Nullius in Verba

Posted by $ SpiritWoman 1 week, 2 days ago to Science
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This became the motto of the Royal Society of London, the distinguished scientific and mathematical institution formed in England in the mid-17th century. It means: On no one's authority but my own.

This is the very foundation of science and experiment, and it is the most significant concept in human thought. Galileo fought for this when he was called before the Pope and the Inquisition, in 1633.

The Pope was chagrined, not that Galileo hypothesized the helio-centric system of the known universe, rather than the Aristotelian-Ptolemaic system, but that he claimed to have proven it. (Which he had.). He finally recanted when he was threatened with the charge of atheism, when in fact, he was very religious. His dialogue on the Two Sciences demonstrates this.

He never claimed to be 'the first'. He claimed to have proven it.

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