CISPA: The price and privilege of free speech and a free press

Posted by freedomforall 9 years, 3 months ago to Government
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"Congress is once again attempting to push through CISPA, a privacy-stripping, rights-reducing bill wrapped in the skin of a cybersecurity bill. I wrote about CISPA before, describing it as more heinous that SOPA, because CISPA seeks to give agencies and companies the right to bypass our privacy without the approval of a judge or the issuance of a warrant.

While the claimed motivation is anti-terrorism and cybersecurity protection, the reality is that if this becomes law, there would no longer be judicial oversight before someone in the government can start rummaging through our medical records, banking records, credit card records, book-reading records, email, Web surfing history, and more.

How big a step is it from a warrantless investigation law such as CISPA to our own government agencies penetrating our news media, looking for sources to stories -- either to keep those stories from coming out, or punish members of the press for covering them?"

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