Texas Cop Uses Stun Gun on 76-Year Old Man for Expired Registration

Posted by Zenphamy 9 years, 5 months ago to Government
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Oh my, another case of a poor misunderstood policeman just doing his job against the evil citizen.

And the beat (ing) goes on.
SOURCE URL: http://benswann.com/texas-cop-uses-stun-gun-on-76-year-old-man-for-expired-registration/

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  • Posted by khalling 9 years, 5 months ago
    yup. that's the police of my childhood. I'm over on another post where law and order gulchers are giving police the benefit of the doubt...what happened to giving citizens of the United States the benefit of the doubt? hmmm? what happened to that?
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    • Posted by edweaver 9 years, 5 months ago
      Well stated K! I am with you on this. And there would be no reason to have pulled this person over if there was no registration tax. Okay, so a license plate is good but why do we have to pay every year. More money for the state is the only reason.
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      • Posted by $ jdg 9 years, 5 months ago
        Around here the car tax goes to pay for things like local street repairs and the state highway patrol. I have no problem with a tax that is really a user fee, and is only charged to people who use the service it pays for (though privatizing would be better and cheaper).
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    • Posted by RonC 9 years, 5 months ago
      It was perfected with the Patriot Act. Obviously that older fellow was a terror threat and the militarized police (gestapo) have the legal right to deal with terrorists. Funny, in this case he was a threat, at Ft Hood it was workplace violence.
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  • Posted by ObjectiveAnalyst 9 years, 5 months ago
    There is no excuse for this officer's behavior. However, when one is faced with a potential altercation with an officer with a gun and a legal system that gives deference to the police over the citizens (So much for "serve and protect") right or wrong, it would seem to be in your own best interest to practice caution and restraint. Live to have your day in court. This lunatic could have shot and killed. We need more of these videos and to use them to change the culture in our police force. We do not need more dead citizens. We need to prosecute abusive police who use excessive force to the full extent of the law. If the laws are not sufficient or existing laws give too much deference to the police we need to correct them. Do not submit to requests to search or any other requests that you are not required to by law. Educate yourself regarding the law in this regard. Knowledge is power. Be polite, civil and only as compliant as necessary; extricate yourself and get an attorney. When one is armed only with your mouth and up against a bully with a gun your mouth will lose every time. When faced with a rattlesnake... use caution. Folks we are in a war here... it is becoming a police state. Where are all the good police that should be ashamed and policing their own? Where are the judges that should be sending these thugs to meet some of their equals in prison?
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    • Posted by 9 years, 5 months ago
      You can go to Youtube right now and find hundreds of these videos ranging from verbal abuse all the way to death. If you realize that only a very small percentage of these events are caught on video or surface from police cams, you then begin to realize the extent of the problem. We have enough videos. It's time to begin taking action by forcing our police to be responsible for their actions as any of the rest of us are.

      Yes, there are practicalities in all confrontations initiated by police and yes, they are licensed to exert force including your death but that has to stop. And only we can stop it.
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      • Posted by ObjectiveAnalyst 9 years, 5 months ago
        If we had a real AG, that was concerned for all cases of injustice instead of just those he can paint as racist, we might impress him with this plethora of videos and see something positive done...
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  • Posted by Herb7734 9 years, 5 months ago
    Well, at least he got an apology. This cop was totally out of control. I wonder what would be left of my 80 year old bod with this guy throwing me to the ground. I could probably sue them for a fortune while spending the rest of my life in a hospital bed.

    OK, Z & K you've almost got me convinced of the state of the police in the USA. But I was brought up to respect the police and expect proper treatment of myself by them. Just how prevalent is this kind of conduct?
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    • Posted by 9 years, 5 months ago
      Herb; Believe it or not, I don't even have to search to be confronted with articles about this and new events nearly everyday. That of course is weighted for the news sources I typically check on. The biggest problem we face is that there is no required reporting of these incidents and no national data base to track. If it weren't for cell phones and Youtube, we wouldn't know about many of these at all.
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      • Posted by Herb7734 9 years, 5 months ago
        This is depressing. If I'm in a bad neighborhood, or encounter a bad situation, viewing a police cruiser coming down the street would have been looked at by me as the Lone Ranger riding to the rescue. Now it seems that I might have a 50/50 chance that I'd be in trouble as well as those in the situation.
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        • Posted by 9 years, 5 months ago
          I don't think it's 50/50 depending on where you're at, but there's been a number of cases reported this year of people calling the police for help with mentally disturbed family members that have wound up dead. Some mental health supporters are recommending that if there's a problem in the home with such a person, do not call 911, get other family members, even neighbors to help. There's even been a few nursing home 911 calls that have led to the same result.
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    • Posted by Technocracy 9 years, 5 months ago
      How Prevalent??
      More than is acceptable, but not as bad as the headlines make it look. At least in my opinion

