I'm Judge Andrew Napolitano and I'm happy to have landed in the Gulch. Ask Me Anything.

Posted by JudgeNap 9 years, 5 months ago to Books
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I'm Judge Andrew Napolitano, Senior Judicial Analyst for Fox News Channel, and New York Times best selling author. I was the youngest life-tenured Superior Court judge in the history of the State of New Jersey and I'll be here today from 1PM to 2PM ET to take your questions and to talk about my new book "Suicide Pact" (http://suicidepactbook.com/), a book exposing the alarming history of presidential power grabs performed in the name of national security.

Today through Wednesday, when you buy "Suicide Pact", you'll be eligible to get another one of my books, "The Freedom Answer Book", for free. Find details here: http://suicidepactbook.com/bookbomb.php

Gulch Producers get a third book of mine, "Theodore and Woodrow: How Two American Presidents Destroyed Constitutional Freedom", for free as well. Find details here: http://www.galtsgulchonline.com/posts/1a...

Alex will be helping me out with my today by reading me the questions over the phone and typing my responses. I look forward to your questions and comments. I'll be back at 1PM ET.

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EDIT 1: 12.08.14 1PM: The Judge is here. Here we go.

EDIT 2: 12.08.14 2PM: The Judge has left the building! Check out his farewell comment here: http://www.galtsgulchonline.com/posts/1b...

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PROOF: https://twitter.com/Judgenap/status/5419...

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BUY THE BOOK: "Suicide Pact" http://suicidepactbook.com/

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FROM SCOTT: The Judge will be here at 1PM ET. Post your questions here now as comments below. If you have multiple questions, please post them individually. Try and keep the questions brief so the Judge can get through as many as possible. Also, make sure to vote on the questions (and this post) as the best will rise to the the top of the list.

After 1PM ET, refresh this page with your browser to see the Judge's replies as they come in.

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- Create a new Galt's Gulch Account: https://galtsgulchonline.appspot.com/acc...
- Upgrade an existing Galt's Gulch Account: http://www.galtsgulchonline.com/account/...

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  • Posted by crystalquartz 9 years, 4 months ago
    Andrew is hot; he is on Megan Kelly quite often; and Elisabeth Hasselbeck's Fox and Friends, in the early hours, often.

    I am thrilled he found the Gulch. Obama will take not of this, though.
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  • Posted by danielhale 9 years, 5 months ago
    Since Prof. Gruber fraudulently suckered Congress, with fraudulent facts, (all Democrats, no Republicans ie. not a full Congress)) to vote in the ACA, would "The Fruit of the Poison Tree" doctrine be applicable to voiding Obamacare? Since this doctrine seems to have been decided on to protect the criminals, then it just seems to be appropo to the case pending before the SCOTUS right now!.
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  • Posted by wiggys 9 years, 5 months ago
    since barack Obama has been president it has been shown that he has no respect for the laws that exist and actually created his own laws. That said we are now witnessing professional athletes almost if not all black men supporting this same attitude towards the law. it makes no difference that the two police officers were found innocent of all charges these well paid black men believe that they can have an influence, etc. well for my part they have I will no longer watch professional football or basketball. what is you opinion? this is the influence of barack Obama.
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  • Posted by Frediano 9 years, 5 months ago
    What is the difference between what 'counterfeiters' do when they 'spend' in our economies, and US Treasury spending backed only by zeros printed on bonds that are only ever paid back by the promise of Congress to authorize the printing of even more zeros on future paper bonds? Economically, morally, or however you want to distinguish. If there is a basis other than 'can be', then what is the moral/economic/ethical 'should be' that governs the 'may be' of this action?

    We prosecute one action, yet claim the other action is 'stimulative.'
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  • Posted by JeanVallery 9 years, 5 months ago
    Sir, was the revision of the 16th amendment of the constitution every legally ratified with a full 36 of the states approving the change or was it not ratified an we are paying federal taxes on person income anyway
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  • Posted by Boilermaker 9 years, 5 months ago
    Judge - I have a proposed solution for minimizing political corruption while enforcing individual rights and freedoms. In my view, all the "campaign finance reform" legislation will never work. The reason most corruption takes place among politicians and bureaucrats lays in their ability to grant special favors - a tax on import steel, exemption from Obamacare, etc.

    Here is my solution: Pass an amendment to the Constitution that essentially says

    "Any law, presidential executive order, tariff, tax, duty, regulation, etc. shall apply equally to every citizen, government employee, union member, corporation, etc."

    This would strip away the power of politicians and bureaucrats to grant special favors. If a politician can't grant you special favors, why would you donate millions of dollars?
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  • Posted by PamelaValemont 9 years, 5 months ago
    Hi Judge Andrew,
    Thank you for being here. Can you please answer this one. For the life of me I cannot understand how that farce of a trial can continue in Arizona. Juan Martinez, Horn and Flores are clearly complicit or one of them has acted singly, to destroy evidence highly suspected of being child porn on Travis Alexander's computer. In my mind, and that of countless others, this would have swayed the jury to reach a different verdict to that of Premeditated murder. The sentencing trial is continuing with a non-sequestered jury, without regard to the fact that simultaneously, Martinez is having to answer to what is tantamount to prosecutorial misconduct at a trial within a trial. The jury are theoretically supposed to know nothing about the other inquiry that is continuing without their presence. How can Judge Stephens allow this state of affairs to continue? In my opinion, Judge Sherry Stephens is a laughing stock around the world. I am Australian, so if I am missing some point of law, please enlighten me. Thank you Pamela Valemont
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  • Posted by ObjectiveAnalyst 9 years, 5 months ago
    From another contributor to my previous thread:
    Is the multi-state compact to award all electoral votes to the winner of the popular vote, regardless of the individual state's vote, Constitutional or not?
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  • Posted by aliz007 9 years, 5 months ago

    I have a question. Tell me why this is allowed to happen in the USA. A 54 year old retired Air Force homeless man was beaten to death by 6 police officers in Santa Barbara CA. He was witness to police misconduct - a cop putting a gun in my face and calling me a "sand nigger."

    I detained the police officer and called the police to get him. the police report says I reported a stolen bike. It was something. They beat him to death for sleeping at a park during day time when he had no place to go. Criminals and poor committing crimes is one thing, but when cops do it and they get away with it, it is far more serious. It is a bigger threat to our nation then anything else.

    I am going to like the phone history of the cop asking for more money to murder me. (?) He is still a cop. No action was taken by the DA office for crimes committed upon me and the homeless vets they murdered.

    By the way, I spent half my life in the US military. All I did was help the homeless and stand up for what is right. I did not respond well towards white power terrorist threats by people wearing badges. The end result was I was placed in jail for 100 days, beaten, and starved by police. I then had to fight for my life against white gang members. They would not give me medical attention even after I was stabbed. It got so bad, white power groups apologized to me.

    Eventually I was ordered to leave the state of California without a proper charge or trial. I lost my jobs, my home, my everything. I was homeless for a year eating out of trash cans before my family in Jersey found me and helped me. I am putting my life back together. However, that is the USA justice system where lives of poor and non-whites do not matter. I did nothing worngful to deserve that. Some proof: http://i.imgur.com/LZ5F6XI.jpg
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  • Posted by crystalquartz 9 years, 4 months ago
    I just typed up this letter to the judge, that I was going to send. But, all the spirits and honest dead guys are yelling in my ear; "don't do it, don't do it!

    Because honesty sucks and being a criminal rules.

    So my dead family told me to go to bed and shut the heck up.
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    Posted by ggiavelli 9 years, 5 months ago
    How do we stop the government from issuing over 700,000 H-1B visas a year during an economic great depression?
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