Oh Ferguson, Oh Ferguson....how lovely is your irony.

Posted by LetsShrug 9 years, 6 months ago to News
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Fa la la la la, la-la-la

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  • Posted by $ Susanne 9 years, 6 months ago
    Fer-gu-son, Fer-gu-son, racially inflamed,
    Because the jury did what's right, isn't it a shame, oh
    Fer-gu-son, Fer-gu-son, see the town explode
    They tried to shift the blame around, now isn't that a load?

    Sticking up the clerk, In a little corner store
    grabbing them cigars, and running out the door
    the cruiser driving by, "Come o'er here" yells the cop
    Instead he's got to be a banger, bust him in the chops.


    Fer-gu-son, Fer-gu-son, used to be so quiet
    now because they want thug law, they have to have a riot,
    Fer-gu-son, Fer-gu-son, give us all a break
    "Didn't every one of you ever make a mistake?"

    We saw the picture of, the fourteen year old kid
    not the thug adult, that made bad choices, did,
    His good luck just ran out, and on the streets he bled...
    just enough to get the self-entitled seeing red...


    Fer-gu-son, Fer-gu-son, Going up in flames
    Because the jury did what's right, and wouldn't shift the blame,
    Fer-gu-son, Fer-gu-son, see them cause torment
    Because we didn't aquiesce, to moocher sentiment.

    "Why don't we get a pass, when we rob and loot?
    The cops are so unfair, cuz, we're all innocent, to boot"
    What most don't understand, is why, you look like fools and clowns
    You get riled up, then loot and burn your own damned city down.


    Fer-gu-son, Fer-gu-son, It's a tinderbox
    and stirred the flames across the land, on CNN and Fox,
    Fer-gu-son, Fer-gu-son, Ashes in the dirt
    Don't you wonder why it is, it's yourselves that you hurt.

    Let's spread the fun and joy, and riot 'cross the land
    we'll go incite, stay up all night, Molotov's in our hand
    Manhattan in the east to Oakland in the West
    we'll spread our weird insanity because we know what's best...

    Nooooo... Mooooore...

    Fer-gu-son, Fer-gu-son, on the evening news
    Folks addicted to the sight like drunkards swilling booze
    Fox, Jazeera, CNN, please just go away
    Because of you, the troubles brew for yet another day.
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  • Posted by $ allosaur 9 years, 6 months ago
    Comrade citizens, the past suffered by 95% Obama voters cries out to be appeased with the pseudo-legalized hoodoo-voodoo holiday season sacrifice of a white cop.
    What do facts or common sense about the shooting have to do with anything? I don't care what black witnesses saw. Blacks used to be lynched!
    So let's spread the misery around so that all may have a fair share
    Holding back the National Guard so criminal punk looters could loot Ferguson for a night just does not hack it!
    Blacks need to take a time out from killing each other to give Thanksgiving for a good old reverse racism lynching!
    That will make everything better. Yeah! Uh-hum. That will make everything all right.
    Gobble, gobble, y'all! Be what you eat.
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    • Posted by $ Susanne 9 years, 6 months ago
      The march, of the scumbags
      to put their town in flames,
      now go raise up your sledgehammers
      to smash and loot and burn...
      WE, say that we're not treated right
      so we, shall now strike up the Looter's plight
      and we' shall riot all the night
      In Fer gu son...
      Steal, the things that are not ours
      Burn, businesses and homes and bars
      blame, the visitors and those cop cars
      for our criminal acts...

      (Sung to "The Internationale", much to the anguish of the moocher class... Sorry, ran into a road block on the tune, and no longer have the "Soviet Army Mens Choir" cassette tape to refresh my memory. If you wish to continue, please do.)
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      • Posted by $ allosaur 9 years, 6 months ago
        Sweet home Obama
        where we all wear red,
        sweet home Obama!
        That's allosaur's dread--?
        No, wrong tune.

        Way down in the land of welfare rotten,
        where all the illegals are picking cotton.
        Look away, look away
        Look away to Marxist Utopia land!
        Nyet! Nyet! Nyet!
        Wrong tune again! Shucks!
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  • Posted by Phlembol 9 years, 6 months ago
    This is another case where had the officer been wearing a cam, there would be more compelling evidence to review. Both sides of the badge would be better protected.

    And another case illustrating how the emphasis is on deadly force instead of restraint and control.
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    • Posted by $ jdg 9 years, 6 months ago
      We already have video evidence in this case. If the protestors are going to rely on video, then they need to accept it when it proves they're wrong. There's racism on display in Ferguson, and it isn't on the part of whites.

