Hayek Shrugged

Posted by khalling 9 years, 3 months ago to Philosophy
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an interesting article giving more insight into Rand's views on Hayek.. I am surprised that on an Ayn Rand site, db has many negative points for his views on some Hayek concepts that were Rand's views as well. For this post, please make actual arguments for/against Hayek or for/against Rand on specifics in the attached article.
SOURCE URL: http://clubtroppo.com.au/2006/12/30/hayek-shrugged/

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  • Posted by ObjectiveAnalyst 9 years, 3 months ago
    Hello khalling,
    I hope I am not seriously violating your conditions. This is a very interesting topic and I have learned some things of interest to me.
    Of note:
    We knew Rand had read Hayek, though they never met. But I was wondering if Hayek ever read any Rand. So far it does not appear that he read much of it only AS and …Fountainhead.

    From the article:
    “An error of knowledge is not a moral flaw, provided you are willing to correct it; only a mystic would judge human beings by the standard of an impossible, automatic omniscience. But a breach of morality is the conscious choice of an action you know to be evil, or a willful evasion of knowledge, a suspension of sight and of thought (p 970).”

    Could it be that Hayek could be forgiven due to an error of knowledge?

    From the link provide in the article to a .pdf.

    “By contrast, Roy Childs (1994, 272) tells us that “Hayek . . .244 The Journal of Ayn Rand Studies Vol. 6, No. 2 rather admired Atlas Shrugged.” Childs “once asked him about it, and he said that he thought it was a very good, even profound, book, but apparently [he] skipped Galt’s speech. He couldn’t make heads nor tails out of it, he said, and indeed he could not understand any of her philosophical writings.” Alas, the New Individualist Review, on which Hayek served as an editorial board advisor, dismissed Rand’s book For the New Intellectual as “madness” (Goldberg 1961). Despite her harsh criticisms of the ethics and politics of particular Austrians, Rand and her early followers derived much “intellectual ammunition” from the economic insights of the Austrian school.2 Perhaps the most important contemporary theorist at the intersection of these traditions is George Reisman, who is represented in the current volume. Reisman is the author of the monumental work, Capitalism: A Treatise on Economics (1996), which draws from both Mises and Rand.’


    From this we could posit that Hayek did not understand and needed some instruction.
    I wonder if Rand, given opportunity, could have schooled him.. what his thoughts would be.

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  • Posted by Lucky 9 years, 3 months ago
    I will start off by disobeying kh.
    I do agree with the consternation about the negative points.
    On the other recent thread referred to, dbh expressed views very strongly as is his manner. I think one or two statements are misinterpretations, if not wrong, but all were worth reading, clearly expressed, and the outcome of careful thought. Why anyone, libertarian, Austrian, classical liberal, or what, should mark down is beyond me.
    I reckon, even as a Rand fellow traveler, statements such as- Hayek "an example of our most pernicious enemy" should be classified in the same way as violence in the koran, or the bible, is it an inherent absolute characteristic or is it rabble rousing or unifying the gang? Why should 'holy' books be subject to your rules, especially if it 'works'?

    1. Hayek 'No universally valid system of ethics can ever be known to us.'
    I can see some of the case against but I cannot see how a proof could be constructed especially when so many would accept Hayek's proposition.
    2. Rand ' every individual must discover their own purpose through conscious thought' I do like this, only thought can identify the individual- who when what, in order to achieve maximum value for itself as a living organism thought intentions plans actions. But suppose there is an ethic of service/submission which applies to the majority? In this the individual achieves self value by advancing the group via sacrifice. How does the word 'must' apply here?

    Thanks to kh for introducing me to that clubtroppo site.
    Here in Australia the small number of Rand, Hayek, vonMises, Rothbard admirers are so far from the mainstream conservative collectivist environmental sustainable view that we may as well be identical.

    Looking fwd to some good actual arguments as requested by kh.
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    • Posted by 9 years, 3 months ago
      about the points. the same happens when you try to have reasoned arguments on IP in an Austrian forum. You are immediately silenced. attacking a belief system I guess.
      holy book argument? Are you saying pragmatics trump in any philosophical justification?

      to your thought 1. "I cannot see how a proof could be constructed especially when so many would accept Hayek's proposition." ah, the consensus argument our greenie friends make.
      2. Objectivism would reject an ethical "duty" of service/submission of a group, in this case "majority." groups have no rights.

      "so far from the mainstream conservative collectivist environmental sustainable view that we may as well be identical." did you just make yourself statistically irrelevant there? :)
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      • Posted by Lucky 9 years, 3 months ago
        Ta for above.

        should 'pragmatics trump in any philosophical justification' ?
        No- if you are dogmatic, if the gains are short term only, if the matter concerns your key values which define your identity and will to live.
        Yes- if you are a coward, have no ideals, the sacrifice to hold the ideals is too great, if the generally expressed ideal does not cover this situation.
        So, have not and cannot answer your question properly (but good evasion for the spur of the moment!).

        thought1- yes I agree but that is not the reservation I have which centers on 'universally valid.. ethics'. As I do not understand what that means, I cannot accept the statement or its negation. I do not think it (can or cannot) is self-evident like Euclid's axioms, or 'these truths', more like travel faster than light impossible, scientists as well as novelists enjoy chipping at that proposition.

        Last point- Yes, but one does what one can. Here, we have two big political parties, the Libs- liberals supposedly conservative, the Labs- labor (sort of Euro social democrats). Whether you are Randian or Rothbardian the criticism you make of the major parties' policies is the same in essentials.
        You would recognize the situation, policy differences are minor, it is mainly personalities, and which gang gets to hand out the contracts. I argue there is a difference in competence in that the conservative party runs socialism more efficiently than the socialists so the economy will last for 25 years instead of 5.
        Now if the new libertarian Liberal Democratic party of David Leyonheim, you have heard of him, had more influence, then bigger differences could emerge -maybe on illegal drug use, copyright, border protection. Expressing optimism, that is decades away.
        What a thought- instead of the Libs and the Labs the two big political parties would be the Randists and the Rothians
        I will now take a break to ROFL.
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        • Posted by dbhalling 9 years, 3 months ago
          The problem is that politics is the culmination of other values. The Austrians do not ground their arguments in values that will lead to capitalism. They also do not ground their arguments in A is A and reason, so they cannot combat the nonsense of global warming for instance among a number of other things.
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