19 Signs That You Live In A Country That Has Gone Completely Insane

Posted by UncommonSense 9 years, 12 months ago to Government
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Um...yep. For any international Gulchers: are you seeing the same signs? The loonies are running wild here in the USA. I wish I could say something, but I'm not an international banker nor am I a lobbyist, therefore, I am nobody to a congressman/senator.
SOURCE URL: http://www.thedailysheeple.com/19-signs-that-you-live-in-a-country-that-has-gone-completely-insane_122014

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  • Posted by zzdragon 9 years, 12 months ago
    I copied and pasted the body of this article in order to not have a link showing in an email to a gov office. I sent it to my so called blue dog Dumacrate congressman Henry Cuellar for the 28th district of Texas. In this last election our side went down 4 to 1 in his re-election. I get his news letter every Saturday and there is always a photo of him holding up a BIG check that the Fed’s have paid for something. About 2 years ago there was an article telling about how a local city didn’t have to pay anything for it’s sewer processing plant. When I contacted his office about just who paid for it they were unable to understand that I was the one paying for it along with everyone else in the US.
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    • Posted by Non_mooching_artist 9 years, 12 months ago
      Good grief! That's the problem. People just think the money magically appears from Washington, but what really happened is it was stolen out of our wallets.
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      • Posted by plusaf 9 years, 12 months ago
        And that's exactly why, when someone says "it's free," I point out that Nothing Is Free and Somebody, Somewhere PAYS for it!

        I'm hoping to 'turn' my step-grandson from the path he's being led down by his parents, peers and schools. It may be working. When he makes a statement that describes a 'problem,' I ask him, "Well, why do you think THAT happens?" and we drill down towards the REAL root cause of the issue. He is willing to drill down more layers than anyone I've ever met.

        There might be hope for his generation... :)
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  • Posted by samrigel 9 years, 12 months ago
    Wow, so true. But it is why I cancelled my Directv and cable. So happy to have found the Gulch, and others, where people with intelligence, common sense and logic live.
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  • Posted by Non_mooching_artist 9 years, 12 months ago
    Wow, this was disturbingly spot on. I am printing it out. I laughed, but in a cynical, head shaking incredulous way... Love the Daily Sheeple! Great post, Uncommon!
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    • Posted by XenokRoy 9 years, 12 months ago
      I too laughed, it helped me not to cry.

      This is a truly insane place. I mean really, 75k in damages because a teen age boy cant go into the girls bathroom to get an eye full. Really?

      I did not know that being denied looking at a person naked caused a person damages, I mean how does that work?
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  • Posted by m1tmc 9 years, 12 months ago
    The Lame Stream Media needs something to divert our attention and get the Obamanation (the 47%) sabers rattling.... Eric Garner was choked in NY before Michael Brown was shot, but one of o's former appointees, Van Jones, was in Fergeson TEACHING PROTESTERS HOW TO PROTEST.... Really? and that didn't deserve real attention. (Since when does deserve have anything to do with it)... Now, o took a beating at the polls, so he hurries with immigration executive action and the treasonous Senate releases a false report putting Americans abroad at risk before the rapethuglikans take over the Senate. All this while race baiters finally catch up with the choking of a NYer selling cigarettes and send the 'useful idiots' nationwide shouting racism. And Gruber is recently given some airtime on ABC.....after making the news weeks ago. Can Living in a country that has gone completely insane get any better? Thank God for "The Gulch" and some sanity!
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  • Posted by Herb7734 9 years, 12 months ago
    When you live in a country where the military and the police are vilified, but bullies and thieves have demonstrations in their favor, you are living in a country gone bonkers.
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  • Posted by CircuitGuy 9 years, 12 months ago
    "I am nobody to a congressman/senator."
    If you get to know them and the people in their office the same way you get to know vendors and suppliers (yes, I know it should not be this way) and you reach out to them on imporant votes, you can make a huge impact. A lot of them may have gone to school with you or work with people and companies you work with. You can be a lobbyist without it becoming a full-time project.
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    • Posted by $ jlc 9 years, 12 months ago
      Sigh. You are probably correct, CircuitGuy. If everyone who was a Libertarian or Objectivist or Randist spent a sizable fraction of their time courting their local representatives, we would make an impact that was out of proportion to our numbers.

      But most of the people of the abovementioned persuasions are self-selected for 'wanting government to just get out of their way'. So appealing to us to be politically involved is like testing Eskimos for swimming ability...not impossible, but not a statistically high likelyhood.

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    • Posted by $ jdg 9 years, 12 months ago
      Most congresscritters don't give a hoot about anyone who hasn't donated at least five figures to their campaigns. Some of them will smile and pretend to care. But you won't get results. If they cared, they'd hold honorable jobs.
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  • Posted by $ jdg 9 years, 12 months ago
    About half of that list is either stupid prejudice or lefty lies (there aren't 2.5 million homeless children). The list itself is better evidence of insanity than most of the things it says.
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    • Posted by 9 years, 12 months ago
      Ok, I'll bite: which ones do you believe are either prejudice or lefty lies?

