It's Storytime!

Posted by khalling 9 years, 3 months ago to Entertainment
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It's Kira time! Our daughter Kira, worked on ASIII as a Producer's assistant and post-production coordinator. She also had a walk-on in one scene of the movie. She is trying to get herself out there and build some face and name recognition. Here is a debut video on her new You Tube Channel. New videos weekly. (Like her mother, she cusses like a sailor, so if you don't like that kind of thing...)

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  • Posted by Herb7734 9 years, 3 months ago
    She certainly has enough personality. Actually, enough for several young women. If she uses the Tube as a journal. it might make an interesting movie sometime in the future, especially if she achieves her goal.

    Here's a bit of technical advice: Don't get so close to the camera. Closeness or use of wide angle distorts facial features making noses and lips appear bigger than they are. If your camera isn't a phone and/or has a telephoto lens, use that, move back from the camera until your head and shoulders fill the frame. That type of set-up gives facial features a better appearance.
    Textbook stuff from a former photographer.
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  • Posted by $ Susanne 9 years, 3 months ago
    Hey Kira -

    Your audio quality ROCKS! Whatever you did there - don't mess with it - you have a *really* good voice (better than most youtube entries IMO), and however you did it stick with it. Your lighting is informal but good as well! (what are you using for your audio gear?)

    Best - you have a really natural presence on the camera... a friendly, personable presence that is damned hard to "fake" - even some pros can't pull this off, and you did.

    Just a comment - this from when I taught videography back in the "stone age" of the 1970's - Headspace! You can do "emphasis shots" where you go closer (which is cool, and adds interest and visual appeal to the vid)), but you want to retain what I call "base neutral" - ie 0:36, 1:40-1:51, 1:54, 2:09 et al. - or as I used to say, centered armpits to 2/3 of a forehead above your hair - for your base material.

    Another trick - take it or leave it - since you are breaking this up, you can also gaff out your camera locations, and do an "angle-on" shot - where it looks like you have a second camera, dollied and angled from the first (if you have good background from that shot) and go between the 2 - like the pro documentary thing, where you have a "camera shift" and turn to face it. Kind of like the facial Close-ups, they add interest and motion to the vid. It takes practice, but I think you could probably pull it off without a thought.

    Whatever you do - keep it up! You have the talent and the voice, you have a good camera presence, and what you're doing is awesome - I wish you both success and fortune!

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  • Posted by fivedollargold 9 years, 3 months ago
    Perhaps she could do a segment on "what if Americans arranged marriages like they do in India?" Have her parents contact $5Au and spouse $1Ag. They married off the doctor son but the musician one is still available.
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  • Posted by $ winterwind 9 years, 3 months ago
    Hi Kira! Hi KH & db! Herein follows a thought or 2 about your video. Don't worry, I'll eventually get to the good stuff.

    1. have a subject that you're going to talk about - note that I didn't say have a subject that you're essentially NOT talking about. "I don't keep my resolutions" takes 30 seconds to say, and you're done.

    2. don't BOUNCE! If you're going to bring the camera in tight, when you bounce, half of your face is gone. It's very distracting. The nice lady who does the weather on your local tv show spent a long time learning how not to move all over.
    and I know your mama said you cuss like a sailor, but you do it unconsciously. You should be aware of every word that you say when you're on camera and the product of your work is going to go public. I don't care if you cuss, but I do care that you're doing it for a reason, not as a pause-filling-word. If you really and truly and thoughtfully don't care a bit that there are people who see your video and turn it off after the first "fuckin'", that is a position to take. Please take it consciously.

    3. Listen to what you said and the end, and keep the "30 days" guy in mind. You know, that guy who ate nothing but McDonalds for 30 days, and kept a video diary which he turned into a movie. He went on to do several tv shows: be one of those guys who shows up at the Labor Store and works hourly, if there is work. He also lived as a Muslim, with a Muslim family, for 30 days. It was fascinating! He had a subject and he told people a lot about it that they didn't know.
    AND that's what you said at the end: I want to do exciting, interesting things that no one ever thought of before. Well, I'm not sure you can do the "no one ever thought of before", and I think a month is too long at the You Tube stage, but what are things you have never done? What are the exciting and interesting things? How do people get to do them? Like a flower shop - what do you have to do to get a job at a flower shop and keep it? What are the jobs that people do that no one ever thinks of doing, or even investigating? If I don't know them, and you don't know them, and your parents don't know them, there's a reason.
    In fact, here's your first assignment: spend a chunk of time,like 5 hours, a day,[yes I did say that! It's WORK!] watching YouTube. What kind s of videos do you see? Which ones do people like [from their comments]? Which ones have a narrow audience? Categorize them: home décor, makeup [natural and character], "my band sang....", like that. It might make a moderately interesting video report , AND you would find 28 "holes" that have no reports or discussion. If no one is talking about it, why? Is that an area which you can exploit in some way?

    and finally, good on you for trying this instead of bitching about it.

