"Behind the ostensible government sits enthroned an invisible government owing no allegiance and acknowledging no responsibility to the people ."

Posted by freedomforall 1 week, 5 days ago to Government
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"A claim for equality of material position can be met only by a government with totalitarian powers – Friedrich August von Hayek

If there is one quote that thoroughly explains the outcome of the recent presidential election in the US, it is this classic by von Hayek. I believe that above all else, people voted against the seemingly inexorable rise of the administrative state and the centralized control and high cost such a rise engenders.

While more than half the country is happy with the outcome, moving away from the stability of the all-powerful state will come with tremendous cost starting with the capital markets. I believe our political transition will be accompanied by a serious bout of deflation, not only in the stock market but also in the credit markets.

Yet if the US is successful in transitioning towards a more decentralized power structure, with the attendant increase in bureaucratic efficiency, the US will take a dramatic leap past the rest of the world in terms of wealth and power. No country on earth will be able to vie with a lean, competitive United States.

There is nothing inevitable about this; success depends on reducing the power of an extremely powerful federal bureaucracy which has been building since the New Deal. I don’t know if it’s possible."
SOURCE URL: https://geovestadvisors.com/after-the-harvest-iiI/

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