      I agree as to it being a problem, but have reservations about how large the problem really is.

      Lets look at some numbers


      This link's info is drawn from the 2012 Labor Dept stats, so likely under reported rather than over.

      This lists 780,000 police officers.

      Finding hard numbers on incidents from a "reputable" source is problematic .Following link is a CATO institute project


      From January 2010 through December 2010 the National Police Misconduct Statistics and Reporting Project recorded 4,861 unique reports of police misconduct that involved 6,613 sworn law enforcement officers and 6,826 alleged victims.

      4,861 – Unique reports of police misconduct tracked
      6,613 - Number of sworn law enforcement officers involved (354 were agency leaders such as chiefs or sheriffs)
      6,826 - Number of alleged victims involved
      247 – Number of fatalities associated with tracked reports

      Interesting thing in this data....
      #Victims > #Police involved -- 1.03 slightly over 1
      #Vicims > #Incidents -- 1.4/incident

      A-Hole rate of 0.8% given those admittedly rough numbers.

      P.S. 2010 was the highest year for these incidents
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    • Posted by $ jdg 9 years, 5 months ago
      I'm sure it varies a lot from one police agency to another. But even if it's only one officer in 1,000, if his colleagues won't stop him or arrest him for doing it, then effectively they're all guilty.
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  • Posted by Robbie53024 9 years, 5 months ago
    First, what I'm about to say is not trying to excuse anything that this officer did - he was totally over the line in his behavior.

    That said, when being pulled over by a police officer in a vehicle, you should pull over to a safe location, turn the vehicle off and put your hands in plain view (typically on the steering wheel) until the police officer comes to the window and you have the first interaction. At that point, you can ask the officer what the problem is and begin to explain your perspective. After the officer has ascertained that you are not a physical threat, you can then ask to exit the vehicle if you believe that is necessary.

    The problem in this scenario is that by charging out of the vehicle the officer is immediately put on guard as to a possible threatening situation. From the officer's perspective, he has a vehicle that is past registration - which could be a stolen vehicle or a license plate stolen from another vehicle. Most up to date law enforcement systems will provide the officer info on the vehicle model and color and info on the registered owner. It takes a couple of minutes for the officer to get that info, that's why after they pull you over they often don't immediately come to your window. If you get out and start moving towards the police car, that officer has no idea what is happening and they are going to assume the worst scenario - which seems to have been what happened here.

    Is a 76 yr old man a likely threat? Maybe, maybe not, depends on whether he has a weapon and just what kind of shape he's in. Likely not, but if you're a young cop, are you going to bet the rest of your life on no threat?

    The cop overreacted, clearly. But Vasquez could have handled the situation differently as well. The cop needs to be sanctioned, for sure, but I'm not going to jump on him as some sort of stormtrooper. He was relatively inexperienced, and likely startled by someone who got out and started moving towards him.
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    • Posted by gtebbe 9 years, 5 months ago
      One bad cop doesn't mean all cops are bad. Robbie is exactly correct. I don't know the how it is in other states, but around here if you get pulled over, you stay in your vehicle with both hands on the steering wheel where the police officer can see them, talk onlywhen asked to, and if you need to retrieve your license, you explain that to the officer first.

      Too many great State and Sheriff officers have been killed by someone they've pulled over. Now police officeres are trained to expect the worst when someone does the unexpected.

