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  • Posted by richrobinson 9 years, 7 months ago
    I think this is the list

    Spending more money improves education.

    Government spending stimulates the economy.

    Republican candidates always have a big spending advantage over Democrats.

    Raising the minimum wage helps the poor.

    Global warming is causing increasingly violent weather.

    Genetically modified food is dangerous.

    Voter ID laws suppress minority turnout.

    ObamaCare is gaining popularity.

    The Keystone XL pipeline would increase oil spills.

    Women are paid 77 cents on the dollar compared with men.

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    • Posted by richrobinson 9 years, 7 months ago
      The only one I have a problem with is GMO's. I don't trust genetically altered foods probably because I don't trust most of the companies involved.
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      • Posted by 9 years, 7 months ago
        I do not like some of the tactics of big pharma, but there is excellent work being down out there: golden rice for one. K-State paper: It is scary at the end, I think the word "harminization" is used alot and WTO in the same sentence. I did not read the paper yet, but it seems to be a balanced take on the issue
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        • Posted by richrobinson 9 years, 7 months ago
          I remember when the benefits of soy were being written about a few years back Monsanto developed a genetically altered soybean plant. the soybeans were larger and the plant was resistant to Roundup. The growers would aerial spray the fields 3 times a year to kill weeds. That just sounds unsafe.
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  • Posted by CircuitGuy 9 years, 7 months ago
    They're real myths that are mostly false:

    1. Spending more money improves education.
    Education costs money, but spending more does not mean you're getting more quality.
    2. Government spending stimulates the economy.
    Borrowing stimulates the economy. It's better if the borrowing come from tax cuts since people spend money more wisely than the gov't and it's hard to shut down a gov't spending program once it starts.
    3. Republican candidates always have a big spending advantage over Democrats.
    I have no idea which party generally spends more, but I thought they were close to tied.
    4. Raising the minimum wage helps the poor.
    It probably helps a few individual poor people, but it doesn't help anyone as a group.
    5. Global warming is causing increasingly violent weather.
    The media often repeat this claim uncritically. There's no scientific evidence, as far as I know, to support this. Global warming is a serious potentially very expensive problem, but you can't blame specific weather events on it.
    6. Genetically modified food is dangerous.
    We should always be open to new evidence, but there's no evidence that GMOs are a health risk.
    7. Voter ID laws suppress minority turnout.
    I've heard this one a lot. I like to think they suppress voting among people who are not that knowledgeable, which would be a good thing IMHO.
    8. ObamaCare is gaining popularity.
    I don't follow its popularity. I think people love the part where it provides care for people ineligible for insurance and for the poor, but they don't like the part where you have to pay for that.
    9. The Keystone XL pipeline would increase oil spills.
    People know we have to get off oil b/c it will eventually run out and it's a grave threat to the environment. At some point we'll find alternatives. Leftwingers want that to happen sooner rather than later, so they make up facts to discourage more production and hasten the development of alternatives. Conservatives want the market to take care of it and make up facts to deny the problems.
    10. Women are paid 77 cents on the dollar compared with men.
    I thought this was was absolutely true b/c women are more likely to choose to leave the workforce. The liberal line I find most annoying is when people say people *should not* earn less for leaving the workforce. That implies that people who stay in the workforce aren't learning new things and getting better; experience on the job doesn't matter.
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