Star Citizen Nearing $63 Million, Chris Roberts Hopeful for $100 Million - GameSpot

Posted by $ nickursis 9 years, 6 months ago to Entertainment
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Proof that something can survive on it's own merits. (Full disclosure: I am a backer and also have a few ships).

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  • Posted by $ 9 years, 6 months ago in reply to this comment.
    Well, that is the approach that seems to work best, but you really need to have an in depth commitment to a physical reality, vice a computer simulation, but keep thinkin, there has to be a way.
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  • Posted by $ 9 years, 6 months ago in reply to this comment.
    OA, nope, not gonna happen. Part of it is the whole philosophy was to produce a game that pushes the boundaries of current PC ability. Ships that in other games may be 100K Polygons are 900K and up. The detail is fantastic, and consoles are too limited, in addition, there are distinct differences in how they have to run the software, there are several threads needed to run it, as it has an actual physics engine so that the movement of everything is based on actual calculations of mass, vector and energy. The persistant universe will be a dynamic environment mapped out as an actual universe, which required a change to 64 bit physics and video generation. They are actually creating several new layers of software never before used in a game to make it realistic. Someday, maybe a scaled down version will appear but I doubt it, CR is devoted to the PC platform.
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  • Posted by ObjectiveAnalyst 9 years, 6 months ago
    Hello nickursis,
    Impressive! I am not a really big gamer, but that looks like the kind of game I would enjoy. Do you think it may eventually be ported over to consoles?
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  • Posted by freedomforall 9 years, 6 months ago in reply to this comment.
    jbrenner and I have some ideas (and I am sure others do, too) about 'premiums' that could be offered for those who assist in initial funding. That would not give the person a permanent piece of Atlantis; they would be able to decide later if the developing Atlantis meets their needs for a more substantial participation and residency. By that time they would have received the premium and visited if interested.
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  • Posted by $ 9 years, 6 months ago in reply to this comment.
    Oh, yep, it would have to be a very good game, CR spent 2 years and a bunch of his own money laying out the framework, and building the initial modeling. there are several good videos on YT of his initial pitch. I don't think Atlantis is susceptible to CF, since you actually get something back for what you put in and you determine the value. Atlantis would need to have specific value and that would be in the actual living there. Of course, there is the exmples of some of the smaller SA countries where they made retirement there a positive, Costa Rica comes to mind, but you would need to have some sort of security structure that would give folks the sense of security missing everywhere else.
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