      The news media, though, *are* being mistreated by Ferguson cops and ought to have a remedy in court. And I include the ongoing no-fly zone in this.
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    • Posted by ewv 9 years, 6 months ago
      The emphasis on deadly force came from the thug who attacked a police officer with such repeated viciousness that it threatened his life. The thug got what it deserved to stop it.
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  • Posted by peterchunt 9 years, 6 months ago
    As Mark Levin has said, this wasn’t about race. It was about right versus wrong , and in this case wrong ended up being caught and killed. I prefer it to be this way.
    I would love to ask those who disagree with the grand jury’s conclusion , just which facts do you disagree with? Unfortunately for those who have already made up their minds long before the facts come out, facts are an inconvenient thing, but in a nation that believes in the rule of law, the facts are by which we judge events. To not do so would bring anarchy to this nation.
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    • Posted by ewv 9 years, 6 months ago
      This is worse than an erroneous prejudging facts because it has a philosophical element. Some of the agitators have said that facts depend on how different people see them, and this entire 'protest' movement, including the media pandering, has been driven by a racist 'narrative' into which all facts are twisted and evaded to make them fit.
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  • Posted by IIGeo2 9 years, 6 months ago
    Had the cop not fought back the officer would have been maybe a total of 30 minutes on foxnews and his grieving widow would be holding a flag.

    I find it an irony that they want to legalize the Marijuana that impaired Michael Browns judgement and may have contributed to his poor decisions that day, BUT they want to criminalize the gun?

    Now consider this would you expect any officer in Ferguson to act to prevent anything because any action will be seen as a civil rights abuse.

    No one is mentioning the fact that the owner of the store was probably targeted because of his race and having been completely a victim in this had his store and livelihood destroyed because of that fact. Where is his justice Ferguson? Where is Al Sharpton for the store owner or is okay for him to be robbed and he should plan on it? But if his store was not there would this not contibute to "Michelle Obama's" food desert? Anyone remeber that campaign, why risk opening a store or service in a minority community and subject yourself or employees to this situation?

    This is where the dialogue should start, how can I help you to help yourself , empower you to prosper in your community so that you don't feel the victim, how do we change a cultural mindset.

    I say we start a fund to help businesses relocate out of ferguson and let the organizers explain why there is a sudden rise in unemployment in the city, well because you just burned 30% of the local businesses down.

    1+1 will always equal 2 and no matter the comments from CNN or the white house, why should we have to pay to secure them from themselves and put public servants in harms way not only from unlawful anger but a hostile federal government bent on sowing racial discord?
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  • Posted by Herb7734 9 years, 6 months ago
    There is great irony there, but something else is askew in Ferguson. Something just doesn't fit. After a bit of thought, it came to me that the first night of rioting after the verdict, was handled entirely wrong. They had many weeks to prepare. The whole nation was told that no matter what the verdict, there would be riots because there was no way a black man can be treated fairly in America. So, we were told, all preparations were made and yet, the National Guard was never deployed. We saw the State Police and the Local Police stand by as stores were looted and cars burned. What's with that? Where did all that preparation dissolve away to? Where was Holder? Where was Obama? Was there a call from Washington to hold back? It was more like reality theater than a riot. It was like a Kabuki or an opera. There were no surprises because you were told in advance how it would turn out. Speaking of that it made great television. Everyone participating, the rioters, the media, were having a heluva good time. Can't say the same for the shop owners, though. Many of them had everything they owned tied up in their investment. Probably, they will never get insurance again, if they had it in the first place. They'd be crazy to re-open.. So, what have the people of Ferguson gained? Nothing. Actually, less than nothing since a once thriving neighborhood will most likely remain a burnt out slum.
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    • Posted by ewv 9 years, 6 months ago
      The answer is illustrated by Obama's belated supposed call for 'calm' followed extensively, in the same speech, by another community organizer speech that only served, and was intended to, fan the flames as he blamed the civilized victims.

      There has been, once again, the 'sanction of the victim' mentality pandering to the mobsters and their phony moral superiority, leading to fear of enforcing the law against the thugs -- both the common thugs and the Alinskyite/Obama/Holder thugs deliberately turning everything they can into a manufactured 'crisis' to be spun and exploited in their non-stop attack on the American civilization of individualism. Obama and Holder have been hyping this controversy into a progressive 'narrative' for the same reason that the organizers cynically maneuvered well-planned spontaneous riots designed for publicity served up by a willing media. The facts have not mattered in any of it. So would should the known threat of violence ignored by the National Guard be any different or a surprise?
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  • Posted by RevJay4 9 years, 6 months ago
    I noticed that sign strung across the street while watching the riots and mayhem take place. It struck me as strange and, somehow, gave me a small sliver of hope that this too would pass. Not sure how, but it will. When the hard-working folks in Ferguson, and other black communities, rise up and take back the streets, maybe.
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  • Posted by term2 9 years, 6 months ago
    The first thing to do is for the media to STOP referring to "black teenager" and "white cop". Its person "A" shooting and killing person "B". Interjecting race into it is just inflammatory. The second thing is for all cops to wear cams to document what they do. If what they do is reasonable, there is no danger to them. If they are unreasonable, then they should be fired or at least given attitude adjustment therapy. The third thing to do is for cops to find some other way of protecting themselves from attackers with guns and other lethal items- BESIDES KILLING THEM. It would be a practical solution to cut down the lawsuits- if for no other reason. The cost of the ferguson fiasco is HUGE.
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    • Posted by $ Susanne 9 years, 6 months ago
      They tried to spin this 18 year old adult criminal thug as an innocent 14 year old child, and when it didn't work, threaten the grand jury into falsifying their decision, and they lost both bids. And now daddy yells "Burn the M---F---ers down, kill them all, etc."?? Yeah, looks like the innocent 14 year old didn't fall far from the tree there...

