a very low and masculine, "Hi, honey."
        As quick as his family left, Nat was a sissy boy again.
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  • Posted by Dan66 9 years, 8 months ago
    Knowing that idiot he probably doesn't even know what it means. It's amazing they ridiculed W.'s inability to speak clearly and this buffoon is always saying something stupid. I assure you if a GOP said that there'd be an outcry.
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