ParkerVision - key invention stolen by Qualcomm, then had Obama and Chinese make $ off of it

Posted by $ jbrenner 2 weeks, 3 days ago to Technology
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Inventor and CEO of ParkerVision Jeff Parker was on the Glenn Beck show today (1/30/2025) talking about how Qualcomm stole his IP, then used influence with Obama and Holder to get away with it. Then he saw his invention show up on Huawei phones.

This could have been the inspiration of the Hank Rangar novels by dbhalling and khalling, two of the early Gulchers that I haven't seen here in years.

EXCLUSIVE: Did the Obama Admin Help China Steal Our Tech?!
https://www.glennbeck.com/st/podcast 1/30/2025

Best of the Program | Guests: Rep. Chip Roy & Jeff Parker | 1/30/25 starting at 17 minutes and 20 seconds
SOURCE URL: https://www.theblaze.com/news/exclusive-evidence-in-new-case-suggests-obama-admin-colluded-with-big-tech-to-steal-invention-which-led-to-chinese-dominance

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  • Posted by diessos 2 weeks, 1 day ago
    Obama said he admired China. Remember the Mao ornament on their first White House Chirstmas tree. Screwing US companies and workers. The decline of the US started with him and continues to this day. The first election of Trump was the last gasp of a dying country. The second election is its death rattle. IMHO
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  • Posted by mccannon01 2 weeks, 1 day ago
    Aha, dear Watson, a clue! This could be where some of the loot came from for Obummer to pick up some great real estate on Martha's Vineyard and Hawaii. With AG Holder as wingman, what's to stop him? Just sayin'...
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