      Some have the gall to ask why the officer didn't just drive away. To that, let me answer (as a cop's ex-wife)...

      The police officer is NOT paid to stand on the sidelines and watch - they are paid to enforce the law, investigate crime, keep the peace, and take whatever legal action deemed necessary to do so. If they are attacked, they do not have the duty to "turn the other cheek" - they have the duty to protect themselves.

      My opinion - the cop was in the right. That he lost his job is just a bone thrown to the looters who want thug law. Were I a mayor, I would, without a doubt, ask him to consider applying for our department. I am considering writing our Sheriff and suggesting just that.

      We need LESS cops who are corrupt, that aren't dedicated, and that turn the other cheek and a blind eye to the scum overwhelming our towns and our citizens. If you don't like cops eyeballing you - then don't go looting and burning and rioting, quit trying to be a gang banger thug and future inmate, obey the laws like the rest of us. Maybe, once you've shown you're not a criminal waiting for their chance, you WILL be treated fairly. Until then - keep showing your face between two CNN anchors saying "Youre Dead"... and inciting riot. They will be there, looking and waiting for you.
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      • Posted by term2 9 years, 6 months ago
        Maybe we need to give the cops better tools that arent so permanent as a gun. We expect them to be perfect and be judge/jury/executional and never make mistakes. Thats a heavy burden to put on a cop with a gun pointed at him. If we had some sort of device that was fast, light, effective at totally temporarily disabling the perp, and non lethal- that would serve our cops well and not subject them to this ferguson type of harassment
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        • Posted by ewv 9 years, 6 months ago
          The cop attacked by Brown did not make a mistake. Using his gun to defend himself and enforce the law against a thug is not the source of the Ferguson controversy.
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        • Posted by $ Susanne 9 years, 6 months ago
          Different tools for different situations. The cop felt in fear of his life. He has no idea if that taser (even if he could reach it) would work - someone attacking a cop at least has psychoological issues, if not on judgment-impairing drugs that render a taser useless -

          If someone is attacking you with intent on mayhem or death, do you wish to (a) end the threat and survive the situation, (b) let the threat continue and end up with a widow and orphan left behind. Or your wife caring for an invalid on whatever she makes (because the husband was terminated for not following procedure, and lost that 50% disability retirement)

          As I said - cops aren't trained to turn the other cheek when attacked. They are taught to neutralize the threat. the officer in this case did just that.
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          • Posted by ewv 9 years, 6 months ago
            They try to block the threat _and_ go after the perpetrator if he tries to get away. Both occurred in this case.

            The thug probably has psychological problems, but the motive is not the issue in fending off an attack. This thug was extremely hostile and belligerent, and vicious in his physical attacks.

            But the cop couldn't use his phasor on stun because he didn't have one in the car. He had mace and a few other things but ruled out using them for logical reasons.
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    • Posted by RevJay4 9 years, 6 months ago
      "cops to find some other way of protecting themselves from attackers with guns and other lethal items-BESIDES KILLING THEM." Huh? Doesn't make sense, term2. In a shooting situation, there is no time for non-lethal aiming and firing, like in the movies. The opponent is shooting to kill, not maim. To think otherwise is a fool's pipedream, the stuff of unicorns and fairy dust, totally unrealistic.
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      • Posted by term2 9 years, 6 months ago
        Perhapswe can find some technological breakthrough that will allow a cop to completely disable a killers ability to inflict harm without killing him. I am just saying that for cops, this would be the ideal thing to cut down on all this finger pointing. You are assuming that there is NO defense against a gun except another gun. There would be a tremendous market for some sort of non lethal, yet totally temporarily disabling device.
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  • Posted by $ Susanne 9 years, 6 months ago
    Oh Ferguson, Oh Ferguson,
    How lovely are your bonfires
    like gasoline thrown on the flames,
    all from the words of liars.
    "My hands are up, oh please don't shoot"
    Oh what a laugh, oh what a hoot
    And if you ask the reason why,
    the truth and ev'dence, just can't lie.
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