Health Insurance Is No Longer Legal In America

Posted by khalling 9 years, 5 months ago to Government
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In one more touch of clownish dishonesty, Healthcare.gov refers to itself as “The Marketplace.” That is like calling a book-burning bonfire ‘The Library’. A marketplace is a place where traders buy and sell by mutual consent, not a place where sellers are forced to sell to anyone at a dictated price. Healthcare.gov is the coercive replacement for the marketplace that is no longer legal.
SOURCE URL: http://ronpisaturo.com/blog/2015/01/05/health-insurance-is-no-longer-legal-in-america/

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  • Posted by Snoogoo 9 years, 5 months ago
    Yup, pretty much.. underwriting for health insurance is now illegal. Since the entire insurance industry is based on assessing risk, it should no longer be called "insurance". It should really be called the "Health Bank of .. BCBS, AETNA, United, and sponsored by the USSA (United Socialist States of America)"

    Except it's a bank you are forced to put money into and other people get to withdraw your funds whenever and for however much $ they want. Also if your account is over-drafted (which of course you have no control over), you are responsible for all penalties and fees and the balance of the account. Any remaining account balance may not be resolved via bankruptcy or death. In the case you cannot pay for your debt, you and your progeny will become a subject of the Corporation of the USSA which will become your permanent employer for the period of your indentured servitude (forever, AKA Slavery). All wages are subject to forfeiture in order to satisfy the aforementioned debt until the debt has been paid in full (interest and inflation may apply...forever).
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  • Posted by rbunce 9 years, 5 months ago
    Healthcare insurance like all insurance is a personal finance tool, it is not healthcare. Federal and State governments have increasingly distorted most/all insurance markets for the last several decades. The comment that it is losing much of the characteristics of insurance is sadly coming true. Voluntary risk sharing is becoming mandatory wealth redistribution.
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  • Posted by GordonMuth 9 years, 5 months ago
    Sometimes I think we would all be better off if insurance really was illegal. So that doctors, hospitals and pharmaceutical companies had to complete for our dollars. It might take a few years for things to normalize, but in the long run we would all be better off if we could cut out the middle man.
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    • Posted by $ Thoritsu 9 years, 5 months ago
      Well certainly for nominal health care ( cold medicine, stitches, checkups, etc); however, a heart surgery is not something most people can cover...maybe.

      I do think the key key is to drive healthcare to a free market. If you gave someone $45K for a heart surgery, and let the shop around for doctors, they might find one that will do it for $40K and others that will charge $60K. Same for a broken arm, etc. The key to to establish a free market with individual choice.

      The problem we have now is unions of doctors and hospitals negotiating collectively with insurance companies for who covers what for what and who can go where. The market was managed, and further management will not fix the cost.
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      • Posted by GordonMuth 9 years, 5 months ago
        You must remember that the cost of heart surgery or broken arms has already been inflated by insurance. Look at procedures that are not covered by insurance (like cosmetic surgery or radial keratotomy) and consider how cheap they are in comparison (they even offer special financing). The market won't make medical care free, but it can produce solutions if given the chance.
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    • Posted by dbhalling 9 years, 5 months ago
      Of course this problem all started with another government program meddling in the market. Specifically, it started with the wage and price controls implemented in WWII.
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    • Posted by Snoogoo 9 years, 5 months ago
      Well for everything else insurance works and is profitable.. most of the world's wealth is actually invested in insurance. It just cannot work the same way for healthcare as it does for everything else. Imagine a car insurance policy that had to pay out for every oil change, tire rotation, broken belt, transmission, spark plug, new tires, alternator, catalytic converter, etc. etc. AND for every accident for the LIFETIME of the vehicle. It just simply would not work, a policy like that would either go bankrupt or would be astronomically expensive because there would be a 100% guaranteed loss for every policy. There is a reason that doesn't exist. Now if you apply that idea to healthcare what we really should have is a fee for service model for everything that is not catastrophic. Just like there are thousands upon thousands of mechanics and oil change places all over the country, there should be many more thousands of places where you can have a quick checkup, health advice, blood pressure check, blood test, throat culture etc. this is a need the market is starting to fulfill with minute clinics at big chains like Walmart. The insurance part should come in when something really bad happens like a freak accident, cancer diagnosis or heart surgery. There are other pieces to the solution such as limiting malpractice suits, increasing the number of NP's and PA's, but this would be a start.
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    • Posted by ewv 9 years, 5 months ago
      Insurance is not a "middle man" to be cut out. Insurance, not pre-paid guaranteed health care, is the means to pay someone else to take the risk of unusual catastrophic losses, not to pay for your routine needs (no matter serious and expensive). Since the insured catastrophic losses are statistically less likely, a large number of people can routinely pay an affordable smaller amount to an insurer who can then afford the cost of claims with profit left over, with premiums calculated statistically and offered on the market. That is a valuable service, not a "middle man" to cut out.

