Hi. My name is Pascale Simonin

Posted by PASCALE 9 years, 6 months ago to The Gulch: Introductions
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I'm very happy to have landed in the Gulch. I discovered it through a dear US friend of mine. I am not finished yet (Atlas Shrug) but I already love it and am very curious of reading it to the end. I must admit that it already started to change my mind about "capitalism".
I am French and contributing to building a MLM in Europe. I am a "value oriented" person, and even a "heart" oriented one. I think Ayn Rand has many things to teach me I will teach others (if convinced lol). This whole affair looks to me like a brain washing, but I am aware of it, while I was not aware of the initial brain washing !!! Let us say, Ayn Rand's concepts are washing the wash away !
Thanks for accepting me in your community.

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