      That is all I can say because I was not there, and all I really know is what is shown on the video.
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      • Posted by 9 years, 5 months ago
        Where the hell did this rule of keep your hands on the steering wheel and only speak when permission is granted type of mindset come from?
        Are you a man? Are you a free man? Do you have any self esteem left in you? Do you live in a jail?
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      • Posted by khalling 9 years, 5 months ago
        I did
        not see the same video I think. The man did get out of his car. There is no law stating you can 't. This put your hands on the wheel speak when spoken to nonsense is the kind of thinking that....well I 'm not going to even say it...protect yourselves people. Don 't submit to a roadside body cavity search EVER
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    • Posted by IamTheBeav 9 years, 5 months ago
      You know how people are always intimating that the rape victim is partly to blame because she wore a short skirt or perfume or attention getting earrings or whatever? That's kinda what it sounds like to me when you try to lay some of the blame for this felonious assault at Mr. Vasquez's feet. Like the proverbial rape victim, he was asking for it, right?

      To be clear, Mr. Vasquez did nothing, zero, zip, zilch, nada, not one single thing to deserve this beating. What Officer Robinson did is a felony, and he should be held accountable for that felony at least to the same degree that an average citizen would be. When I say "at least to the same degree", I mean that he could, and probably should, be punished more harshly because his crime was done under color of law. That makes this simple battery case an aggravated battery case as far as I am concerned with the aggravating circumstances being that A) Officer Robinson was armed with a deadly weapon and B) the attack was done under color of law giving Mr. Vasquez, or anyone else for that matter, no right to defend himself.

      You simply cannot in good conscience assign one single iota of blame for this to Mr. Vasquez. It is all on Officer Robinson. There is no gray area here.
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  • Posted by IamTheBeav 9 years, 5 months ago
    One thing that drives me insane is the neverending parade of apologists for the police. It never stops.

    -- They have a tough job.
    -- They put their lives on the line.
    -- They are underpaid.
    -- Always just comply with them, regardless of how wrong they are. If you do, nobody will get hurt.
    -- Always show them respect, no matter what they do.
    -- etc. etc. etc.

    My personal favorite is the old truism that there are only a few bad cops and that we should never judge the cops in general by the well publicized actions of a few. In other words, no matter what happens, do NOT believe your own eyes and ears.

    Bad cops CANNOT exist in a vacuum. They are surrounded by law enforcement all day every day, yet it is extremely rare that one cops unprofessional or even criminal actions will ever be acted upon by another cop. It just doesn't happen. The kinds of things that you and I would serve hard time for is considered routine and unworthy of note by these clowns. In cop culture, kicking ass and taking names is encouraged, nevermind how criminal those actions may be.

    The way I see it, there are 3 kinds of cops.

    Class 1 - The true bad apples who love nothing more than to use that badge to beat the crap out of people as often as possible. A subgroup of Class 1 would be the guys that get off knowing they can get away with all sorts of graft by virtue of a badge and gun. These guys make up a tiny percentage of the police force. For them, it is all about power. Some people are born to be Class 1s and some grow into over time. Either way, these guys are trouble on stilts.

    Class 2 - This class makes up the overwhelming majority of the police force. These are the guys that we are supposed to not paint with the broad brush while we are discussing the cops in Class 1. The problem for me is that the guys in Class 1 can not exist within the departments in which they serve if the guys in Class 2 didn't always have their backs. While a Class 2 guy might not be on the take or unnecessarily violent, you can always count on him to A) look the other way, B) lie on the witness stand or on official reports, or C) at a very minimum remain silent when the Class 1 guys are doing their thing. Within cop culture, it is always an Us vs. Them thing, and no matter how egregious the action any cop does, a Class 2 guy will never stand up for an average citizen against another cop. Law enforcement simply does not apply to other cops, no matter what. Put another way, there just aren't enough Serpicos who will speak up from behind the Blue Wall.

    Class 3 - The new guys. Most (not all) cops start out as bright eyed hero wannabes who just want to do good in the world. They do their training, then they become probationary officers for awhile as they hit the streets. Under veteran officers, they learn quickly that to survive as a cop, you always back up another cop. ALWAYS. These guys lose their cherry soon enough and quickly find themselves as either a Class 2 guy in the brotherhood or as a civilian doing something else with their lives. No matter how well meaning these guys are, they don't stay Class 3 for very long. They either accept cop culture and or they reject it within the first couple months in uniform.

    Now, none of what I am saying here is backed up by any research whatsoever, but does anybody really deny the truth of it? Bad cops do not exist in a vacuum. They just don't. To me, that means you have a few criminals in uniform and a whole bunch of guys who will aid and abet the few at every turn.

