Auto insurers want some new laws?

Posted by ISank 9 years, 10 months ago to Government
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Who the hell is asking for these laws? What a pathetic existence. Let me comment on a few...
1. Congress shall make no law abridging my freedom of speech and flashing lights is my right.
2. I live in Hawaii, do people really drive with shoes on? How do you feel the pedals? And these idiots want to force me to wear footwear?
3. 4. 5&6 just as pathetic. I have no problem swearing or flipping off a cop. I at times will show great respect for officer as well.
Radar detectors? What's wrong with them?
What busy bodies! Please grant me relief from such fools!

And have some fun!

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  • Posted by freedomforall 9 years, 10 months ago
    +1 for your opinion, -100 for the linked material. Everything you said in your original post goes double for me, Will. Damn the anti-liberty looter society.
    Speeding is not inherently dangerous; giving citations for speeding is simple theft, and the insurance industry should refund all the increases based on those citations back to their customers.
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