Russia and China Are Facts of Life

Posted by straightlinelogic 2 weeks, 6 days ago to Government
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America’s experiment with ever-expanding government exercising ever-increasing coercive control over not just Americans but the rest of the world has been a disaster. Its exponentially mounting debt spells the end of both imperial delusions and domestic subjugation. Annexing additional territory and coopting resources won’t restore a preeminence that is already gone. America once minded its own business and its citizens were free to mind their own. It was the beginning of the end of preeminence when its government started minding everybody’s business.

America’s cream of the crop can compete with anybody else’s when they’re free to do so. Geographically, Russia and China are at the heart of Mackinder’s Heartland and they’re not going anywhere. Neither are their governments, regardless of Tonya Harding strategies to engineer internal collapse and regime change. The Trump administration can either adjust to or fight that reality. And it can either get out of the way and allow Americans to compete again, or it can kill what’s left of competitiveness with the spurious “kindness” of tariffs, Stargate, and the rest of the crony collectivist nonsense peddled by Trump’s many newfound friends.

This is an excerpt. Please click the above link for the complete article.

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