    What's worse is that the culture of supporting cops no matter what they do extends far beyond the ranks of the police. Every "tough on crime" legal eagle, superstar wannabe DA will stand up for the cops. Every politician will stand by the cops. Every judge will stand by the cops. Pretty much every time a cop finds himself in trouble, the system is rigged to get them out of trouble. In a cop's word vs. an average citizen accuser's word, the cop wins 100 times out of 100. Cops only lose when their actions/words are recorded. Absent video or audio, a cop always get the benefit of the doubt with plausible deniability.

    Follow what happens from the dashcam footage in the story above. Then ask yourself a few questions. Was that officer right to initiate violence against that man? Forget that he is 76. I mean ANY man. Did the man do anything at all to deserve that attack? Will that officer be punished? How will he be punished? Restricted duty, suspension, additional training, criminal sanctions? My money says some weak administrative punishment and no criminal charge whatsoever. Further, the only reason he will get any punishment at all is that this dashcam video is embarassing to the PD. Without that, nothing at all would happen to this guy. My money says this cop gets a wrist slap and no criminal charge.

    Now, tell me where I am wrong.
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    • Posted by 9 years, 5 months ago
      +1 Beav, the only thing I would offer is to not forget that, in fact the cop initiated force when he decided to stop the driver. Any contact with a policeman carries the threat of death, even traffic stops.
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  • Posted by $ puzzlelady 9 years, 5 months ago
    Reading the comments under the article, full of venom (trolls or not) reveals violent mindsets like the cop's. Fascinating. No wonder cops have reason to worry about their own safety, with citizens' attitudes so inimical.

    Yet every such act of heedless police brutality just feeds the public's antipathy, leading to ever more brutality, much as U.S. foreign policy of endless war breeds resisters we call terrorists.

    It is worrisome that our society resorts to violence as the first step in any confrontation. That is how civilizations end.

    Can reason reverse this self-destructive emotional poison? Can rational values be achieved on a seedbed of irrational destruction? Can resolution replace conflict, reparations replace revenge, rationality reverse insanity?

    It is up to us to affirm and to continue infusing the culture with those rational and non-violent principles. People want to live, and to live free. Respect for the individual is key. Hold that focus in the face of encroaching madness. Don't let it go.
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    • Posted by $ jdg 9 years, 5 months ago
      The difference is, we didn't butt into the cops' lives and threaten them first.
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      • Posted by $ puzzlelady 9 years, 5 months ago
        Unfortunately, cops are empowered to butt into our lives as part of their duties of enforcing laws. With the number of laws on the books, no matter how obscure, *everyone* is a criminal every day in some way. And the police can invent accusations if all else fails. Like the woman driver who stopped to record an arrest and was told to move along. But a cop was blocking her way. If she doesn't move, she is disobeying orders; if she moves, she is accused of trying to run him down. You can't win; they are better at the game than any of us.
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  • Posted by $ allosaur 9 years, 5 months ago
    Comrade citizens, I'll teach that old geezer for trying to talk his way out of a ticket.
    That's not showing my cop manhood respect. Think I'll get my old prison job stick out of my car trunk.
    The good ole' days! That's when cops were really manly men!
    Hey, you talkin' to me?
    Whack! Whack! Whack!
    I don't have to take that, ole' geezer!
    And let that be a lesson to ya.
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  • Posted by Timelord 9 years, 5 months ago
    Sloppy police work (understatement). Sloppy reporting. The headline claims expired registration but the story talks about expired inspection.

    Either way the cop should be fired, arrested for assault and put in jail for no less than 90 days.
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  • Posted by khalling 9 years, 5 months ago
    respect the badge
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    • Posted by vido 9 years, 5 months ago
      Respect is never entitled, is must be earned...
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      • Posted by Robbie53024 9 years, 5 months ago
        Well, with law enforcement, it is better to give it until it has been demonstrated as not to be deserved. And at that point, you probably want to separate yourself from the officer as quickly as possible.
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        • Posted by vido 9 years, 5 months ago
          There is quite a distance between being polite with someone, and to respect someone. Not having respect for the badged thug whose hand is toying with his taser trigger while eyeing the inside of the car for possible "probable causes" is not incompatible with using polite language until he takes off for another potential prey...
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        • Posted by $ jdg 9 years, 5 months ago
          Unless you're in a position to fight him (and I don't think anybody is), it's better to put up with their BS (but film them if you can) until they leave the scene. Then write up and sign a complaint and send it to his agency, with copies to the media, and maybe other agencies or politicians if you want them to intervene.

