The World’s 10 Biggest Energy Gluttons

Posted by LionelHutz 9 years, 10 months ago to Economics
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I'm not posting this because I'm an environmentalist or because I want to label any particular country as a "glutton". I am posting this because I think there has been a lot of propaganda put out such that the average American is conditioned into a guilt trip believing they are living in the country that is consuming most of the world's energy resources. Read the article to learn something interesting. Then...go here:
Using what you have learned in the article I just presented, look at the bar graph in article 2. Anything look odd to you? Now look at the raw data table on article 2. This is how people are being "taught" the facts.

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  • Posted by Lucky 9 years, 9 months ago
    Good point, some use more energy than others. So?
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    • Posted by 9 years, 9 months ago
      According to article 1, which country per capita uses the most energy?
      According to article 2's bar graph, which country per capita uses the most energy?
      Does article 2's data table agree with article 2's bar graph?
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      • Posted by Lucky 9 years, 9 months ago
        LH- Agreed, the two sources do not give the same message. Anyway, the thing that gets me is the pejorative tone about using energy- using energy is Bad.
        There are many studies showing energy use correlating well with standard of living. I would expect energy use per capita to correlate with economic freedom and political freedom as well.
        Looking around I found this comment on a link-
        ".. the European Union has enough shale gas reserves to free the bloc from reliance on Russian energy for .. .. nearly the next 30 years."
        Like Keystone, Bakken, and a long list of good projects, European shale has to overcome the irrationality of the environmental green movement.
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