    P.S. well, you ASKED.
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  • Posted by $ puzzlelady 9 years, 3 months ago
    Perky personality, pretty face, pleasant speaking voice are pluses. Good start.

    Avoid frowning; you're too young to have those deep parallel furrows between the eyes.

    Don't wave that index finger around; makes you look like Sarah Palin.

    Have something meaningful to say, not just a teenage scatterbrain string of inanities.

    Make people want to come back and see you again, maybe even view the same episode more than once because it's worth their time as an objective value, not just because you're someone special's daughter.

    Don't be offended or defensive about sincere criticisms. Be your own worst critic. Watch for improvements week by week. You can do it!

    Public speaking is a learnable skill. Observe how the likeable people do it--Tina Faye? Jodie Foster? Helen Hunt? Rachel Maddow? -- and make it your own. Develop your own personal signature style.

    Have a reason for everything you say and do and make it look natural. Even improv needs creative integrity.

    Reconsider the F word. It stands for sexual intercourse, a magnificent aspect of life and love, the way to procreate humanity. Does it really need to be sullied as a curse word and something dirty just because it is our strongest animal drive? See if you can create a new word to take its place.

    You don't need to go to the gym at 5AM every morning. Anytime will do, and you can even film an episode or two there, on ideas that occur to you while energetically occupied. Creative contemplation is helped by an increased heart rate.

    Good luck. We'll be watching.
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  • Posted by $ Thoritsu 9 years, 3 months ago
    Lovely girl. Congratulations!

    There is a double standard on women cursing, that makes it all that more interesting when done well. I have a potty-mouth so bad that both of my kids adopted a "never like dad" response, and curse not at all Clearly great parenting on my part ;)
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  • Posted by $ winterwind 9 years, 3 months ago
    Hi again.
    Kira, I recommend to you a woman who does makeup tutorials? lessons? demonstrations? all of the above, I think - on YouTube. Sorry, I don't remember the number after her name and I don't have her address, but if you search "panacea" and "makeup", you will find her. You'll know you have the right person if you're watching a young British woman who ends her time with "zoom-zoom".
    I found her after she had been adding her videos for a while, so I'm not sure exactly how she started, but YouTube videos turned into a book deal for which there were huge promotion parties, her own makeup line, and I'm not sure what else. I learned a lot from her about makeup [and remember, I did theatre for a hundred years?] and also about how to structure a video. She has a wonderful rapport with her audience - you can tell my the comments. She holds contests and responds to requests; she does street makeup and also effects/party/Hallowe'en looks.
    You could do much worse than to watch her for a time - makeup and how someone successful does a video, 2 results for 1 viewing.
    Give her a try.
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  • Posted by CircuitGuy 9 years, 3 months ago
    I didn't notice the cursing.

    The splices made it feel like someone post-edited something she said to make her say something different.

    I found the bombastic nature of it un-natural, but almost all broadcast personalities do this. I think in broadcasting/acting you can't just talk normal. You have a to have at least some William Shatner in your voice.

    Once Dan Carlin, who does two popular podcast shows that I love, played a tape of him when he was a kid. He sounded bombastic even then.
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    • Posted by 9 years, 3 months ago
      it does seem to be this stylistic choice that appeals to younger viewers. I was more critical of the content than the style. and yes it was post-edited, that too is quite common with the successful you-tubers. have you watched any of julie B stuff?
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      • Posted by CircuitGuy 9 years, 3 months ago
        I strongly agree with all the content of this dating video. I find the presentation annoying, but that's the modern style.

        I saw her when someone posted the "Check Your Privilege" video, which I did not care for.

        I would add one small point the thing about finding a libertarian partner. Find someone who has actually been near the Federal poverty line and interacted with programs aimed at helping the poor. She/he's more likely to be critical of gov't interventions.
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  • -2
    Posted by term2 9 years, 3 months ago
    I thought ASIII was the worst of the three. It was probably so because of limited funding. For example, the cars in the gulch had Colorado license plates !!! One would never do that in a supposedly secret place. Also, it was supposedly unreachable by anything except a plane, yet there were all sorts of things there like refrigerators, cars, etc. Didnt make sense.
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    • Posted by $ jdg 9 years, 3 months ago
      If it's unreachable by car, why are there cars there at all? They wouldn't be much use. I can't imagine it bigger than a few hundred people. Galt wants smart, creative people to live there while on strike. He wouldn't want to be flooded by riffraff who might demand a voice in running the place.
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