          You may not win, but at least a judge won't beat you up for arguing with them.
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  • Posted by $ puzzlelady 9 years, 5 months ago
    Reading the comments under that article prompted me to add (excerpt):

    "Fascinating. This act of unjustified police brutality brings out all the worst in some of the commenters here. Just look at the extreme violence and nastiness proposed, the very same mentality as the cop's.

    .".. No wonder cops worry for their own safety, knowing such attitudes exist among the populace. No wonder they view everyone as a potential enemy. And with U.S. policy of preemptive strikes against any number of countries for no good reason at all, the 'shoot first, sort out later' practice becomes legitimized.

    "We're witnessing here the end of civilization as we knew it and the onset of total tyranny. Hello, Orwell's 1984. ..."

    It will take an enormous feat of volitional consciousness and conscious volition to reverse this accelerating disintegration. With the majority swept along into more and more hostility, can we find 100 monkeys of rationality?
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  • Posted by edweaver 9 years, 5 months ago
    Here we have gas tax , registrations fees and general fund money that goes into construction and repairs. I also don't have a problem with paying for the roads but it could all be done through a fuel tax or the general fund and not require annual renewals. They would not need so many employees if there was not an annual renewal. Privatizing would solve the problem if it were not for cronyism.
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  • Posted by wiggys 9 years, 5 months ago
    look no further than the educational system of the usa, we are not educating people and as they grow older, they never grow up, they may be hired for any number of jobs and one is policing but then they think they are god.
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  • Posted by $ blarman 9 years, 5 months ago
    I think both sides here were stupid. One, you never exit your vehicle when pulled over unless you get the officer's okay first. The officer's first trained response is going to be defensive, and then if you attempt to flee, he's going to go offensive. The old guy should not have exited the vehicle. Just roll down the window and ask the dealership to confirm the registration issue. He would also have been wise to stop immediately when pulled over rather than driving to the dealership and presenting himself as a flight risk and traffic hazard.

    That being said, this officer clearly needs to be able to evaluate a suspect better. This isn't a 260-lb youngster who looked like he could play linebacker in the NFL. And its pretty clear by his attitude that he has a hair trigger - I'd advocate anger management counseling for him and mandate ride-a-longs for a year before sending him back out on his own.
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    • Posted by IamTheBeav 9 years, 5 months ago
      1. The cop was wrong. Period. End of story. He was wrong to pull him over in the first place because he did not know the law he was supposedly enforcing and he was dead wrong to initiate a violent response to a man who had done absolutely nothing to deserve it. That you can say Mr. Vasquez was wrong in any way here is laughable.

      2. If that cop can't evaluate the situation any better than this knuckledragging fool did, why would you want him on the police force at all? Are you suggesting that a 23 year old violent thug with no common sense is the kind of raw material that can be trained into being a good cop? Really?

      3. If you or I did to Mr. Vasquez what Officer Robinson did, we'd be charged with aggravated battery and very likely serve some jail time. What Officer Robinson did is a crime, and by definition, that makes him a criminal. On what planet, is a good idea to do some mamby pamby anger management training and a few ride-a-longs before unleashing this terrorist back onto the community?

      If Mr. Vasquez were a 260 lb youngster, Officer Robinson's actions would still be criminal. What freakin' difference does it make that he was a frail 76 year old man? Mr. Vasquez never did a single thing that warranted being tackled and tasered. Are you suggesting that it is OK to beat the crap out of every 260 lb dude for no justifiable reason because a cop is a pantywaist who is afraid of his own shadow? I'm sorry, but the stupidity of that comment really makes me angry. That you immediately start to divvy up blame onto both parties and advocate for some insignificant administrative punishment while leaving this thug in uniform is sickening to me. He should be fired immediately and charged with the crimes that he is obviously guilty of. He has no business with a gun and a badge. It is as simple as that.
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      • Posted by $ blarman 9 years, 5 months ago
        1. What would have happened if Vasquez had simply stayed in his vehicle and explained to the officer what was going on? The whole incident would never have escalated. To 100% excuse Vasquez' culpability in this is more than any rational person would accept.

