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    Posted by JanelleFila 9 years, 7 months ago
    My brother is a stay at home dad. I stayed home with my son for most of his younger years and it was a financial struggle, but I didn't want someone else raising him. It makes me mad when people tell me how "lucky" I am to have such a well-behaved son. As if my parenting style didn't have anything to do with it.
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    • Posted by $ blarman 9 years, 7 months ago
      Amen and +1000.

      My mother-in-law (all kids out of the house) went into teaching Kindergarten. She could tell in the first couple of days which kids had "grown up" in daycare vs which ones were raised by a stay-at-home parent. And it was no wonder to her which ones were better students - both academically or behaviorally.

      The thing that was most frustrating to her (she taught at a charter/challenge school) was that of all the parents who would complain, they were the ones with the worst kids. And why would they complain? Because they would blame the teachers and the schools for their childrens' poor performance and behavior.
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  • Posted by wiggys 9 years, 7 months ago
    i had an uncle who stopped drinking socially. i asked why since he was not a big drinker. he told me he found he was conversing with drunks and didn't want to one of them. i heard a man speaking about his father who stopped using his hearing aids and when asked why he said all it did was make the BS louder. today it is obvious that it is time to tune out 0.b. he is a product of the government school system where the students were never taught to think, which he proves about himself each and every time he opens his mouth. his audience unfortunately is made up of people who are also products of the same government school system and also have never learned to think. each and every generation starting in the mid 1960's has been taught by people who haven't learned to think and of course it has perpetuated itself. he is to dumb to acknowledge that he is wrong even when blacks in his audience walk out on him, so what we have is not an ignorant individual serving as president but a stupid individual.
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  • Posted by salta 9 years, 7 months ago
    Personally, I think the suggestion this is about "controlling" the kid's minds misses the simpler and more basic motivation. Governments benefit from an increased GDP because of higher tax revenue. So they will want both parents working, not just one. Two taxpayers per family unit means more revenue, as well as revenue from the childcare industry. They have to milk that taxpayer cow. Having mentally balanced kids does nothing for next years tax revenue. Parents think long term, not governments.
    The drive for high GDP shows up everywhere, in any brand of economic stimulus, and its also why governments directly benefit from fighting wars. They really have no interest whether the economy is stronger (ie. robust and healthy) as long as its bigger. That's their only measure.
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  • Posted by Temlakos 9 years, 7 months ago
    Meaning, not a choice the collectivists want Americans to make.

    What they really mean is: they want the parents to hand the children over to them. To a government school. And not to worry about it, there's nothing to see in that classroom, move on. Officer Barbrady becomes a school headmaster.
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  • Posted by Technocracy 9 years, 7 months ago
    Considering how many kids are born into single parent households, that is about the only way to get them into the work force rather than being on welfare.

    Not that there are jobs for them, even if they took that option.
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