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  • Posted by DrZarkov 1 week, 4 days ago
    The new AG candidate is Pam Bondi, former Florida AG. She's well qualified (a fact that made a lot of MSNBC heads explode), with a strong conservative record on immigrant eviction and crime busting. Equally important, she's a very trusted Trump supporter. It makes me suspicious that Gaetz might have been a sacrificial stalking horse to set up the Bondi selection as a deal that's hard to refuse.
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    • Posted by RimCountry 1 week, 2 days ago
      I might be a little late to the party on this, but I've been doing a deeper dive on Ms. Bondi... seems she was very involved in permitting the railroading of George Zimmerman in the Trayvon Martin case... caved to pressure from the BLM-type activists. Basically destroyed Zimmerman’s life, and he still hasn’t recovered to this day.

      There’s also a little matter just hanging out there involving the Deep State… seems there’s an election law violation that was never fully pursued involving a large cash contribution DJT made to Bondi’s re-election campaign during the time when his charities were being investigated down there in Florida. When Bondi won, the investigations by the state were dropped. The Feds could still at any time pick up were the state left off. Leverage. Bondi could be seen as “compromised” or in other words, safe.

      She said herself that she doesn’t intend to “gut” Justice, rather wants to “change the culture”. Sounds like a lot of new posters in the lunchroom to me.

      Just sayin’… Gaetz would have gone in for the kill, and they all knew it. Bondi… methinks they know she won’t… including DJT.

      We’ll see… if both Dems and RINOs gladly confirm, ain’t no sunshine, and nothing gonna change at Justice.

      EDIT: By the way, asking for the resignation of all 93 USAs and replacing them is SOP for all incoming administrations of the opposite party. It's the other 115,000 careerists who need culling.
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  • Posted by mccannon01 1 week, 5 days ago
    Too bad. He should have fought it out in spite of the time it would have taken. The Biden DOJ already went after him and failed to take him out by scurrilous sex charges. Gaetz was hated by many on both sides of the aisle for his straight forward demeanor, meaning he may not have been accepted in any case. I suspect something else afoot here, but this move will only make the wag tongues declare victory and sully him even more. Trump still needs someone to shake the DOJ tree until all the rotten fruit falls out.
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    • Posted by $ 1 week, 5 days ago
      I don't know. As AG he would be filleted and demagogued as a villainous hit man. We can find someone harder to villainize. I don't want everything the AG does (e.g. firing half the FBI) to be viewed as Brownshirtting.
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      • Posted by mccannon01 1 week, 5 days ago
        Don't know who downvoted you here, but I bumped you back up. ANY Trump appointee will be vilified and, in fact, it's already begun and nobody has been sworn in yet, including Trump. Viewed as Brownshirting? Hah, I expect that will be the least of it and you can throw in name-your-phobe, bigot, racist and a host of other wag tongue smears, sneers, and lies. Trumps people have to ignore the noise and go for the DS/Marxist jugular, clean house, and tumble their house of poisonous cards while delivering copious slaps to the fake news MSMM. It's more than a culture war and the stakes are high for the USA.
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        • Posted by $ 1 week, 4 days ago
          Yes, it will be entertaining. I hope Trump can get things done with all the lawsuits CA, NY, NJ and MA will file.

          Who knows who the little, silent hiding downvotes are? Cowards are everywhere.
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          • Posted by mccannon01 1 week, 4 days ago
            Finally got back to this thread. You said earlier, "We can find someone harder to villainize." Holy smokes, Pam Bondi may be "The One", so you may have hit pay dirt here. Almost as if the Trump team planned it this way. I figure she's a shoe-in for confirmation and may or may not walk softly, but she's a big stick. The wag tongues are already choking.

            Edit add: After posting this I completed reading other posts here and it looks like others are noticing the same thing.
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    • Posted by $ SpiritWoman 1 week, 5 days ago
      I suspect something else is afoot too, mc. In fact I suspect he was offered by Trump as a red herring, sort of.

      This happens in politics, especially where a candidate is to be voted in. The initial 'offering' is one that is NOT wanted to win.
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  • Posted by NealS 1 week, 4 days ago
    Trumo got a better one (Pam) all right, better for the right, but a total disaster for the left, even more so than Gaetz. How would it be possible to vet out the perfect person that actually knows and does the job?
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  • Posted by jimslag 1 week, 4 days ago
    The weird things is that some of those Republican Senators (I use that term lightly) who were against Gaetz, voted to confirm Garland as the current AG.
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  • Posted by $ jbrenner 1 week, 3 days ago
    Pam Bondi was an excellent AG here in Florida. I wanted her in this role. Ashley Moody has been an excellent replacement for her; she likely will be DeSantis' choice to replace Lil' Marco (Rubio) as senator.
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