Russia's Navy Armed and Ready in North Pole, Black Sea; Gorbachev Warns World Can't Survive Another War - International Business Times

Posted by $ nickursis 9 years, 5 months ago to Politics
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This just doesn't bode well...It seems Vlad just keeps wanting to twist anyones taile to distract them from what he is really doing, and now Gorbachev (who also was a KGB head) is playing the peacemaker. That gets all confusing...And we have Kerry and Obama...

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  • Posted by khalling 9 years, 5 months ago
    I don 't know why. They already have a communist in the WH which they always wanted. He must have attended the mandatory commie meetings with the same diligence his attended the daily briefings
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  • Posted by etharris 9 years, 5 months ago
    The thing about the Russian ordeal is that America is the only country that is actually standing up and saying, "Hey, you can't or shouldn't be doing that." You hear small squeaks from our allies from time to time, but thats it. Thats where the problem lies. If the world, and not just the U.S, stood up to Russia then you wouldn't have all this tooth-baring. Honestly, I wouldn't be concerned about an attack from Russia so much as I would an interference from China amidst an attack from Russia. Our military and civilian population combined can take one or the other, but not both at once. There may be a twist in the plot though. Since we are basically owned by China, would China's role in an unlikely but possible attack be that of the imperialist conqueror, or the destroyer (as would be Russia's aim)?
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    • Posted by $ 9 years, 5 months ago
      I think there has been a good effort to overcome all the bickering amongst a lot of countries. France is not handing over the Mistral, and the EU has sanctions, and I think that pisses Vlad off more, he isn't able to impose his Imperial Russian will on others, and that freaks him out. I have seen various stories where we allie with one or the other against the remainder that was a favorite Tom Clancy scenario. But I really think China is very very sneaky and is playing the game for all they can. Vlad is just a blustering big mouth lout, but they do have enough nukes to make life miserable for all. Wait until I ran gets some and starts telling everyone in range to love the Koran or burn. That will be exciting. And we will continue to dither, or at worse, send a drone in. I did like the results of the Navy's laser tests, that thing is one system that actually works as advertised.
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      • Posted by $ jdg 9 years, 5 months ago
        Bickering among countries isn't the problem here. Russian aggression is. And we did commit to protect Ukraine from it. If we're not going to honor that bargain, we should give Ukraine back its nukes. Maybe it can use them for good.
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    • Posted by edweaver 9 years, 5 months ago
      I'm not sure that we may not be underestimating this. I don't think it likely that either Russia or China would attack us but I bet there was people like me in 1940 thinking there was no way anyone would attack us then and yet it happened. But I have heard that China has been building their military machine at an incredible rate. I also understand that China could put together an army of 200 million in short order. We have become so weakened and spread out in the last 6 years that we would be lucky to put together 2 million. China is buying up many raw materials from us including scrap metal very similar to what Japan was doing in the 30's. Russia is testing us and Europe more and more. I have heard that Russia and China are working together to stop the US dollar from being the world currency standard.

      IMHO there are just too many pieces of this puzzle coming together to ignore it. And possibly China & Russia are working together.
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      • Posted by $ blarman 9 years, 5 months ago
        China has the largest standing army in the world. That's a fact. It's not the best man-for-man army (that's a tie between the US and Israel) or the best equipped army (US hands down), but the Zergling rush (pardons to Starcraft fans) worked pretty well in North Korea.

        But it isn't China's military might that concerns me. The US would still wipe the walls with them in a head-to-head fight. What worries me is the WILL to fight at all. We don't have a CinC who is anything more than a thug and bully - he doesn't have the fortitude or backbone to engage in a war based on principle, which is why he continually equivocates when dealing with Islamic aggression and hides behind drone strikes. That's what cowards do, and this president is a coward.

        The other thing that concerns me is that unlike during WW II when the US' manufacturing might reigned supreme, most of our manufacturing is gone. We don't have the industry (especially in steel) to engage in a long-term, world war. And we're already so far in debt, that the economics of a war are similarly problematic.

        If I was either Russia or China, I wouldn't directly engage the US either. I'd simply wait a few more years until we collapse under our own weight. When our nation is in shambles due to economic collapse, THAT will be the time to expand.
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  • Posted by Owlsrayne 9 years, 5 months ago
    The price of oil is hurting the Russian Govt check book. Their refineries are no where state of technology that the US companies have. Then throw in the corruption of the Russian Govt that's why their price per barrel is very high. They would be able to sustain their military forces for very long. The Ruble is floundering right now. If the price per barrel of oil falls any further the Russian economy could implode. China is a buyer of oil but the more money they spend on oil for their reserves the less cash they will have for their military. They would have to rob Hong Kong Banks to maintain any equilibrium. So, if Hong Kong go bankrupt China would have to sell it's real-estate in the US and would be able to prop up the US Govt any more. So, you could probably guess what happens next. That why there are rumors all over the internet for the Pres to write up another Exec Order to impose the UN Mandate on firearms. That will worsen a recovering economy. A number of other gun owners I now will not comply with that edic.

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    • Posted by $ jdg 9 years, 5 months ago
      We don't control the price of oil. Let Putin fight Arabia. They can blow each other away in droves all day long as far as I'm concerned.
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  • Posted by frodo_b 9 years, 5 months ago
    I agree that this doesn't bode well, but maybe not for the reasons that everyone else in this thread thinks. Russia is flexing its muscles in response to US aggression in the region.
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