Excuse me, Bill Gates

Posted by $ blarman 9 years, 4 months ago to Culture
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But WHY does the government have the right to monitor how I spend my money?

Answer: only a fascist says it does.
SOURCE URL: http://www.theblaze.com/stories/2015/01/24/bill-gates-says-the-government-needs-to-be-able-to-see-digital-currency-transactions/

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  • Posted by Ben_C 9 years, 4 months ago
    Typical comment from a moucher. Has Bill Gates ever really invented anything or is he Orren Boyle. Seems to me Gates took the genius of Steve Jobs and marketed it to the max. And don't get me started on Common Core......
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    • Posted by $ 9 years, 4 months ago
      Actually, Gates was a business genius - not a tech genius. Gates was the first one to _license_ software rather than selling it. That was the key: he _licensed_ DOS (which he bought btw - not developed) to IBM for a per-PC install price. Then when Compaq reverse-engineered the CMOS and IBM-clones started proliferating, suddenly it wasn't the hardware that was making money any more, but the operating system and software.

      Jobs was also a business genius - it was Steve Wozniak who was the technical genius of the Apple crew and Jobs even admitted such. Jobs knew what he was doing - as did Gates - but it was the _application_ of the tech smarts that made them both rich and famous. Same thing with Larry Ellison - he didn't invent the RDBMS (relational database management system), but he not only put together the first commercially viable product, but got it in the hands of businesses. You could also look at Hewlett and Packard, but those two were both real geeks with good business sense to boot.

      For a great movie on Gates and Jobs, I highly recommend "Pirates of the Silicon Valley".
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      • Posted by Ben_C 9 years, 4 months ago
        Thank you for the input. Still not much a fan of Bill Gates but now I know the back story. I am always learning.
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        • Posted by $ 9 years, 4 months ago
          I've never been much of a fan either even though I grew up hacking PC's since I was eight. I've been a Windows Admin for 20+ years and it still irks me that Microsoft has to go and change around all the admin consoles and tools with every new OS release even though the tools themselves don't change. I'm also not a big fan of their "our way or the highway" software mantra. I don't like the Office Ribbon. I don't like tiles on a desktop. NEVER been a fan of Internet Explorer.

          That being said, until some real competition comes along, that's pretty much what everyone is stuck with. Now there is huge potential for Android and iOS to move to the desktop (or for our mobile devices to become our desktops) and supplant Microsoft, but it hasn't happened yet.
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      • Posted by Lucky 9 years, 4 months ago
        IBM had a competition for an operating system.
        They decided on the best one but the designer of it was ocean sailing and was out of radio range. In the IBM tradition of rigid timetables they went to the second on their list.
        Correct, Gates had bought it from a fellow Seattle person.
        Soon after that you could buy(license) that first choice. It was called DrDos, I used it for a few years.
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