A Piece of Randian Philosophy in Real Terms

Posted by $ nickursis 9 years, 6 months ago to Philosophy
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While it may seem trivial (after all it is ONLY a game) the story of Chris Roberts and his dream of making the ultimate space sim reality is a fitting example of how things could really work in an unregulated, free society. They started with a small KickStarter (just as AS3) and in a few days had zoomed past their goal of $2 million. Along the way they have created over 100 well payng jobs, created a long term stability for the game, and have 650,000 "citizens" who have paid upwards of 40.00 to get in the game. In return, they have openly exhibited their work, their thought process, debated with the backers (who pay 120 or 240 a year to help support the game) and citizens as to what ships will be there, how they are designed and built, and the overall layout of the game. It will create a working universe you can explore, play, fight, or trade in, much like EVEOnline tried to do, and has applied the lessons learned from their attempt at the same thing. I like to think this is what a Randian world could be like, true value for value exchange. All the people involved knew what was being offered, and agreed to pay for it, and a whole little world has grown up around it. Star Citizen is THE most successful crowd funding effort ever (62 million so far, averages about 50-100K/day), and they are creating some new novel ways of using software, real physics and making the game work world wide. It is a truley impressive effort at what someone can do when they have a dream and it is shared by others who see value in what they are doing. A helluva better investment than the government....

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