        2. First, refer to #1 above. Then re-read my comments where I suggest that this officer needs additional training before being returned to duty. I am not excusing him for his overreaction, but again, I can not place 100% responsibility on him, as it was Mr. Vasquez' actions that initiated the confrontation.

        3. Then I advise you to offer your legal services to Mr. Vasquez and sue the police department. But the courts do NOT treat police officers acting in their official capacity the same as common citizens, so your argument there is a red herring. As for the rest of your viewpoint, you refuse to allow any of the blame for this situation to fall on the actions of Mr. Vasquez. I wish you well in arguing that as a litigator in a court of law.

        "...actions would still be criminal".

        You obviously do not understand either criminal or civil law. If you wanted to go after this officer for battery or aggravated battery, you are going to face the stout opposition of self-defense. You are also going to have to explain what necessitated your client to exit from the vehicle in the absence of a police directive to do so. As counsel, you are going to have to explain why your client didn't immediately obey a law enforcement directive to pull over. It will be the same if you attempt to charge the officer with excessive use of force. Let me know when you win your lawsuit and collect your payout.

        Again, I think both parties in this matter hold partial blame for the incident and both should use it as a learning opportunity and move on. Mr. Vasquez will be more attentive to law enforcement requests, and the officer will gain valuable experience on how to deal with people.
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        • Posted by 9 years, 5 months ago
          How obscene! 'Mr. Vasquez will be more attentive to law enforcement requests'.

          Mr. Vasquez will be paid a lot of money by the city to settle his suit and that city's citizens will pay a lot more through their taxes to cover the settlement or increased insurance. The cop may get a slap on the wrist, but his buddies in the locker room will slap him on the back and tell him he did good. Then he'll continue on with his career there or find another job with another city. He might even move on to a Fed job where he can really screw with those evil 'Constitutionalists'.
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        • Posted by IamTheBeav 9 years, 5 months ago
          There is no gray area here. You are just wrong all the way around. There is no need for me to debate any of your points, because they are wholly without merit from start to finish.

          I do have one question for you, though. You seem hell bent on blaming Mr. Vazquez for this beating by continually citing the fact that he stepped out of his car. My question is regarding exactly which part of the criminal code you think Mr. Vasquez violated by stepping out of his car? My contention is that while it may not necessarily be advisable, it is not against the law. Further, while he was out his car, he made no aggressive moves whatsoever toward Officer Robinson. You and Robbie have continually repeated that claim, but after viewing the video a dozen times or so, I never once saw anything remotely aggressive that Mr. Vasquez did. Perhaps you would like to cite the exact time within the video that proves that Mr. Vasquez needed to have his teeth kicked in because I would love to see this phantom aggressive move you keep talking about. Keep in mind that you saying it's true and it actually being true aren't necessarily the same thing. The actual facts matter more than the convenient ones that you have invented in your mind to be able to make this absurd argument of yours. Anybody with eyes, ears and a brain can see that you are wrong.

          Also, I have to say that I haven't laughed so hard in the last few months as when I read this gem from you. "... you are going to face the stout opposition of self-defense." I swear that I can't tell whether you are a comedian, a talking head for one of the major political parties or just some starry eyed cop groupie/apologist when you say something that blatantly ridiculous. With that, you simply have no credibility here. You just can't say something that stupid and be taken seriously.
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    • Posted by $ Snezzy 9 years, 5 months ago
      Some people have much, much more experience being pulled over by the cops than others. For me it's less than once a decade.

      A couple of years ago I stopped my truck and horse trailer some distance away from a night-time police action on the road ahead. I did not exit my vehicle, nor did I move my truck to anywhere near the police. Eventually one of the cops, who had been holding a flashlight that I could occasionally see blinking, came back to my truck and asked why I had not obeyed his order to move forward. He said I could be arrested. "Why did you make me walk way back here?"

      I had been assuming the road was closed, and that I would need to turn my rig. Instead it was a police roadblock checking vehicles for some unknown purpose. "Haven't you ever been through a roadblock before?" the cop asked. Well, I said that I had, but that was really incorrect. Before I was driving a car, and it was daylight. I didn't think to mention that to the cop.