      The more that people demand "insurance" to cover more and more common costs, under the compulsion of law, the less it is possible to charge premiums that are to anyone's advantage. The result is that it is only possible for what is left of the insurance companies to charge more than the insured would otherwise pay for the costs themselves. That is when the companies become "middle men", but it is no longer insurance, only another expensive inefficiency created by government compulsion. The cost of your insurance needs is covered by bloated expenses for everything else, but you have no choice and have to make the best deal you can to remain insured for genuinely less common catastrophic losses.

      The scam is driven by collectivism demanding that everyone's needs be paid for by everyone. There is no possibility of a market for such a scheme, resulting in progressively increasing government monopoly takeover to enforce the redistribution, along with bureaucratic incompetence, decrees, rationing and ever higher costs for less results which always results from statism and collectivism. That is much worse than a "middle man".
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  • Posted by Temlakos 9 years, 5 months ago
    For what it's worth, I joined an expense-sharing program. At once I cut my "deductible" in half and still cut my "premium" by more than one-third.

    Of course, part of expense-sharing means accepting counseling, when necessary, on how to diminish one's health risks. What insurer bothers to offer that kind of advice?
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  • Posted by fivedollargold 9 years, 5 months ago
    Ironically, this monstrous law is still better than Hillary's healthcare bill.
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    • Posted by Temlakos 9 years, 5 months ago
      Yes, because that would have made the rationing explicit.

      Hillary had this answer to an insurance agent worried that Hillary's bill would abolish her job:

      "You're young. You're bright. You'll find something else."
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      • Posted by ewv 9 years, 5 months ago
        The explicit rationing was at least more honest. Both versions were intended to lead to the same end. Obamacare was intended as a major step towards socialized medicine because they couldn't get there in one step when the public saw what they were doing despite the repeated moral manipulation appealing to altruism, which premise almost no one would challenge.

        Obamacare did not fail. Obamacare was intended to wreck the private health care industry while entrenching as many collectivist premises and as much statist authority as was possible to slip into thousands of pages, This is why they were so willing to make any political deals and payoffs they had to, with reckless abandon for what could possibly "work", in order to slam the whole mess into law. They intended to create destruction that would later have to be "fixed". They expected that there would be such a mess that people would beg the government to step in and take over to save them from Evil Insurance Companies and Greedy Doctors.

        The Republican politicians are predictably now clamoring to "fix" it, still wallowing in altruist guilt as they loudly endorse contradictions like "insurance" for "pre-existing conditions". Much of the public is still also trying to have it both ways, wanting to be taken care of and feeling guilty for others needs while still not willing to overtly destroy their own health care in sacrifice. And so the ideological agenda of egalitarian nihilism continues and health care continues to be wrecked in the usual Republican strategy of "me too but slower".
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  • Posted by term2 9 years, 5 months ago
    If there ever was a compellng reason to remain healthy, its the emergence of healthcare.gov. The only way to win in this new "marketplace" is to NOT ENTER the marketplace at all. At some point, most of us will need some sort of medical care, but the longer we can stay out of it, the better.
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  • Posted by wiggys 9 years, 5 months ago
    when something is illegal most people stay the straight and narrow, they don't want to break the law. So with health care being ILLEGAL no body will engage in it. big savings for us tax payers.
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  • Posted by johnpe1 9 years, 5 months ago
    like calling the jail the freedom palace! . these liars
    are ruining our language on purpose, and ridiculing
    us in the process!!! -- j

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