      For the 1st one, ok, perhaps 18 trillion dollars is a lie: technically, it's about 90 trillion dollars in debt when you include, social insecurity, medicare & medicade. Do you believe this debt can ever be repaid? If so, now that's insanity.
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      • Posted by $ jdg 9 years, 12 months ago
        I agree with #1, except that it doesn't really say much about the whole country, since the congresscritters who spent the money aren't really answerable to anyone but lobbyists.

        #2 shares that same problem only more so. Expecting a congresscritter to care about justice is like expecting a wolf to turn vegetarian.

        I don't see any problem with #3 or #4.

        #5 is the well known (to economists) fact of rational ignorance. David Friedman discusses it in "The Machinery of Freedom". http://daviddfriedman.com/The_Machinery_...

        #6 is prejudice against the LGBT community.

        #7 really is silly, but I doubt it's true. (And if the people involved are adults it's prejudice, too.)

        I have no problem with #8, it's common sense.

        #9 - Same answer as #2.

        #10 - So what? Reality today IS depressing.

        #11 - These are statist lies: (a) terrorism and sexual predators are common, (b) drug dealers (as opposed to drug laws themselves) harm the public, and (c) either or both of these so-called problems, or immigration, are emergencies justifying the loss of more of our rights.

        (Gangs and welfare parasites ARE real hazards to you and me, but most of them are born right here in the US thanks to subsidies like AFDC/TANF that pay them to breed. Get welfare out of government hands and the problem will go away.)

        The enemies list, on the other hand, is a real problem. It should be the #1 crime that Obama needs to answer for in court after leaving office.

        #12 is a call for unacceptable censorship. (An arrest for "encouraging terrorism" would also be unacceptable censorship, but I haven't heard of it happening since Obama took office.)

        #13 I agree with.

        #14 is a lefty lie.

        #15 I agree with.

        #16 - Frankly, I'd rather see federal "workers" watching porn than doing what most of them consider to be their jobs.

        #17 is prejudice. Payday lenders are necessary, not least because of unfair discrimination by banks, which regulators won't do anything about because banks have lobbyists with bags of money.

        #18 is prejudice two ways. It's not wrong to illegally immigrate, and it is wrong for government people to promote the Christian idea of sexual morality on the job.

        #19 - Same answer as #5.
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  • Posted by wiggys 9 years, 12 months ago
    The following quote is from Ayn Rand when asked about activists against the war in Vietnam, and I believe it applies to things goiung on in the country today; "they were spoiled brats looking for publicity and created by the media. they contributed nothing but chaos and disorder. you do not solve serious issues by physical demonstration. if you want to contribute something, think, argue, spread ideas. you can teach;you don't sit in the street, obstruct traffic, chant, and look sloppy. that didn't stop the war in vietnam." this comment was said at the ford hall forum in 1976. I think it can be applied to what is happening all over the country as a result of ferguson and staten island events. the more i reread what she has either said or written the more sure I am in my belief that she was a genius.
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  • Posted by $ Abaco 9 years, 12 months ago
    I think #10 may be wrong. It is my understanding that 1/4 women are on Prozac or related medication, 1/10 men.

    The nation, either way, is in serious trouble. I just don't see how this can end well. And, I don't see how it can maintain this facade that things are ok for much longer.
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  • Posted by $ jlc 9 years, 12 months ago
    I disagree with about half of that list. I really do not care if dressing up Barbie dolls is considered art, for example. But there are a goodly number of entries that are either flagrant disregard for freedom and economic sense or 'canaries in the coalmine'.

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  • Posted by philof 9 years, 12 months ago
    I live in the UK and it is almost as bad! In fact the nonsense is so ridiculous that people in true British fashion just carry on! I am petrified what I will find when I get to New York next year! I grew up there and I do not miss it at all!
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  • Posted by flanap 9 years, 12 months ago
    What immutable standard are you comparing these signs to for determination of insanity? If they are developed by man, then they are not immutable.
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    • Posted by $ jdg 9 years, 12 months ago
      ALL standards were developed by man. Writers who employ "God" as a sockpuppet are cowards, nothing more.
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      • Posted by flanap 9 years, 12 months ago
        Is gravity a standard? Is man's design a standard? Is the fact that only men and women (vs. sodomites and lesbians) can procreate a standard? Is the fact that you have to use some type of language, whether verbal or nonverbal, is required for communication a standard? Is murder always wrong (not killing, but murder)?

        All moral standards eventually rely on amoral standards/natural laws which man had nothing to do with.

        Notice I did not incorporate God into any of the above. If you reject most of the above because we are just a bunch of chemicals which happen to bounce around in an organized fashion resulting in survival of the fittest, you still cannot refute non-anthropic natural law which provide standards upon which man develops standards for survival and cultural function.

        Be careful saying ALL.
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