      Later I asked a cop elsewhere about what had happened, and learned that if I HAD tried to turn around I would at least have had my tires shot out. Don't know what I would have done with the horses if that had happened.
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    • Posted by Robbie53024 9 years, 5 months ago
      Glad to see there's someone else here with some non-reactionary commonsense. I just basically said the same thing. Both were at fault in this incident, in my opinion.

      I'm not sure this is a case of anger management as much as it is youth and inexperience. The officer is 23.
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      • Posted by khalling 9 years, 5 months ago
        I just completely do not see what you see in this video. Are we training police to over -react first, ask questions following multiple tazings? Actually I don 't blame the officer. He is trained to react and respond this way. He goes through these scenarios over and over to deaden his humanistic response. They are being trained like we train warriors for war. Why is that?
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        • Posted by 9 years, 5 months ago
          k, I think you might add that we're also being trained to be subservient or else, and expect and accept privacy invasion as a common, everyday event, along with checkpoints and that 'rights' don't exist in actuality.
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        • Posted by Robbie53024 9 years, 5 months ago
          I see someone get out of a stopped vehicle, and come towards the officer in an aggressive manner. Instead of what I (and blarman) cite as the proper response to being stopped. I understand that they gentleman knew he was in the right, so was upset about being stopped. But getting aggressive with a police officer isn't the proper way to handle the situation. You first let the police officer see that you aren't a threat and are not being aggressive, and then you address the issue. To assume an aggressive posture from the beginning is going to get an aggressive response. And I don't have a problem with a cop using sufficient force to subdue someone that they have determined is a possible threat - so don't put yourself in a position of being deemed a threat.
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          • Posted by 9 years, 5 months ago
            I simply do not and will not accept appointed or assumed authority.
            I don't abide fools.
            I do not and will not blindly obey.
            I will not kneel. I will not bow.
            I abhor bullies.
            I maintain that I have the right to be left alone.

            As to obey and let the court sort it out, that costs me money, time, and hassle--none of which I have an excess of to waste on some ignorant badge's wrong assumptions and actions.

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          • Posted by IamTheBeav 9 years, 5 months ago
            I went back and watched the video again just to be doubly sure. Mr. Vasquez absolutely did NOT get out of that car in an aggressive manner, nor did he make any aggressive moves toward Officer Robinson. If simply disagreeing with the officer means he didn't kiss his ass sufficiently enough is considered an aggressive move, then I guess Mr. Vasquez is a straight up terrorist in your eyes. Think what you like, as you seem married to this apologist attitude of yours. One can only wonder what a cop would need to do to cross the line with you, because if this idiocy doesn't get there, I don't know what will.
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            • -1
              Posted by Robbie53024 9 years, 5 months ago
              Ok, the next time you are stopped by a police officer, please get out of your vehicle, and start walking towards the police car. I hope that I'm nearby to watch.
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              • Posted by 9 years, 5 months ago
                I've done that a dozen times throughout the nation, unless I'm in traffic. I stop at the rear of my car and wait for the cop and then ask him what the problem is, on equal footing. I am not subservient nor am I aggressive until he offers some excuse for the stop that's nonsense--then I argue with him.

                I've also begun researching total video, audio, and GPS auto protection with automatic cloud storage. I even thought of a sticker for my rear window and driver's window with the comment, "Smile, you're on Youtube."
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                • Posted by IamTheBeav 9 years, 5 months ago
                  Zen, I am sure it probably exists somewhere, but I would also be very interested in being able to video and audio record these types of encounters where the data is instantly streamed to some device apart from my phone. There's bound to be an app somewhere that will record and simultaneously save the data to a cloud server, but I haven't been able to find it. If you do find a good one, please share that information. I don't want some jackass with a badge seizing my device for evidence. If it is simultaneously saved to the cloud, then they can't "accidentally" delete the evidence that incriminates them.

                  On another note regarding video/audio recording of the police, why is it that cops are so dead set on not wearing body mics and cams as part of their uniforms?

                  Does anyone doubt that if Officer Darren Wilson's account of what happened in Ferguson, MO, the day he shot Michael Brown were caught on video/audio that town would not have burned? I don't know if Officer Wilson's account is true or not, but I would love to be able to judge for myself without having to simply take his word for it. If Michael Brown really did the stuff that Officer Wilson said he did and it was recorded on video, that town would not have gone up in flames.

