Here we go... again

Posted by MattFranke 10 years, 7 months ago to News
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Well, well. This has all the makings of another media blitz against guns. An "anti-government extremist" with a gun, taking the first shots at the TSA. The timing on this is simply impeccable , because it will help draw some attention away from all Barry's other problems. One more thing that they can have some political theatrics over. One more situation that, surely must lead us to believe that we need them to keep us safe. This has the potential to turn into a big mess. The "war on terror" was a bait-and-switch from the beginning . It is now the people who are the enemy. This will only lead to an expansion of the powers of Homeland inSecurity, which will only cause more back-lash, which will require larger government, for our protection of course.
Assuming that this isn't some sort of staged incident, this may be a very significant moment in the course of this countries future. Could those be the next shots heard around the world? Or is this guy just a wing-nut loon like they say? What do you think??

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