Air Travel in the Far East - Dangerous

Posted by $ blarman 9 years, 5 months ago to News
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How much of this is the fault of the governments involved and how much the fault of the companies themselves? Given who has control of which pieces, it looks to me like both share culpability, but that government's share is substantially larger. Your thoughts?

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  • Posted by Snoogoo 9 years, 5 months ago
    I think that each case should be treated separately. When faced with an emergency at 30,000+ feet what does the government or company policy matter?

    One plane was shot over Ukraine - Some ass-hole dimwits wanted to look bad-ass and ended up murdering hundreds of innocent people.
    Flight 370 - Pilot suicide (a particularly ass-holey way to commit suicide but possible) OR more likely depressurization, hypoxia, hypothermia, death as it has happened before.
    AirAsia - Bad weather, emergency, possibly the pilot made the wrong split second decision
    There was another plane that crashed this year I believe in Indonesia, I may be wrong. It crashed upon landing also due to crazy bad weather.

    Airplane crashes are caused by either human error, or some sort of mechanical problem. Governments can make regulations all they want, companies can purchase very well-made aircraft, but unfortunately these types of accidents will always happen.
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  • Posted by freedomforall 9 years, 5 months ago
    Unless we have some aircraft designers, engineers, and mechanics here to comment, we, as passengers, just don't have the information to make valid rational conclusions.
    My experience on Asian airlines has been at least as good and in general more pleasant than on US airlines. But that tells me nothing about whether safety was compromised in any way.
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