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  • Posted by iroseland 9 years, 6 months ago
    60$ a barrel is a magic number. Our production can survive for a few months on prices below that before things go bad in the oil world here. In the meantime, for Iran, Venezuela, Nigeria, Bahrain, and a number of other less than friendly countries they _need_ the price of oil to be greater than 100$ a barrel for their governments to keep spending the way they want to and therefor keep functioning. So, if we can take the hit for a while the real crushing will happen to folks who already really don't like us, so screw them.. Also, folks like ISIS are very dependent on oil being up around 100$ a barrel again, screw them.. Finally, oil coal and natural gas are essentially the lubricant for the economy. Our economy has gotten pretty good at being lubricated at around 60 a barrel. The domestic wells can handle the price and the economy will flourish with those prices.. Also, lets keep in mind that a chunk of the cost keeping profitability on the domestic wells is the need to truck and train the oil around instead of using a pipeline. Come January I really expect that the pipes will finally actually get approved. Once the pipelines are in place the price of a profitable barrel of oil will drop a bit. We might even get it down a little under 50 a barrel.
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  • Posted by j_IR1776wg 9 years, 6 months ago
    Normally, a decline in production in one area spurs innovation and a rise in production in other areas. However, Saudi Arabia's power coupled with the enviro-freaks in America who are hell-bent on destroying our ability to use coal and who are the verge of stopping fracking, will combine to make America a non-producer of energy and hasten an economic collapse.
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  • Posted by edweaver 9 years, 6 months ago
    This is something to pay close attention to. It has been my belief for the last 3 years that we are headed for a crash in the last half of 2015. This could very well be the lead up to it. Of course I would pay to be wrong about the crash and while I may be wrong on the timing I don't believe we get by much longer without it. :(
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