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  • Posted by straightlinelogic 9 years, 7 months ago
    She was right on WWI, which created the conditions for WWII, which essentially did deliver about a third of the world's population into communism. We got virtually nothing from either war, unless you count our inert nuclear arsenal from WWII, which cost trillions and has never been used. Pat Buchanan and Richard Maybury have both written extensively about the world wars, and both make strong cases that US participation yielded no benefits to the US and cost us a great deal of blood and money. In other words, both were exercises in altruism, as are our forays into the Middle East.
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  • Posted by CircuitGuy 9 years, 7 months ago
    I don't know enough about history to know. I might have been opposed to entering a war beyond defending the US, but with historical perspective Nazi Germany just seems so bad that we would have had to fight them eventually one way or the other.
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    • Posted by $ 9 years, 7 months ago
      Why do you believe that the Nazi Germans could be a threat? Do you believe that socialism is effective, efficient, and efficacious? Do you believe that bugles and drums can rally people to work hard and work smart; and that they will sacrifice their own happiness for the good of future generations without selfish cheating or social loafing? Do you accept the muscle-mystic premise that possession of resources makes you strong?
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      • Posted by ddardick24 9 years, 7 months ago
        I agree that, initially, the Nazi's were a threat to Europe and Africa alone. However, the Nazi's were definitely pursuing the acquisition of nuclear weapons, something that would have made the USA vulnerable and endangered. You do not need armies of sacrificial animals to deliver a nuclear weapon, only a few brainwashed scientists with a gun to their heads. German rocket technology was becoming advanced enough to fire from European bases and hit American cities (New York in particular), but the war prevented them from developing both nuclear weapons and long range ballistic missiles. If the USA had not combated this evil, numerous American lives would have been at risk. Perhaps this entire scenario would not have been possible without the blunder of WW1, but the fact remains that WW1 created the Nazi regime and we were at serious risk leaving them to conquer the world. Additionally, it was not us that declared war on the Nazi's; Hitler declared war on the US on Dec. 10, 1941 I believe. Fighting Japan was obviously justifiable: we were attacked on our own soil, and retaliation was absolutely necessary. Hitler declared war on us, and to avoid confronting him in Europe would open up possibilities of American civilian losses in the future. To say that the Nazi's were not a threat simply because socialism does not work is not a valid argument. Were the Soviets not a threat in the Cuban Missile Crisis because they were socialist? Did you really think they were any less likely than the West to unleash nuclear devastation on millions of innocent individuals? Millions of lives were destroyed by both of these socialist nations in not just their own countries, but around the world. Rash military action in a nuclear age will destroy the world, regardless if it is a monarch, a chairman, a General, or a President turning the key. Maybe the Germans were of no threat to us in WWI, but they sure were in WW2, as well as the Italians, the Japanese, and the Soviets.
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        • Posted by $ 9 years, 7 months ago
          David, you believe many common claims that Ayn Rand questioned as deeply as she challenged the ethical and political assumptions of her time. Objectivism teaches that no contradictions exist in reality. If you find a contradiction in what you "know" to be true, then one or both assumptions must be false. That is a truth from logic. It is not something that Ayn Rand just made up.

          So, applying that to this case, the theory says that muscle-mystics cannot be as efficacious as free people -- granted that a looter can act first, harm others, gain loot, and look successful. With no contradiction possible between theory and practice (logic and reality), it is not surprising that the Nazis _ABANDONED_ their nuclear fission project. First, almost all of the physicists capable of the work had fled and come to America. Those left behind - Heisenberg, Meitner, some others - were (a) insufficient to do the work and (b) not willing to work with a gun to their head and (c) further marginalized by the Nazi government (Meitner was Jewish).,

          As for the Cold War, the USSR only gained anything that the USA delivered to them, from trucks to the atomic bomb. Ultimately, it is not true that the USSR had hundreds of missiles ready to launch. The First Gulf War showed how inept they were at building such advanced weaponry. Very few Scud missiles came close to their targets. Many disintegrated in flight. That was because so many USSR technicians were so drunk for so long while on the job. That was the case - is the case - in the history of the USSR: some few might be ideologically motivated, but most just escaped internally from a horrible, inhumane system. They could not feed themselves. Fighting World War Three was unfathomable. Maybe, they could have invaded 100 km into western Europe on the first thrust. Maybe France would have surrendered (of course). But, agains the USA, they did not have a chance.

          Your claim that Italy was a threat to the USA is completely groundless. Can you provide any substantiation? Italy could not even conquer Greece without help from Germany. They did conquer Ethiopia. They were stalemated in their engagements in Spain during that civil war.

          This is controversial, even here, but Japan did not attack the USA "on our own soil." The Philippines and Hawaii were distant colonies. You grew up with non-stop jet aircraft; so you think that Hawaii and the Philippines are close. They were not. And they were not our soil. The USA took over the Kingdom of Hawaii no less than if it had been the Kingdom of Denmark. The Philippines were war booty no less that if we had taken the Congo from Belgium. More to the point, the USA had sent its own mercenaries into China, the Flying Tigers, to fight against Japan. The USA declared de facto war on Japan first. After all, we had the New Deal. Roosevelt was just an American form of socialism or fascism; and we know that those lead to war; and we know why.

          Just because someone declares war on you does not mean that is a credible threat. Germany had only a sparse navy and no aircraft carriers. They were not coming here. (Read about the Graf Spee and the Bismarck.)

          Friedrich Steinhoff commanded the U-boot that was supposed to fire a rocket at New York City. It was a joke. They were serious, just incompetent. That myth of German efficiency might apply if it came from IG Farben or Daimler-Benz or Carl Zeiss, but the Nazi state was so self-destructive that nothing they tried worked. The tests at Peenemuende for the U-boot rocket _failed_.

          You accept the easy claims that the USSR could have faced down the USA over the Cuban Missile Crisis and engaged in a nuclear war. Why did they did not? Was it because Khrushchev "came to his senses" while Kennedy remained a "madman"? In 1960, the NATO alliance allowed the USA to put missiles in Turkey that could strike the USSR. When the USSR sought parity via Cuban bases, the USA said no. Russia backed down. Again, was it because Khrushchev was a true humanitarian who would not sacrifice millions of innocent lives? Or was it because the USSR's threat was a bluff, which the USA called?

          Here's a bonus question: why did the Nazi Germans not invade Switzerland?
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      • Posted by CircuitGuy 9 years, 7 months ago
        They went from being defeated to being a world power, and they were evil. I don't know if that's just biased view, but they seem very scary. Maybe they would have imploded on their own, but I buy the propaganda that they were strong and evil.
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        • Posted by $ 9 years, 7 months ago
          I agree that the Nazi Germans were a threat and a danger and a serious harm to the Czechs, Danes, and others. The took back the Rheinland from France. They had game ... but they were still in the same position as the USSR which took Estonia, Lithuania, and Latvia, and half of Poland, but were stopped by Finland. Indeed, the Swiss stopped the Germans. I can post a link or a copy of a famous speech by a Swiss general: when you run out of ammunition, use your bayonet and do not believe any order from the capital city to surrender. The Germans did not even try to take on Switzerland.
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  • Posted by $ 9 years, 7 months ago
    "Ayn Rand was closely associated with NBI during its existence. In the early 1960s NBI Book Service sold _Perpetual War for Perpetual Peace_, an anthology edited by Harry Elmer Barnes and published by Caxton Press, a division of Caxton Printers. Subtitled “a critical examination of the foreign policy of Franklin Delano Roosevelt and its aftermath,” the book argues that participation in the war was unnecessary and indeed bad for America." -- from the article above.
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