                  How about the shooting of Robert Crawford III? That was the guy toting around a BB gun in a WalMart. Police claim that they told him to drop the weapon, but the store surveillance video suggests they came in hard and immediately gunned him down on sight. I understand their aggressive stance with him, but I am not sold on the need to pull the trigger the nanosecond they saw him. It did not appear to me that there was ever any attempt to communicate with him at all. If they did try and he reacted badly, then let the chips fall where they fall, but in my heart of hearts, I don't think they ever gave him a chance.

                  Same thing with Tamir Rice. I understand the hard approach they took, although I think there were better ways of handling that situation than driving up within 10 feet of a suspect in possession of a gun and screaming for 2 seconds before gunning him down. Doing it the way that they did was absolutely guaranteed to get somebody killed that day be it the cop(s) or the dumbass kid with the pellet gun. The better way top have handled that call would have been by pulling up 50 yards away with and AR-15 and a bullhorn from behind the cover of the squad car, as there was no imminent threat at that time.

                  I wish, in both cases (Crawford III and Tamir Rice) that the squad car and/or the officers had video/audio recording devices to help corroborate the officer's stories in those cases. In Rice's case, I'd also like to know what the cops were talking about and doing in the 4 minutes when they left him there bleeding to death. The video from a distance proves that they certainly were not making any attempt to administer first aid to the 12 year old kid they just shot in the gut.

                  The only reason this case with Mr. Vasquez gets any attention at all is that is recorded for all to see on the dashcam video. Without that, Officer Robinson writes up a bogus report with a few choice falsehoods, and WHAMMO, Mr. Vasquez is convicted of assaulting an officer of the law, resisting arrest, and whatever other BS they could think of all the while making Robinson the department hero for the day. Further, the statistics mentioned by Technocracy in an earlier post get padded a little more.

                  Recording devices would weed out the trash from our police force more surely and accurately than an army of internal affairs cops who also wear the badge. Additionally, it would be a helluva lot cheaper to buy that tech than to continually pay out the kinds of settlements that Mr. Vasquez is sure to get. If cops know that their Blue Wall of silence has effectively been dismantled, then the bad cops would be gone and the supposed good cops who never had the balls or brains to rat out the bad ones could be real good cops again.
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              • Posted by IamTheBeav 9 years, 5 months ago
                You know that is not actually a crime, right? Are you somehow suggesting that I should be beaten to within an inch of my life for not actually committing a crime?

                You know that moral high ground you think that you have? Well, you just lost it. Hope you're proud of yourself. It takes a real concerted effort to say something that dumb.
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      • Posted by IamTheBeav 9 years, 5 months ago
        Is a 23 year old violent thug with no common sense the kind of person we want to give a gun and badge to? Do you want to bet your life on this guy not beating the crap out of you for no reason? To me this is a case of fool me once, shame on you. Now, you're fired and charged with the very same crimes any other citizen would be charged with if they had done the exact same things. That way, you're off the force and behind bars with the rest of the animals where you belong. Then, I don't have to worry about you fooling me again.
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        • Posted by Robbie53024 9 years, 5 months ago
          You seem to be the one over-reacting.
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          • Posted by IamTheBeav 9 years, 5 months ago
            Would Officer Robinson's crime have been any different if he had accidentally killed Mr. Vasquez in that attack? You could very easily kill a 76 year old man with a tackle and tasering like that. You could also induce a heart attack or any number of other medical issues. Is it so hard to believe that Mr. Vasquez could just as easily have been crippled as a result of this incident? Does the fact that Mr. Vasquez will probably recover just fine from this attack somehow mitigate what Officer Robinson did? I don't think so.

            How about this for an idea. How about we give Officer Robinson some anger management classes and more training, as you suggested in another post, before we turn him loose on the public again? When he kills somebody the next time around, how are you going to feel about him then?

            I am not overreacting at all. As far as I am concerned, Officer Robinson's badge does not provide him with any kind of shield when he breaks the same laws that you and I would go to jail for. The fact that you would excuse or somehow rationalize his behavior is actually scarier than what he did. Exactly how much tyranny are you willing to accept?
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